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to be clear [visitor] - Printable Version

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to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-07-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]

It was so damn hot.

But a little birdie had told him about the locations of everyone. But so far all he saw was some ruins. Would anyone bother inhabiting the desert? Really now? There must be something better than that here.

The brute yawned, his long tail waved up and down by him. Now where would he go? This was boring. Really.


Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-07-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a golden serpent would watch the tiger with a tired yet reserved look, coiled up within the sands, covered and basking in the heat they provided. that is, until the tiger came close to the border. issuing a warning rumble, the dragon would stand, shaking off the sand that littered their body and mane.

"you tread close to the territory of the rosebloods, sir. is there something that I may help you with?" they ask, perhaps a little too primly, more on edge than they normally were. there had been a loss that had hit them hard, and they still felt it. it made them irritable, and more prone to snap out of hunger and exhaustion. not a reason to treat a guest poorly, but they were in low spirits and perhaps one of their own would be enough to soothe them and their anger barely hidden under the surface.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-07-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: you have any tips on what groups are the most active? I know his persona would fit in most with The Pitt but I already have Kydobi there and they'd clash too much if you know what I mean.]

Large and grand. Almost enough to mirror the tiger's own greatness. Oh who was he kidding? He nearly laughed at that idea. With a smile on his maw the tiger looked at the dragon.

"Eh. Just looking around. Trying to see where I belong and all that bullshit."

Cocky yes. But stupid? No. Far from a fool. Mama didn't raise him to be jester. So he would not kid and poke the dragon. Not like he was a threat. More like a hassle. But the tiger was sure he could take him on and with good reason.

Kanga shuffled his paws, "Very damn hot here though."

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Cosmic - 05-08-2019

Luckily for Bai Shi, the alabaster feline was making her rounds of the territory, and was quick to spot the newcomer so close to trespassing. A tiger. With her small size, she didn’t think she would be able to take him on should a fight occur, and hoped violence wasn’t necessary.

Fika Blomgren took up a seat next to the Pharaoh, giving him a nod in greetings before turning her gaze to the unknown figure before them. Bai Shi had already taken care of the questions normally asked of strangers to the Rosebloods, and she noted how irritated he seemed. She hoped her presence would calm him down a bit, and her slimy tails moved in the way a gentle wave would upon the ocean.

Hej.” Would be the only thing she’d say, her voice soft and calming.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-08-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


elysium is pretty active rn,, lots of responses. I mean, I'm trying to get rb active again from falling (but I know you've got honey there) //
(it's rare to actually play an emotionally worked up bai shi lmao -- don't mind their aggression)

perhaps the dragon would relax to the slightest degree, cold blue eyes watching his every movement before fika's arrival drew their irritated gaze and their body went fluid from its rigid posing.

"fika." they sighed in grateful greeting, their head twisting back to the territory. reluctant. "well, it is rather a pain in the ass to be out here, but change comes on swift winds. fika, if you would do the talking?", they respond before their tone changed. something was off with the dragon, and it would not go over well if they were to be instigated, such a thing that the male before them had noticed.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Cosmic - 05-08-2019

Of course, Bai Shi.” Fika would not object to speaking with the tiger, especially with how strange the golden dragon had been acting now. Irritation did not fit Bai Shi’s personality traits from what she knew of the Pharaoh.

She would then wait for the tiger’s response.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-08-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: I actually wanted Honey to be in rb but I figured Elysium would be best. I might saddle Kanga here for a bit and then have honey eventually come over this way and then put Kanga with the pirates or whatever. Thing about him is that if he finds a group weak enough he'll leave his current for a chance at power :/ thing is no groups are really weak... O.o I think]

He would watch the exchange between the two occur. The tiger couldn't help but notice the drastic contrast in sizes. A small white kitten to speak for the big lizard. He held in a snort. The dragon seemed pressed but the brute could at least pick up that it wasn't because of him.

"I am Kanga. You all are?"


Re: to be clear [visitor] - Cosmic - 05-08-2019

I am Fika Blomgren, Vizier here. This is Bai Shi, our Pharaoh. He is the leader of this place, with me as second-in-command.

She dare not flaunt her role, but rather took it very seriously and held herself as a respectable creature. She knew the tiger could very well have her as a snack, but also had faith that Bai Shi would intervene should anything happen.

What would you like to know about the Rosebloods, Kanga?

Re: to be clear [visitor] - teef - 05-08-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


fair fair, kade is here too if she wants a familiar face lol -- I'll open a private with kydobi soon. omg it sounded like my wall growled like an angry big feline (is sweating bullets now) //

the dragon gave a low rumble as fika introduced them, dipping their head in greeting, "you may stay with us if you so please." they allowed.

Re: to be clear [visitor] - Tanga - 05-08-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: HAHA in all honesty he'll probably hit on Kade so HARD. "hey baby stripes get me feeling a type of way". I've never played a completely shitty character like him. He is really misogynist and possessive and cocky and rude and just an all around assholel :/ so yea i'm warning y'all fragile masculinity ahead. And cool! I can't wait. The pitt been kinda slow. And when I get bored with a whole lot of muse, I make characters (i have a problem)]

she's a cute little thing though, he wondered if she was as soft as she looked. So clean. He inhaled deeply. But too small. She couldn't really carry his children now could she? His mind drifted to a wild fantasy, physically impossible to occur without one getting injured.

When she spoke he wasn't really listening. Vizier though? How could a small woman like that get such a role? Humorous indeed. He smiled at the thought but directed it so one could think it was for Fika.

And so here came what he wished to know. Just who was in charge. The dragon of course! Size mattered here. Or so he would shallowly think. Perhaps he should get on going? This place seemed secure enough? But there was always more information.

And the dragon told him he could bunk if he wished.

"I think I just may." really if this little white cloud was second in command how hard would it be to impress the dragon enough to rise up in rank?

"Hmm... What are the people like here? Any important traditions? Unspoken rules?", any females? Really now. That was a main goal. Sleep with a girl. Get out his urges and move on. Maybe have a litter or two. It'd be interesting to see what his offspring looked like. He never saw any of them be born. Or even stayed long enough for their mother to show she was pregnant. There was a possibility none of the women even catched! But really that was a stretch, men like him tend to be rather potent.