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IN COLD BLOOD | JOINING - Printable Version

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(Its been a hot minute)

No one would be able to understand exactly how conflicted he was with how everything was coming out to be in his life. It was extremely difficult for him to figure out what his purpose in life was supposed to be without involving the likes of his horrible family. He had to keep searching because if he didn't he knew that he would just drive himself insane. He had been down that road before and had no reason to travel down that path again as he had managed to get a glimpse of the light before it was snuffed out again. Killua realized what it was like to have friends and have someone that he could actually depend on. It brought an entirely new aspect to life for Killua, having only ever had a friend that would eventually die from his claws. Hell, he could even say that he may have even crafted a small family for himself at some point. Now? He had no idea where any of those people were and if he would ever see them again. It saddened his heart significantly, and he just wanted to be happy. His family constantly made sure to come back at the worst times to remind him that he was basically their property to be used how they saw fit. With someone of his strength and his developing age, he wasn't about to take that sitting down. He had made a name for himself in this area long ago. He had once been considered a deputy, close to leading a group of his own although that wasn't his intention as he saw no point in dealing with ranks with the clan. Killua at one point even believed the clans to be nothing but stupid and a waste of time to join and work for in the long run. He avoided them for the most part if he did join a group, making sure that he wouldn't get too close to those that existed in the clans. It was only when he looked deeper into the meaning of what a clan was that he finally saw what he had been missing his entire life.

Maybe there was still a chance for him to have a little bit of a childhood that wasn't soaked in the blood of innocent lives. Killua's heart ached at the thought of the bonds that he had managed to create and now all of them were gone. Snowbound was gone from what he figured out, and that meant both London and Stark were missing. He hoped that they were still alive and well, as he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if anything happened to them. Especially London, as Stark was more than capable of defending himself compared to the albino snow leopard. There were a couple of other faces that he was interested in figuring out if they were still around or not, such as Melantha, the cougar that at the same time pissed him off but somewhat considered to be a friend at the same time. He would never openly admit to saying that, but still. The albino serval had to take a small detour the last time he had been in Snowbound. The last time he had been around, his brother had attacked him and Argus, leaving him reduced to nothing but a bloody pulp. At least he had his claws instead of having them ripped out compared to last time when he and his brother saw each other for the first time in months. He had his time to recover, albeit a lonely and boring time that he had to admit. Killua avoided the groups out of the fact that his family knew about the area and could easily search for him there. Having nowhere else to turn though, he was going to take the risks and figure out exactly where the hell he was and hopefully get some answers. There had been some distinct changes that he noticed, the biggest one being that Snowbound no longer existed, and instead was reduced to ruins.

It looked as if the place had been burned to the ground. The site of his former home left a hefty weight on his shoulders and the distinct feeling of guilt. With one of his pets no longer tailing him, Killua didn't have to worry about his family right now. They were always in the back of his mind when it came to his thoughts, but right now he needed to focus on himself if he was going to get back to feeling whole again. The albino wildcat had managed to catch the scent of a nearby group and thought that he might as well investigate. The assassin leaped from tree to tree until he arrived at the border, which also seemed like it acted like the tree line as well. There didn't seem to be all that many trees and instead more mountainous terrain. It made him feel strange to be around a mountain again. Memories that he wished that he could snuff out once and for all, but those memories were important for him to see how far he has come. If only Tama was here to see what he was now. Killua didn't really seem to bother hiding in the barren tree that he was laying in, his limbs hanging off the branch lazily. There were distinct patches of fur missing from his right arm as if they had been ripped off to reveal the heavy scar tissue underneath. Killua had a neutral expression spread across his face as he raised one of his paws conjuring up a lollipop, and from there he plopped the candy into his mouth. This time around he wasn't starving himself and seemed to have a healthy weight on his body. He flicked one of his large rounded ears as his air elementals kept any scent from escaping his form, so the only way to be able to sense him was through a power or by sight. If no one approached him in a certain span of time he would be quick to speak out to try and get someone's attention. His metal claws gleamed dangerously in the sunlight as he laid his head down on the branch he was laying out. Despite his relaxed form, he was listening for anything that would be heading his direction.
no affiliation -- warrior -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: IN COLD BLOOD | JOINING - Warringkingdoms - 05-07-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]it's the man, the myth, the legend

  What was a childhood but a social construct?

  Okay, that was probably just pseudo-intellectual hogwash, something she'd noticed herself slipping into more and more often. Still, she had to wonder what exactly defined "childhood." Was it specifically the time period between being born and reaching warrior age, or was it whatever you experienced up to the point that you lost your innocence, or something else entirely? None of those were pleasant to think about.

  That, too, brought into question the idea of "maturity." She could act mature, evidently, since she'd been offered high positions before. She could take responsibility for the things she did. Yet, she still occasionally struggled with the delusion that life was meant to be fair (definitely not true), and the idea that maybe her friends and family would never want to see her again was unpalatable. Adults, or at least the examples of adults she'd learned about as a child, could deal with life not being fair and with being abandoned.

  Not that it mattered at this point. She had a job to do.

  That job didn't technically involve patrolling for Elysium, but while the wound on her leg was healing she might as well do something useful. She had planned to seek out some herbs to top off the group's stock, while also keeping an eye out for strangers. Sure enough, she happened to catch a small glimpse of white fur in the trees, and approached to see a serval lying on one of the branches.

  Glancing up at the stranger, Rin twitched her ears. The hairless patches on his limbs could not have contrasted more with the lollipop stick poking out from his mouth. Come to think of it... he seemed almost familiar, but she couldn't tell from where. Maybe he just reminded her of all the other servals she'd known, as there were quite a few.

  "Hello," she said, with a flick of her tail. "What are you here for?" Maybe he was a joiner, maybe he was a messenger- he didn't seem to give off much of a scent, strangely enough, so she couldn't tell quite yet.

Re: IN COLD BLOOD | JOINING - beatae - 05-07-2019

with the summer beginning to roll around, lilja was intent on increasing her knowledge in botany. she was unfamiliar with the plantlife in mountainsides and her curiosity kept her adventuring around the territory. the direwolf so far had a small collection in her makeshift napsack. some bunches dwarf mountain laurel, mountain sweet box and rocky mountain columbine. she had read that red moss was common along the rainier sides of mountains and had ventured there as her last trip for the day. she trudged through red and purple mountain flowers, careful not to disturb their growth before noticing a strange glare interrupting her vision every few moments.

lilja began to look around in a bit of confusion, sniffing the air but no scents catching her attention.

aisteach... something in her told her to look up, so she did. almost comically did she then notice killua there above her.

"déithe! you sure know how to hide." she tried to hide her embarressment of shock, giggling nervously and glancing to warrior. she appeared much less frazzled than the direwolf.


Re: IN COLD BLOOD | JOINING - arcy - 05-07-2019

trying to hold the wind
Moomin was ... naive. Even now, almost an adult(but not quite), he was unaware of the cruelty of the world in some ways. Ninny had been one of his first looks at such a thing. It couldn't be considered wholly his fault. Moomin was nothing if not sheltered, his winter escape being the first time he'd ever had anything to do with the outside world on his own. And, well, that hadn't exactly turned out well. His chest feels like it's suffocating him every time he goes somewhere on his own. He didn't exactly know his way around yet -- the idea of getting lost again, and being alone, was terrifying. But even Moomin can't deny his nature, and the urge to go exploring or adventuring.
Moomin finds himself automatically gravitating towards the familiar sounds of people. Eyes wide, he perks up, tail giving a nervous little sweep. Unused to the terrain, Moomin's pawsteps are clunky as he stumbles over. And, unperceptive as he is, he first glances at his clanmates to see what they're looking at before looking up to see the serval in the tree. Moomin's ears prick, and his tail gives a sweep as he grins.
"Hello!" Moomin says in that childish voice of his, falling back to seat himself, gaze still fixed on the stranger. "What's it like up there?" He asks, partly out of genuine curiosity, partly just to say something. Last time Moomin was up a tree, he fell. That wasn't great. He was a little big for trees, anyways, so he hadn't bothered trying ever since then.
elysium - polar bear - 2 years


(Oh man has his reputation actually gone that far? Hello everyone!)

There were usually countless reactions one could have at his presence. Most of them usually didn't end up coming to anything good thanks to the methods that he liked to employ when it came to introducing himself. No matter how hard he might try, there was nothing he could do about the strategies that he had learned while he was an assassin. More of the fact that he couldn't forget about them as they were drilled into his body through means of physical and mental torture when he was younger. For the times that he spent in the groups like this one, he noticed the majority didn't appreciate him trying to sneak around even though he didn't really attempt to do so most of the time. The element that allowed him to be so silent was his air elementals, and that was the only power that he had acquired almost immediately after his birth. It was one of the reasons he was such an amazing assassin, some may even consider himself to be a prodigy. Not that he wanted to go down that road anymore and instead wanted to live a life for himself instead. The wildcat had many different ideas for what he wanted to do and where he wanted to go, but he wasn't exactly sure if he should do it in the first place. There were plenty of dangers that he had come across over the years, and the family that he had created was gone and there was nothing he could do about it. This created a pit in his stomach that he needed to be filled, but he wasn't about to start going around begging for someone to give him attention, that would be too hurtful to his pride.

He was deputy to so many different places he had almost lost count, and so he had the experience to back up most of his claims at least. The albino serval was used to being regarded with nothing but anger and fury. There were always those that were aggressive from the very start and Killua would always come to tease those to see if he could actually make them snap. Since he had lived in these groups, he had yet to lose a fight with anyone, and as he grew physically his skills became even more honed. He also didn't train with anyone and did everything he could to hide the powers that he had too. He didn't know which creatures could eventually leave the group that he was in and go to the enemy where they could give them details about the powers that he did have and use it against him. Killua was paranoid in that regard, but if he wanted to keep his track record he needed to. He had yet to fight against a dragon in this area before, but he had killed a dragon before so he doubted that it would be that much of a struggle. His body size didn't really give an accurate measurement of his strength, as he pretended to be weaker than he actually was so that other's would slip up during battle and he could take them out easily. Killua always enjoyed a challenge, but nothing was made more joyous to watch as a cocky idiot that had claimed themselves to be so high and might between his claws gagging on their own blood. He enjoyed dropping certain egos down a peg every once and a while. One may even consider it to be a hobby.

Swirling the lollipop in his mouth, he started to close his eyes. The massive ears that were on top of the serval's head were doing their job in listening to anything that would be around him. Of course, if there was someone that utilized air elementals as he did, he wouldn't be able to hear them that easily. Any strange movement of wind, however, would give him an indication that something was amiss. While he was laying there, his ears moved suddenly in the same direction as he heard pawsteps that were heading his direction. The assassin didn't raise his head immediately to the presence until the creature below him actually spoke out. He opened one of his eyes and looked down at the domestic cat that was on the ground. Killua didn't seem to say anything immediately as he looked at the cat, and something tickled in the back of his mind. He now knew that his brother had messed with his memories at some point, and there were some aspects that he would never remember. The other creature looked familiar, but he couldn't think of a name. Using his paw and his metal claws carefully, he removed the half-eaten lollipop from his mouth so that he could speak a little bit more clearly. "You look familiar". The assassin bluntly stated, before letting another small span of silence spread between him and the domestic cat. "I was hoping you would be able to tell me what this place is. The observatory up there reminds me of the Ascendants, but the Ascendants had a different scent so I don't think that you are the Ascendants. I'm looking for a place to stay." Killua said as he began to ramble a little bit, thinking through what he was saying while he was saying it. The albino serval did recognize a couple of the features here and there that were familiar but he couldn't quite pinpoint it. "I was Snowbound's second in command at some point if that helps with anything." Killua stated with a shrug of his shoulders. He could care less about ranks, as they were just titles for one to hold. They meant nothing to him. Hearing a sudden shout, however, his attention immediately turned to look down below the tree to see a canine instead. A fairly large one at that.

From the look on the other's body, he guessed their body was from the direwolf side of the canine family. He had read extensively on many different species, including endangered and extinct in case any of his targets had those kinds of bodies in a fight as this world had many strange creatures. Considering the female's reaction, he gathered that if he was an enemy she would have been in significant trouble had he actually wanted to harm her. The energy that the direwolf seemed to leak though reminded him of one of his friends, and slightly of Amorette. Killua plopped his lollipop back in his mouth and let a chuckle escape his maw at the other's comical reaction. "I take that as a compliment. What's that language you just used?" Killua questioned in a curious manner. Someone his age was always curious about something as they grew up. He knew Japanese and English, but that was about it. The large saucer ears turn in the direction of something large that was heading their way. Killua turned his head a neutral expression spread across his facial features as he watched a bear making their way over toward them. A... polar bear. This was the first time he had actually seen a polar bear in the flesh and not in the pictures of a book. That was certainly strange to see a polar bear on the likes of a mountain rather than sea ice. But, he wasn't really one to talk as he was a serval that should not be living in the kind of environment that he was in. Killua watched the other's clunky pawsteps toward them and figured that the guy wasn't used to the area that they were in. Although, he could be wrong and could be reading into it too much. The question that the bear offered him took him slightly by surprise. Considering the polar bear's size, he couldn't really get a good idea of how old the creature was as he didn't know the different life stages of a polar bear through its life. The guy seemed to act somewhat like a child. Killua made a 'hm' sound as his gaze traveled over the branch that he was on before looking back at the bear. "Comfy and secure I guess would be the words to describe it." Killua said with a small shrug of his shoulders. Having the higher ground and be elevated gave him a unique vantage point, and allowed him to have a quicker reaction time if someone were to try and jump to get him down.
no affiliation -- warrior -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: IN COLD BLOOD | JOINING - fae . - 05-07-2019

Fae was one of those childhood not-havers - that was an inelegant way to put it, but it was true. Her formative time, the time spent with her parents, was mostly spent being punished for lying. She would always steal food, since she was a hungry child, not really caring for the people who she got it from - after all, if they got a fish or a piece of candy once, they could get it again. Especially since she always needed it more than them. When she was accused accused she would always shrug it off and play the little crybaby, as she saw other children do. But then people started catching on. There were witnesses, and she started being locked up in her room. It was more of a jail cell than anything else, eventually. Things only got worse from there, but... well, she wasn't there anymore, she was here. She hadn't been here for long, but she was here, and that is what mattered most.

She had decided to spend some time familiarizing herself with the terrain, since she was going to be spending some time here. Preferably a long time, but you never knew when people could start thinking - realizing, rather -  she was awful, and she would have to run. She saw the big wolf Lilja, and the Other (whose name she hadn't gotten still), and some big white beast she didn't know about, and naturally, she was intrigued. So she followed them, and when she saw the weird cat that was just sitting in a tree, her interest piqued.
"Hello there!" The pastel pink femme called out, sliding to sit down next to the Other. Despite not knowing her name, she was still the first person she had met in this place, so she trusted her more than the other two. Especially that huge beast - it looked like something out of a fairy tale. Beasts could wait, though, she was far more interested in the cat man in the tree. "I'm Fae! It's nice to meet you, Mr. Tree Cat!" She had overheard his region questions, so, as a bit of a blabbermouth, she decided she had been here for long enough (all of 12 hours) and could answer his questions. "This is Elysium! I don't know about all those other places, because I've only been here for a little bit, but Elysium is really nice! You can stay here for as long as you want - that's what they told me, anyways." The last bit was said with a little gesture of the head towards the others there, most of which had been at her joining, all of which nice people - except for the big white dog thing, which was probably nice since the nice people were around it, but she couldn't be sure. Anyways. Wowee, what a place. The fancy name of it really did make sense, because she was here for only a few minutes, in her mind, and she was already seeing such interesting things.

Re: IN COLD BLOOD | JOINING - Honey - 05-08-2019

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong -

What was all the hoot and hollering about? Quickly the knobby and clumsy wild dog would bound over excited. Being really new she had yet to meet everyone within the group. But everyone seemed to be in awe of a big white cat.

"Hiya! I'm Honey! Nice t'meetcha!" she said smiling. Her introduction was loud and directed to everyone. A big radiant look on the child's face. Naturally the gabby pup was drawn to Fae.

"Hello!" she said with her tail wagging.

Re: IN COLD BLOOD | JOINING - beatae - 05-08-2019

as others began to file in through, one after the other, lilja began to slide closer to the tree to give some room. she couldn't help but perk her ears up at the mention of two other clans. they sounded familiar. when she had been asking about elysium to outsiders before officially joining, she definitely heard of the ascendents through there. "i believe they merged together to form elysium, before my time living here. you could probably ask tena or straw for more information, though. i believe they've been here the longest."

there was a slight pause before noticing the next question was directed to her. "oh! it's gaelic, my mother-tongue. i do speak fluent english, though. well, sometimes." in times of stress she often forgot english words and tried replacing them in gaelic, making her beastiary quite... inconsistent.



Killua had traveled a lot since he was younger, not really staying to one place more than others. When he was working with his family before he was even considered apprentice age with the clans, he would go to where his jobs needed him to go and get payment from there. His family was usually well known in certain areas, but if an area was far away from his family they were less likely to be known. Killua liked it that way though, but despite that, he absolutely refused to mention his last name to anyone that he came across. There were only a handful of those that he knew that actually knew about his past and exactly why it was bad to get too close to him, such as London, Stark, Circusclown, just to name a few. He held those names close to his heart, especially Circusclown as the older male had been the one to help him out in the journey of finding who he really wanted to be and help him to adjust to clan life. Luckily, Killua was a fairly quick learner, which was one of the major reasons for living as long as he did despite how toxic his family was. From the very beginning, he was forced to remain strong for his families sake, especially during the horrible training that he was forced to endure. He doubted that anyone from the clans that he had lived in for short periods of time would be capable of going through the torture that he went through when he was younger. From being tortured physically, having his bones broken over and over again so when they were broken in the future he would be able to work through the pain and still fight.

Being able to dislocate certain limbs in a fight to give him the advantage if he was in a bad spot was another skill that he had been taught when he was younger. The poison torture was probably the worst form of torture that he was forced to go through. That being he was forced to ingest poison, to the point where he would beg his brother to simply kill him to end his misery. He had lost count of how many times he had seen his own flesh slowly begin to rot away from the affected area. Eventually, he became numb to it all, and it was then that he was able to go on missions himself. The groups that usually paid his family the most were actually the clans. In the beginning, he regarded any clan as being extremely barbaric and a waste of time. The security measures that they had in place were basically nothing and they were far too trusting of one another. They barely ever trained themselves on top of that, so he considered all of them to be weak fighters. If he counted right, he had been in 4 different clans. He killed clan leaders as if they were just flesh stuck in between his claws, barely worth the effort. He caused chaos for the clans that he sheltered in because they were losing members as soon as he joined but he was so good at his job that no one suspected that it was him either. Killua was far from what any child could possibly be, but there were still aspects of him that remained childlike, such as his curiosity. He was no longer someone that could be hired to kill someone, but that didn't mean he was against the aspect of killing either. He wasn't merciful.

His ears seemed to swivel in the direction of any approaching movement, as soon his brilliant sapphire gaze turned to look at a domestic cat with an interesting color pattern. It wasn't that he was surprised, he had seen many strange combinations. He even knew a maine coon that was covered with green colors and had wings. He wondered if Izuku was still alive. The female just seemed to be a simple domestic cat, by reading her body language he could see that she was avoiding the polar bear. He didn't blame her, as smaller animals were more known to become skittish around larger animals and want to run away in fear. It was basic instincts after all. Having grown up with dragons, tigers, and cougars, Killua had little to fear with larger predators. When the domestic cat spoke, the serval couldn't help but let a little snort at the other's nickname for him. It reminded him of Mel calling him 'candy boy' all the time. Killua rolled his eyes at her remark but didn't respond as he wasn't given a chance to as she was quick listing off information that he needed. Elysium huh? Not a bad name. The environment still reminded him of Snowbound, which tugged at his heart slightly at the thought of the first place that he considered to be home. The assassin rolled his shoulders before finally speaking again. "Elysium huh? So far it seems like a decent place. Much better than the Typhoon I would say. Looks like I'll be staying here for a little bit." Killua stated in a casual remark. During the entire interaction with the Elysium members, Killua avoided saying his name and greeting other's back properly. No one seemed to really notice though, and he was fine with that. The albino serval soon heard the pitter patter of tiny paws making their way toward him. Turning his head, he noticed a young animal, an African wild dog to be specific.

Another species that was known to live in areas like savannahs and some areas that could have trees in that environment. It was interesting to see a similar species in a place like this one. The kid was obviously younger than he was, even if he was still regarded as a kid which he hated being called one. He couldn't help but let a small grin spread across his facial features at the canine as she was quick to introduce herself. Honey. He would remember her name and the appearance for future reference. "Yo. How are you not freezing your paws off up here?" Killua questioned with a small snicker. He was honestly just making conversation with the canine. Considering the anatomy of an African wild dog, they were more accustomed to warmer weather. So, to be up in the mountains may end up being uncomfortable for Honey, at least if she was born in a regular environment. It was entirely possible that she had simply become acclimated to this new environment that she found herself in. Killua began to get up onto his paws, closely his jaw tightly to crunch at the candy in his mouth. Once he finished swallowing the hard candy, the lollipop stick seemed to disappear as he conjured the object away from where he was at. He wasn't against showing at least some of his powers to those that were around him at least. As he was getting up, the direwolf would be the one that would speak next, and he directed his gaze toward her. Killua raised a nonexistent eyebrow at the female's words of Ascendants merging to form this new clan that he found himself in. That would make sense as the observatory was still here. Was Bastille still around then? He barely remembered the guy and never really interacted with him all that much.

He had no idea who Tena or Straw were, but they were probably the leaders of the group. "Sounds like they weren't doing so hot if the only option was to merge with another group." Killua stated in what sounded to be disappointment. He thought that the Ascendants was one of the stronger groups but he may have guessed wrong. How long had he been away? A good while, so there were numerous reasons as to why they could have merged. After that, the assassin would let himself drop down from his branch. As soon as he landed, it would be easy to notice that he made no noise as he made contact with the ground. Killua kept an obvious and comfortable distance between him and everyone else. When the other responded to his question, he didn't show surprise with the language she spoke of. He knew the names of many different languages over the studies he had done with his family. That didn't mean he knew how to speak the languages, he just knew they existed. Gaelic was one of the more rare languages that he had read about, or at least in these parts they were rare. "Gaelic huh? That's pretty cool." Killua would comment with a small shrug of his shoulders. He looked around his surroundings once again before looking at the rest of the group. The entire time his long metal claws had been unsheathed, as it wasn't common for him to trust those that he just met. "Does anyone happen to know what other clans or groups are around? Last time I was here, Typhoon and Tanglewood existed." Killua stated as he tried to figure out what had changed since the last time he was here.
no affiliation -- warrior -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: