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hey daddy-o // p, frederick - Printable Version

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hey daddy-o // p, frederick - guts - 04-27-2018

Charlie had been an odd child. He was just as quiet and anti-social as he was back then, though it was more-so out of shyness than anything else. He didn't have many friends, so he usually stayed at home, playing with whatever he had at his disposal. Often times, when he wasn't kicking a ball against the metal fence in their backyard, he would play with the bugs he'd find. He even addressed the ants and snails like they were his friend. He'd always whine whenever his father would crush one when he found him playing with it.

He tried not to think about his childhood as a whole, but as he watched ants scurry in and out of their home in the ground, he couldn't help remembering those times. It was slightly embarrassing how little he had changed, still as alone as ever. He wasn't the outgoing type, never was, but even people that were as much of a loner as him had a few close friends.

The male's lips dripped with cigarette smoke as he dropped the butt onto the ground, stamping it out with the toe of his shoe. As he did so, he accidentally disturbed the ants' nest, the small bugs quickly crowding around his foot. But he didn't pay them any mind as he walked away from leaning against the brick wall. He had come to shop, since he was running low on supplies back at home. He had a small house on the outer borders and so he was a while away from any major civilization, nor did he have a farm of his own, unlike many people who lived in the country.

The streets weren't as crowded as usual. Considering the recent break-apart, he wasn't too surprised. He was almost a little relieved, knowing how he was often jostled whenever he came to town, but now it was different. He didn't feel claustrophobic like he usually did.



Re: hey daddy-o // p, frederick - Orion - 05-06-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"]THE FEAR OF FALLING APART
Childhood wasn't necessarily interesting to Frederick. Hell, did he really care. Compared to now though, things were rather simple. Technology reigned throughout the world and nothing like the global warming problem started to pop up until his teenage years. Now there was a vast break-down on the technology that surrounded them. There was little to no power grid left, but that made everything so simple. Truthfully, he enjoyed it. Nothing was touch-and-go these days. Things were prolonged. Though, that made wars with Blackfall much harder, as they could not possess a single gun. Many without powers had to run in with swords a-blazing. Thankfully, there had been little tension since the split, seeing that Blackfall hadn't even settled in properly. Though, soon, Frederick would have to strike at their weakest moment. Not now though. Things had to wait.

In the meantime, Frederick had been wandering and connecting with the citizens, along with building an army. From Mordecai to Katherine, they were all preparing for a much bigger war than expected. Though, communicating was the first step to even beginning to rile his citizens onto his cause. Thus, connecting was a positive. Charlie seemed to be his next step. Being an influential teenager, along with a self-destructive smoker unafraid of the consequences, reflected well within the war effort. At least he thought so.

The sovereign roamed the streets, eyes catching on Charlie as he stamped out the cigarette. He grabbed his white tee and tugged it downwards to seem slightly presentable then trudged over with his black jeans rubbing up against one another. Frederick wasn't one for looks. Plus, the attention being drawn to him wasn't always too positive. "Looks like you've got yourself busy, sir," came his deep voice as he stopped before Charlie with a smirk. A single brow rose inquisitively. "Care to share your thoughts?" Knowing the opinions of the youth was a key part to his and the country's future.

//My dearest apologies for being so late. I've been busy for a week or two with state testing, my own plans, and things like that.

Re: hey daddy-o // p, frederick - Orion - 06-04-2018

bump, unless he's dropped???