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it tells you nothing -- trying to make a quiver - Printable Version

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it tells you nothing -- trying to make a quiver - Warringkingdoms - 05-07-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin had known someone, a long time ago, who could knit sweaters.

  She hadn't paid much attention to the craft at the time, and she was beginning to wish she had. Though she might still have forgotten even if she did learn back then, it was yet another part of her old life she wished she had savored- or, even better, protected.

  Still, she might be able to earn it back. That was the one thought keeping her going, that maybe she could fix some small part of the damage she had caused.

  Before her lay some scraps of cloth, some thread, and a sewing needle that she had collected from the observatory. If she could patch it all together, then wrap it up and sew it together into a bag, it would make a decent quiver. That was, of course, assuming she could figure out how.

  Taking a deep breath and activating her telekinesis, she cautiously lifted the needle into the air, not wanting to apply too much force and send it flying. No one was around right now, but she still didn't want to risk skewering some unfortunate passersby. Pointing it at two overlapping pieces of cloth, she moved the needle towards it, then attempted to poke through both pieces.

  The needle did indeed poke through both of the pieces of cloth, but the force applied was too much, and it tore the cloth in the process- skewering itself and the fabric into the ground. Rin furrowed her brows and walked over to the needle, then yanked it out of the ground and set it down. Precision in archery, when you wanted to kill whatever it was you were aiming at, was one thing; precision in creating something, when you did not wish to destroy, was entirely another.

  This was going to take a while, unless someone else had more experience with sewing. Glancing up, Rin asked, "Does anyone know how to sew?"

Re: it tells you nothing -- trying to make a quiver - beatae - 05-07-2019

being the oldest daughter to four siblings lilja often played as a pseudo-mother for them as raziel was absent. perhaps not so much as art... though she did like caring for the triplets mostly. in that time she had learned valuable skills such as communication, patience, and creativity to prevent boredom. gods know how often they would wander off because they were bored. sewing was one of the skills that lilja had picked up on briefly when trying to build shelters or 'forts' as they liked to call them. stringing weeds and stems with sticks together and creating little huts for all three of them.

the same could be applied to a needle and thread, right? hopefully.

"i may know a little. what are you having trouble with?" lilja's tone was soft as she came toward the girl, seeing the frustration in her expression. "is it balancing the needle, or counting the stitches?"


Re: it tells you nothing -- trying to make a quiver - arcy - 05-07-2019

trying to hold the wind
Lately, Moomin has been finding himself somewhat distressed by how little he'd tried to learn from his mother. He wasn't all that self sufficient -- he'd never seen the point in learning, since he didn't have any plans of moving out any time soon. Sewing, however, was another story -- it was just another skill he'd picked up with help, for whatever odd plan he'd had for the day. It was probably an odd skill for somebody like Moomin to perform, which mostly meant that Moomin was massive, with big, sharp paws and -- well, he just didn't seem like he could be delicate, or handle such small things, that was all. Moomin, however, had long since perfected the art, and probably would struggle to be rough to save his life.
"Oh! Oh! I know!" Hearing the call, Moomin scrabbles over. His tail is waving enthusiastically, desperate to be of help. However, he falters as he realizes somebody else is offering. Moomin isn't a very good teacher. He struggles to put things into words properly, and he could sometimes get a little frustrated. Instead, he forces himself to settle, and lumbers over to look down at the speared cloth with wide eyes. "What're you trying to make?" He asks, regarding the piece of cloth with curiosity. It didn't look like anything, yet. But that was honestly be be expected.
elysium - polar bear - 2 years

Re: it tells you nothing -- trying to make a quiver - Warringkingdoms - 05-09-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The first person arrived quickly- Lilja. Turning to glance at her, Rin offered her a nod. When Lilja asked about which part she was having trouble with, though, she raised a brow. Neither of those sounded at all familiar to her. ...Come to think of it, were the skills used in writing applicable at all here? Even then, though, she usually just wrote with her claws, or used a quill between the teeth. Neither of those would be very useful for sewing.

  The next to arrive was Moomin, if she recalled correctly. He seemed very confident that he knew how, so between him and Lilja they could almost definitely help. "...Both," Rin answered finally to Lilja. Then, to Moomin, she added, "I'm trying to make a quiver to carry my arrows around." A quiver was just a bag, really, so it shouldn't be too complicated for the three of them if two of them knew how to sew.


Re: it tells you nothing -- trying to make a quiver - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-09-2019

Killua had numerous set of skills when it came to what he was capable of. His family had plenty of times to think about what they would need to train their son in so that he wouldn't end up getting injured in the future. But, if he did get injured, that he would be able to take care of himself if need be. Killua had few skills that he didn't use on a daily basis or didn't use for a large majority of the time. He was his own provider, and this allowed him to be independent of those around him. He didn't need anyone's help, and if he did, it usually meant that he had no choice in the matter. The wildcat was slowly beginning to accept the assistance from those that he knew, but wouldn't accept the assistance from a stranger no matter how nice they seemed to be. Those that were usually nice had ulterior motives and wanted to get something out of being nice to another creature. Since he was constantly paranoid all of the time, it meant that he was constantly training and figuring out how to make himself stronger. He was even his own medic, as whenever he had wounds he would refuse the help of those around him and patch himself up. Killua didn't use the same methods that the clanners did and didn't really bother to deal with the likes of herbs. At a very young age, Killua was forced to learn the anatomy of almost every animal in existence. He was more than capable of dealing with serious injuries unless he couldn't physically move his body. Which has happened before, but it was such a long time ago Killua preferred not to really think about it. His brother had made it so that no matter what he did he wouldn't have been able to heal himself and dumped him at the clan border that he visited the most. It was a shock to see those that he didn't really consider to be all that important healing him, despite him meaning nothing to them but another clanner that sometimes would arrive at their borders if he became bored.

He owed them his life that was for damn sure. Killua usually used gauze and stitches to heal himself whenever he was injured. Killua wasn't dumb enough to move around recklessly with an injury and constantly made sure the wound was clean so that it didn't get infected. Similar to Rin, Killua also used to know someone that knit sweaters. Did he have any idea where that guy was now? Not exactly. Killua remembered hating the guy for how weak he was and how open he was with the Typhoon despite the torture that he had gone through from one of their members. Jacob did grow on him as time went by, and Killua thought that maybe he had been a little bit too harsh on the canine as he wasn't the one to know what he was going through. The guy certainly did know how to knit and enjoyed his sweaters. Not that Killua had ever owned them. He did know that London knew how to sew considering that she had made mittens for him in order to keep him from hurting himself when he had his night terrors. He still had them but kept them in a hidden spot until he needed to conjure them up. His large ears were able to hear two familiar voices, voices that he had been quick to commit to memory fairly quickly. The wildcat didn't really have all that much going on for him as he needed to get used to his current environment before going off to other places and see what they were about. As he approached, he noticed some familiar faces, but still didn't know any of their names. It was fine with him honestly, as none of them really knew his name either. The albino serval kept his distance with a lollipop in his mouth as it didn't seem like he would be needed with this task. He had never sewn material before, but he had sewn his own flesh back together here and there over his life. "I mean, I know how to stitch wounds close, but that's probably different." Killua would state with a shrug of his shoulders. His metal claws certainly made it easier to grasp things as his claws were longer than normal claws. He hadn't arrived soon enough to notice the Norwegian cat using telekinesis. His approach had been completely silent thanks to his air elementals, but it wasn't like he was expecting to take anyone by surprise as he approached everyone openly instead of hiding in trees like he usually did. 
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
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