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I came. I saw. I conquered. -- Kanga tags - Printable Version

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I came. I saw. I conquered. -- Kanga tags - Tanga - 05-07-2019


please dont post

Re: I came. I saw. I conquered. -- Kanga tags - Tanga - 05-07-2019

FULL NAME Kanga (cane-guh)
NICKNAMES Kang                                                                     
CLAN/GROUP[b] to be decided
—ranking n/a
5 years
—mental age 4 years, still has that youth need to dominate and control
—aging ratio to the roleplayer's discretion
—pronouns he, him, his, etc
high key an asshole
doesn't care about what happens to his offspring, likes the gratification of "marking" a woman
often ruthless and indifferent to sensitivities of others
takes advantage of his size
exceptional swimmer
superior fighter
very strong
larger than the average tiger, 13 feet long, 4 foot tail, and 790 lbs.
health status -99%
SPECIES[b] Panthera Tigris
—breed Ngandong Tiger
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] large and massive. A force to be reckoned with. Kanga is far from a gentle giant and has little moral structure. He will use his size and strength to his advantage in savage ways if possible.
—smells like wood smoke
—scars torn right ear, lot of little scratches across his face, long scar across his right muzzle over his nose and meeting his left eyebrow
—injuries none
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] confident and dominate. Although he doesn't hold his regally high, he certainly maintains a masculine and alpha prescence. His movements are sure and never does he ever look lost. He makes and maintains eye contact. Almost a haughty feeling around him, cocky. His posture is never poor despite his cranium often being in line with his spine. When he walks in the room you know it.
—posture good
ESTJA-A "Executive" - Chaotic Evil - Slytherin
ambitious - calculating - savage - chauvinist
self-serving - careless - manipulative - spiteful
aggressive - ruthless - indifferent - freedom loving
independent - blunt
—extra notes
- A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him.Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
—interests to be honest he is kind of shallow, nothing deeper to him other than pulling b*tches, punking p*ssies, and pimping princesses (omg forgive me), he rather enjoys fighting and the gratification of the win

HISTORY he wasn't always a tiger. He was initially born a boy and he died before he could become a man. It was a terrible way. He was bullied and beaten and thrown in a river and he was too weak to save himself. He remembers it all. Maybe he feels like he has to compensate for what he let happened to him? Perhaps he is trying to prove he isn't weak.

Either way he remembers his lungs bursting and his final moments in pain. He remembered his human life when he was born a tiger. Part of him feels a little out of place. Part of him will never ever go back to being a man again. He likes his new body. Feels empowered by it. Invigorates. But his mental brain seems stunted forever at that confrontational and impulsive teenage boy mentality.

He spent his time in the normal life of a tiger. He fought his siblings and proved he was strongest. He set out on his own at 1 year of age and never looked back. Besides the tigress wasn't really his mother was she? At least not in his heart and she was never really affectionate despite her obvious favor of him.
ORIENTATION[b] heterosexual
[b]STATUS[b] doors are wide open baby but he ain't a one woman man
—crush crushes? more like goals
—friends open
—family open!
—enemies  no rivals, he considers himself almost godlike, but certainly a lot of people dislike him
start fights - fight back - end fights - will kill
SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] if your character has patience and a good soul they will be able to put up with his assholery and lowkey misogynist behavior
—platonic relationshipsif you're a male then yea it shouldn't be too hard, but he'll see any female as a potential lover.
—romantic relationships hard to be romantic, probably forces himself to not develop feelings. Easy sexual relations. In fact he can't take a hint.
—rivalries he is hard to anger unless you question his masculinity, cause trouble for him, interfere with his plans, or make him feel obligated to prove himself, he'll act brash and do something extreme then
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] very difficult
—physical difficulty very difficult
—mental difficulty  extreme
one thing I am worried about when RPing this type of character is that IC interactions will be short or constantly hostile. I'd love to have someone try and have a conversation without going awry Smile

Re: I came. I saw. I conquered. -- Kanga tags - Tanga - 05-07-2019

The tiger does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep -

[OOC: ]


Re: I came. I saw. I conquered. -- Kanga tags - Tanga - 05-12-2019


click at 2:49- about 2:51 for the best example
