Beasts of Beyond
fatal feelings / introduction - Printable Version

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fatal feelings / introduction - Character Graveyard. - 05-06-2019

It's been a couple of months since she had vanished off the face of the earth, away from Leon. Away from everything. Maybe it was for the best. Ada had a unhealthy habit of pushing those closest to her away, but she didn't consider herself to be heartless. She'd heard rumors. Rumors that the Ascendants was no longer a group, which gave Leon a bigger chance to find her. Anxious thoughts filled her head, concerned feelings made her stomach churn and a longing to see Leon made her heart ache, though her significant other wasn't probably around anymore so she pushed those emotions down.

The black jaguar approached the border, a wary look in her brown irises. She glanced around before taking a seat behind the border, on the unclaimed land. She was having second thoughts about joining, as the edges of the territory were nothing but hot badlands. Of course, she could see the distant jungle, which was a comforting sight.

Silently, she just sat there and watched her surroundings with focused eyes.

Re: fatal feelings / introduction - Kydobi - 05-07-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Lucky for him. Lucky for her. It had been ages since he had seen another of his kind. Ages. But he had never met one with the same pitch pelt as his own. He had always been an outcast in this way in his old kingdom. The black son. The burnt one. Too long in the oven they would say.

But he had always used his shadowy cloak to his advantage.

The scent of kin would catch his attention. And while they were most likely unrelated, the smell of jaguar was a nostalgic one. Molten hues would open and bound down from the tree lining the border. There she was, quickly he would make himself invisible and unseen. His cloak was transparent as he utilized his power of invisibility. A little hastily he would make his way across the border.

A beautiful black speck in a blinding dry sea. He blinked, squinted. Unfortunately his power did not lessen the harsh sun. Before long he was 50 feet from her, be seen now. Kydobi's pelt would be visible from here on out. The last thing he wanted was to spook a possible recruit.

"Hello" he called out, hiding his eagerness well to be in the vicinity of one so similar to him. Pink bounced from his mouth as his body fought to keep cool.

"I am Kydobi," he looked at her, taking in her scent. No she was not from his old home. She would not know he was a bastard and for that he was thankful.

"Come, let's get you to shade. We're burnt enough, no need to roast anymore than we are." he said jokingly although the humor did not reach his eyes. The large brute would turn and look at her, "We'll all be a little more jovial in the sweet shade of the jungle."

Re: fatal feelings / introduction - Crackers - 05-15-2019


We'll all be a little more jovial in the sweet shade of the jungle.?

Well, that was certainly a far cry from the greeting he'd gotten at the border, which had been curt and more akin to an interrogation than anything else. Oh well. Everyone was bound to play favorites sometimes, and it wasn't much like he cared- either way Fourth was a part of this group, and he looked forward to calling it 'home' for a good long while. The hellhound had been keeping to himself since joining, spending his days getting to know the territory and the camp. To his surprise he hadn't really seen to many other Pittians, which was a bit of a disappointment. After all, Fourth was a social monster, and it wasn't in the young hellions nature to be alone for too long. So with that in mind it was really no surprise that he'd eventually taken to wandering along the well-worn trails of the border. He was no stranger to the blazing sun overhead or the scorching sands underfoot, and driven by the prospect of finding someone to socialize with he made quick work of approaching when he finally caught the scent of another and happened upon Kydobi with a strange pantheress out on the border.

"Will we? Then don't mind me if I join in." the massive canine would say as he padded over to join the pair, boldly inviting himself into the situation and nodding a calm greeting to the female. "I'm Fourthwall, by the way. You here to join or something?" he'd ask, tone neutral and a bit curious, not unfriendly. Anything to break the monotony would be nice.


Re: fatal feelings / introduction - Character Graveyard. - 05-25-2019

As a tiny black speck appeared in the distance, Ada found herself narrowing her darkly-colored eyes and she blinked as the figure got closer and closer. The female's muscles slightly tensed, but she did not tense them in a hostile manner. She was only being cautious. Everyone and everything could turn out to be dangerous. Ada turned a wary eye towards the large brute and she heaved a soft sigh. Definitely not a threat. He seemed to be outgoing and friendly, similar to Leon. She flinched, her heart aching a little. She missed Leon so much, but her significant other was nowhere to be found in any group. "That sounds pleasant." The black jaguar responded, with a slow flick of her tail. As she stood, another scent hit her nostrils and she faced the hellhound, attempting to sound as friendly as she possibly could. "Name's Ada Wong, but Ada is fine. And if you'll have me, I'd like to join."