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with fire in her hair [storage] - Printable Version

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with fire in her hair [storage] - Covfee - 05-04-2019

storage as i slowly situate myself <333 its fine to post sksk just no spam pls

Re: with fire in her hair [storage] - Covfee - 07-22-2019

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"][align=center]character ideas

1. A siren, of sorts; faceclaim is along the lines of Jaime Murray and Liv Tyler. Big, graceful, described as having a sort of cruel beauty that's all jagged edges and cool detachment. Refined and well-spoken, carries herself well. Female. Her targets are largely men, although it certainly can -- and doubtlessly will -- expand to women in time. Sees herself as superior, with a god complex and no fantasies about being a "hero". She knows she's bad and revels in it.  Extremely manipulative.

2. Ignorant dragon with a hero-complex. Pyromaniac & blood-thirsty, likes to commit atrocities under the guise of it being a sort of "righteous justice". Leader, not a follower; refuses to be pushed around by others, but at the same time has little to no sense of responsibility and will oft shove her duties onto loved ones. Despite this, she's a romantic at heart; she wishes for family and love, but because of it's incompatibility with her lifestyle she'll never hold down a relationship. Reckless and easy to please because of her vanity. Wants badly to be loved by others, and if you don't adore her completely you're automatically her enemy. No patience.

3. Cool guy. Lean, tall, boyish looks with a smile always on his face. Easy-going, but also impatient, never able to sit down for too long without something to do. Very loyal and not much of a leader. Charismatic and humorous. Downsides are that he's noncommittal, not good with children (at all), has little to no ambition and is highly impulsive. Selfless and stupidly brave.

4. Fluctuates between being a follower and leader, is a "player" but also yearns for a deep emotional connection. An older sister type, absolutely adores kids and will 10/10 steal yo baby. Resident badass, stubborn, forward and athletic. Low-key smart. Has a habit of being too honest, over-aggressive and is sometimes hard to keep up with. Very opinionated. Selfish and doesn't really... take into account other people, if that makes sense.

Re: with fire in her hair [storage] - Covfee - 07-23-2019

[Image: unknown.png?width=458&height=469]

skyrim character. been thinking about opening a shop but uh im kinda Trash