Beasts of Beyond
strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - Printable Version

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strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019

[div style="width: 450px; height: auto; background-color: #7aa2e2; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt; color: COLOR; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; text-align: justify; margin-top: -25px; line-height: 25px;"]I. tags. / i love everybody
II. bio. / because i love you,
III. heartchart. / when you stood up,
IV. timeline & threads. / walked away, barefoot,
V. plot. / and the grass where you lay
VI. art. / left a bed in your shape
VII. icons. / i looked over it
VIII. gifs. / and i ached
IX. playlist. / i dont need the city
X. moodboard. / and i dont need proof
XI. [to include: awards]. / all i need darling is a life in your shape
XII. [to include: oneshot]. / i picture it soft
XIII. [to include: prompts]. / and i ache
© guppy

Re: strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019

[Image: dd5lp9l-78826d04-b314-4759-ba32-2cc54144...OwFQKt4p-0]

[div style="width: 80%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; text color: black; text-align: justify; color: black;"]general. / look at you strawberry blonde
moomin | moom
2 years | apr 12 | ages real time
male | he/him
elysite of the elysium | no titles

appearance. / reach out the car window, trying to hold the wind
polar bear (ref.) | health: 75% | current body
— Moomin is a fairly standard white polar bear. He has pale blue eyes, pointed ears, and a very large, round snout. He has a very round and fluffy shape. His tail is long, though only fluffy at the end.
regular blood/sweat/tears colors | wears flower crowns occasionally | nicks and scrapes. undernourished.

personality. / you tell me you love her, i give you a grin
optimistic, adventurous, loyal.
shy, boyish.
reckless, clingy, blunt.
— description here

relationships. / oh, all i ever wanted was a life in your shape,
pappa x mamma (they dont have names lol) |
demisexual biromantic | single/uninterested |
no friends Smile | best friends w snufkin but he isnt hERE |

interactions. / so i follow the white lines
[all undiscovered] invisibility & health transfer
will not start fights | will not kill | will not torture
[not presently mentoring smone] | unskilled in combat
can powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded #4b6fa8 | mention @/arcy when attacking

notes. / follow the white lines
based on moomintroll from the moomins

[align=center][Image: 2_by_deepsuga_dcvcp02-fullview.png?token...Qv02yIbKl0]

Re: strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019

[div style="width:100%; color:#7aa2e2; text-shadow: 1px 1px #4b6fa8; font-family:georgia; font-size:15px; font-weight: bold; text-align:left;"]✿✿ GENERAL ✿✿
✿ NAME: moomin
unknown name meaning
prefers being called moomin
✿ AGE: 2 years
just barely an adult
born apr 12
ages real time
born at home, in the valley
✿ GROUP: elysium
no titles
✿ GENDER: cisgender male
demisexual biromantic

why did you he choose and stay in this group?
moomin had been lost for months. he doesn't function well on his own, without people surrounding him. they seemed nice enough, so moomin desperately jumped on the chance. thus far, the only reason he's staying is because of his desperation for contact, and his inability to find his way home.
how does he feel about his rank? why did he choose this path?
moomin currently doesn't have an opinion on his rank, due to not being well versed with it, currently. however, if he was, he'd be content where he was. moomin is not ambitious, and would become stressed by the responsibilities. i mean, he's already stressed enough by what he does have to do.
✿ APPEARANCE: Moomin is a small polar bear. His fur is a white-grey, with a blue tint. His paws and front of his snout are somewhat darker than the rest of his fur. His snout is very large and round compared to other polar bears, and his ears are more pointed and more pronounced. His tail is long, and not particularly fluffy, unlike the rest of him, except for the tip. His claws are dull, and his shape is very round and fluffy. He has a few still-healing scars buried under his fur, but they're not noticeable. Despite his species, Moomin does not come off as very threatening at all.
polar bear
783 pounds
3.6 inches tall
has relatively grime-free fur, however, it's otherwise ungroomed, and can stick out in strange directions.
moomin can look a little blank-eyed sometimes, for no particular reason.
moomin's smiles are generally wide and always clearly genuine. carefree, maybe.
it was pretty hard to tell the difference between him and his parents aside from their accessories.
moomin's flower crowns are a comfort object. He likes to make them to distract himself, and it reminds him of home (in a good way)

✿ VOICE CLAIM: mix of 1990s moomin and 2019 moomin (english)
speaks quickly, tends to stumble over his words.
tone of voice almost always sounds cheerful and curious.
he can swear. he just doesn't, usually.
doesn't think about what he says before he says it. uses a simple vocabulary.
✿ PERSONALITY: Moomin is a rather basic character and person. He doesn't keep many secrets, and there isn't a whole lot to him beyond what you'll see under normal circumstances. He's a very cheerful character, and craves adventure and fun activities. He's not very good with responsibilities, but is very determined to do his best. He's optimistic, and always tries to look on the bright side of things, though he always worries and frets about them regardless.
optimistic, adventurous, loyal.
shy, boyish.
reckless, clingy, a little blunt.
hufflepuff, neutral good
takes things upon himself, prone to anxiety.
claustrophobic(to an extent).
gets incredibly anxious about being on his own in unfamiliar places

✿ MORALS: moomin has a fairly loose set of morals. If it involves hurting people, he is firmly against it. However, with a push,
his temperments are [wip]
has a casual-polite sort of etiquitte unless he's feeling pushed.
moomin has a rather good sense of self control. he doesn't always think things through, though.
spontaneous and instinctual
in public, moomin can be somewhat loud and more sociable. He tends to follow the crowd more.
in private, moomin is quieter and more restless.
with friends, moomin tends to be more adventurous, and loves proposing activity ideas. his behavior depends on the person, however.
moomin reacts to loss by withdrawing and going quiet. he isn't quite sure how to take it, so he bottles it up.
(ggg etc)

wakes up very late, or with the birds. rarely any betweens.
generally tries to do something exciting every day, but it depends on the day.
falls asleep quickly. prone to nightmares.
picks up skills pretty quick with help. good at reading moods.
terrible at math and science. not naturally musically talented, at all.
basic understanding of astrology & music. good at linguistics. sewing. art.

✿ MANNERISMS/DEMEANOR: has a clearly naive/innocent sort of vibe, seems very approachable.
strangely graceful for his size, but still rather clumsy.
walks with a bounce in his step OR tries to make himself smaller
clunky fighting style, defensive. does only what it takes to get them off before taking off.
likes to make large gestures, especially with his paws. Like spreading his paws, waving, etc, etc.
✿ RELATIONSHIPS: moomin is very dedicated to the people he cares for. very open.
npc x npc
moomin adores his father, but struggles to communicate with him. fascinated by his adventures.
moomin is a bit of a momma's boy, and loves and trusts her very much.
his best friend is(was) definitely snufkin. constantly longed
his other friends were sniff, snorkmaiden, and possibly little my. doesn't consider anyone here friends yet.
tbh he had a kind of embarrasing crush on spock
moomin takes people as they are, and does not legitimately ask anything of them or ask for them to change, even at his own detriment.
moomin likes(but is not friends with) fika
the most important person in his life was definitely snufkin. presently,, nobody.
moomin's biggest influencer,, continues to be snufkin.
moomin, despite being very prone to crushes, isn't very well versed in relationships. He had one with Snorkmaiden before he got lost, but his feelings had faded for the most part by the time he left (though he hasn't realized)
moomin wouldn't cheat like,, ever,, in his life. rude.


moomin has lived a rather simple life. He grew up very loved. Briefly,  when Moomin was young, his father disappeared to travel, and he and his mother eventually left to find somewhere to live. They met Sniff during their journey, and found the valley where he would live for another two years during a flood. Here, they re-encountered his father, who had stopped traveling and built a house for them all. Later, during one of Moomin's adventures, he encountered his other friends -- Snufkin and Snorkmaiden. Snorkmaiden and her brother moved into the valley with them, while Snufkin came and went. Snufkin and Moomin continued to bond. and. idk man i have to keep reading the books.
Anyways eventually, during his 2nd year there, it became winter. Moomin woke up during the winter while everyone was hibernating, and, lonely, set out for adventure, only to become lost and unable to find his way back. Months later, he found himself in the Elysium's mountains, and jumped on the chance to join.
his hometown was just a valley.
his first memory is of his parents. no, i dont know the specifics.
his happiest childhood memory is of re-meeting his father. Yes.
his overall favorite memory is of one of his adventures with snufkin and/or his friends.
his saddest childhood memory is of his mother starting to cry when asked abt his dad, while traveling :^(
his saddest (most upsetting) overall memory is of the hobgoblin's hat incident. yikes.
his most embarrasing memory is --- (idk. let me think.)
an event/memory that still most affects his life is. idk. everything about home.


Re: strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019


NAME HERE - - - hearts go here!
[color=COLOR]UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

- - - hearts go here!
[color=COLOR]UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

- - - hearts go here!
[color=COLOR]UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

guide for mobile:

Re: strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019

-largely canon compliant history (1990s show). except for the comet.
-will fill out,, eventually
-he wakes up during winter hibternation and, lonely, decides to temporarily leaves the valley
-gets lost :^(
-spends a few months wandering

-joins elysium here [5/4]

Re: strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019

-big wip

Re: strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019

by me:
by candorosa:

Re: strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019

[align=center]ICONS & GIFS
[Image: a.gif][Image: bapy.gif][Image: a.gif][Image: bapy.gif]


Re: strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019


i love it when you look my way

a promise of hope is enough to change

you make the world seem small for a time

lyrics here

lyrics here

lyrics here

Re: strawberry blonde ✿ moomin - arcy - 05-04-2019

[/td] [td]

