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ghost boys ☀ visitor - Printable Version

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ghost boys ☀ visitor - arcy - 04-27-2018

Izuku hadn't actually heard a lot about the Ascendants, beyond the basics -- he knew they were supposedly a passive group, and that a lot of their culture was revolved around the stars. Other than this, Izuku was walking in completely blind -- he wasn't even sure how to handle politics like this in the first place. He wasn't politically savvy or anything, everything he knew was from watching heroes discuss it on tv or whatever. This was entirely different, but Izuku is still at least semi-confident in his ability to do this -- it couldn't be too hard, and it's not like the Ascendants and Snowbound were on bad terms. The chances of things going wrong was slim.
By the time Izuku finally approaches the Ascendant's border, he's growing tired. It'd been a long walk over here, after all, and his only saving grace is possibly how used to traveling Izuku is. All he'd really done before joining Snowbound was travel, and even now Izuku found himself going on long walks out somewhere. At least he'd reached an actual destination this time. So with this, the little maine coon sighs and seats himself on the Ascendant's bored, curling his tail around his paws as he waits. He hopes it doesn't take too long -- there's not much to look at beyond the plains, after all.


Re: ghost boys ☀ visitor - guts - 04-27-2018

Hughes didn't know a whole lot of people in the Ascendants alone, and he wasn't even sure how many other people were out there. He is cautious, especially since he doesn't know what to expect out of this new world. Dying had definitely made him a lot more wary of things. The only person he really trusted here was Roy, which he wasn't sure if he counted since he had known him way before. Either way, he doesn't know a lot of people, and he wouldn't mind getting to know a few.

The scent that hits his nose as he's roaming about the territory is unfamiliar. He's curious, but still careful as he approaches, slightly relieved when he sees that it's only a small cat on the border. Either way, he's still on edge as he comes closer, masking his face with a friendly grin. His tail wags steadily behind him. "Hey. What can I help ya with?" he remains welcoming, taking a seat before the stranger.


Re: ghost boys ☀ visitor - Character Graveyard. - 04-27-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna hadn't known many people when she had joined The Ascendants but she had quickly got an apprentice and friends. A lot of joiners had joined but there hadn't been much visitors. Hopefully that would change in the future.

Noticing Hughes and a stranger by the border- Luna would approach and take a seat, eyeing Izuku with sky-blue eyes. Before she would give out her name, she would see what the stranger needed.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: ghost boys ☀ visitor - Suiteheart - 04-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]A new scent travelled towards her, causing her to pause in her patrol. Suiteheart perked her ears, attempting to hear something, anything. When she heard faint murmurs, she decided that that was where she needed to be. Turning around from the path she was on, the observer padded in the direction of the voice and new smell.

When she arrived on scene, Hughes and Luna were there. And so was... a green cat? Holy shit. That was something wild. She wasn't sure if she'd ever seen something quite like that. Whoa. "Hey there," she greeted, coming to a halt beside Maes.

Re: ghost boys ☀ visitor - arcy - 04-29-2018

Luckily, it doesn't take long for somebody to approach. Unluckily, there are now three people gathered around him to hear what he says. It could be worse, he supposes, because at least he's not saying this to an entire crowd. Izuku wasn't any good with people, especially after the long isolation periods. He didn't even know these people, they weren't allies or anything. His paws are shaking just the slightest, and his posture has tensed. He does his best to relax, though, and takes a few shaky breaths to do just that. It helps at least a little.
"H-Hello," Izuku greets, allowing a nervous grin to slip across his maw. He hopes he doesn't mess this up. Well, everyone seems ... nice enough? He thinks so, at least. "Um, I'm Izuku Midoriya, a tenderfoot from Snowbound" Oh, they probably don't know what ranking tenderfoot was. Why'd he even introduce himself like that? Well, it was a little too late to explain, as he was already going off to explain what he was here for.  "I was, uh, sent to ask if you or your medic would be interested in some sort of ... medic alliance" That was the word Jacob had used, right? Izuku would have been a little better at explaining the whole thing if he weren't so flustered, and maybe if it hadn't seemed so vague to him. Jacob probably had a good idea of what would happen, though, because otherwise this entire thing probably wouldn't have gone this far yet. "B-Basically, a group of healers, from each group, meets in Snowbound about ... once a month, I think it was? A-Anyways, we'd share research and, um, resources and the like," Okay, he got all of that through. Izuku's gaze falls to his paws, even as his tail swishes, simultaneously cheery and very nervous. He hopes he got the idea across well enough -- he got the gist of it, he thinks, but he also could have messed something up somewhere. He really hopes not, especially since there isn't anyone to correct him or anything.
