Beasts of Beyond
FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // june mask vigil - Printable Version

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FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // june mask vigil - Crow Roux - 05-01-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
The skeletal form of Crow perched atop the crumbled cemetery wall poised in expectance and head turned to the sky as the sun could be seen sinking beneath the horizon, the closure to another day, but that day would be far from over for some. A conspicuous bag sat by his feet, its contents threatening to spill to the ground, and an assortment of masks of various origin and appearance poked their faces from their burlap confinement as if to look about at the faces that were soon to gawk at them.

The spectacle about to unfold would be unexpected for most—Crow had made no announcement but spread news they were to rendezvous outside the entrance of the graveyard at sundown for something important. Suspense was on his side, for had he alluded to the event perhaps the turnout would not be as great, but still he was not expecting much. One had to be of the strange variety to take heed to the general’s vague whispers, especially the more accustomed to his oddities they became. The feline was twitchy and volatile, and he found it hard to believe anyone would listen to him after getting to know his behaviours.

The tabby cleared his throat, pacing about atop the cool stone to observe those gathered. "So this is what's 'bout to happen," Crow started, letting his body drop off of the wall to stand on the ground, "is you're all gonna take one of these cloths and tie it somewhere on your body and go out into the cemetery under the full moon here 'n try to last 'til sunrise without gettin' caught. The prize is one of these fancy masks and braggin' rights. We've always worn these to intimidate in raids, so isn't it nice to earn your own special one?"

"R-rules are as goes," he stated, twiddling his paws about. "No maimin' or killin', I'll have to kick you out for that, 'n if me or Arrow takes your cloth, you're out, and you gotta try again next time. Simple, right?"

The last words the feline were said with an impish grin as he took a few steps backward into the wall of the cemetery, his form turning translucent as he began to dissipate into apparent nothingness. "Break a leg," he whispered, then he was gone, moving to position himself to await the approach of his first victim.

Re: FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // may mask vigil - deimos - 05-05-2019

The hell was this? Sam had been sitting outside the graveyard, a cigarette lit and burning inbetween her lips, unamused eyes tracing the others sitting near her. The doe-cat's head was slightly tilted, trying to observe the other- what, animals? people?- trying to get a read on almost all of them. So, when the tabby atop the wall began to speak, her emerald greens slowly turned towards him, her head turning towards him. She dropped the cig on the ground, stamping it out as he began to speak. Her ears flattened as he spoke.

This was it? Still, raids, and those masks.. Sam didn't think masks were cool. Not at all. Nope. Her eyes narrowed the tiniest bit as she stared at them before she sighed heavily, standing up. Her doetail lashed, the lighter underside flaring before she stepped forward, quietly picking up the cloth and sitting on her hind legs. She raised the cloth up, tying it to her right antler's base, right where she could feel the tails of it against her ear.

She looked at the others, and wordlessly, her form disappeared into the cemetery.

Did she know where she was going? Nope. Definitely not. Her paws gently hit the ground, her eyes flicking around, watching on both her left and right. She slipped behind a gravestone, which hit its corner onto another, leaning gravestone. She rested for a moment, her ears perked as she lowered her head, waiting for just a second. She shouldn't stay still too long. She remembered something like this with Tyler- and her heart twisted.

Re: FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // may mask vigil - arrow - 05-12-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
Ah, she remembered her first mask vigil. While ago, wasn't it? She came very close to losing too. A wave of something bittersweet rushed through her veins, hurting her chest a bit. She was side by side with Stocking then, now she was on her own, and the one yanking cloths off the new kids. How times changed.

Arrow remained quiet through Crow's introduction, tongue running over her teeth. Maybe she was being a bitch, a likely answer, but she had no intention of letting anyone sit through the night at ease. And like that, moments after Crow disappeared, she vanished in another direction, setting up the game plan in her head.

Re: FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // june mask vigil - selby roux ! - 06-01-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby has heard of these vigils before, but had never participated. He had never been able to place a reason as to why not. Commitment to his studies? Avoiding others? General unwillingness? Whatever the reason, he was willing to now.

The dark feline slinked forward and took a cloth silently. He tied it around his right upper foreleg, using his teeth to tighten the knot. The masks were cool, but they weren’t his motivation. It would be fun to try to elude Crow and Arrow, even if he thought that he wouldn’t be able to do it.

Selby left the area as silently as he came, looking for a place to hide. He found one close to the edge of the cemetery, where a particularly tall headstone blocked out a lot of light. He sat behind it, ears pricked for the sound of anyone coming.

Re: FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // june mask vigil - beatae - 06-05-2019

whispers and subtle hints were more of mikolaj's method of getting things done than using meetings or outbursts to spread news. the shepherd was silent when they began to approach the cemetery once midday had started to come to an end. nighttime was much more... comfortable, during this time of the year. the sun hurt his eyes and made his senses feel clogged; feeling much too vulnerable.

nighttime was where he benefitted most. with the details given, it sounded like the shepherd would have to be very adamant on keeping something safe. though he wasn't sure what that exact 'thing' was until showing up. their eyes followed from the cloths to the masks, deciding it might as well be something to pass time.

they took a white cloth and secured it around the ankle of their front leg, tightening it almost to the point of cutting off the blood flow. with not so much as a glance to the others that had gathered, they dipped into the dark and proceeded to navigate their way around the headstones and tombs.


Re: FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // june mask vigil - Crow Roux - 06-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
And just like that, it was time to begin. Crow's ears swiveled about atop his head as he listened for the telltale footsteps that indicated someone had set foot into the graveyard; he had given then a good amount of time to hide before he moved from his position near the entrance. His shadow became visible once more as he allowed himself to become visible again while he slunk through patches of moonlight across the ground. It was a beautiful night if one could get past the harrowing activity that was happening beneath the blanket of the starry sky.

Crow would spot Sam first, or better, he would smell her before he caught her in his sights. The stench of charred tobacco and chemicals followed her around like how a swarm of flies hugged onto a disintegrating corpse, a comparison as equally unsettling as the girl's habits—an easy trail, a red X on a map; he was lead right to her.

The feline was lead to a cluster of tombstones that had collapsed into each other, creating a tunnel of sorts where he would suspect the female was hiding, judging from the concentration of the stench of cigarette smoke that lingered on her person at all times. He scoffed to himself as he sprang onto a headstone that resided nearby, gently hopping across them until he approached the ones above Sam. Then he would take one more leap, this time as noisy and reckless as he could manage, and land atop his target location, his long claws skittering loudly across the surface of the rock and sending pebbles and mossy debris raining down. Crow's intent, at least currently, was to scare her from her little alcove into the open.

  // [member=4834]samantha[/member] hehe

Re: FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // june mask vigil - trojan g. - 06-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 400px; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 12px;"]This was something that simply seemed, well, odd to Moth, though she would not complain about oddities quite yet. For all she knew, this was something that could be quite normal in this place, though with the explanation of what had been given by who seemed to be the leader - someone Moth had yet to meet thus far - it seemed as though if this was a normal thing, it did not happen as often as one would think. Though she guessed with new faces around, there would be a good reason to explain things in full.

Watching in awe as the male slipped away, seemingly vanishing, the small fox would blink once before looking over towards the cloths, quickly making her way over to it before grabbing onto one, choosing to fold it up to make it smaller before tying it onto the base of her tail, tight enough so it wouldn't fall off, but not too tight so as to still have circulation.

After doing that, she would quickly run off in the opposite direction that she saw Crow dissipate into, not quite knowing who Arrow was as of yet. Making her way to the edge of the cemetery, the fox would stay within the last row of tombstones, eyes sweeping the area as she slinked between headstones, trying to find the perfect place to hide.

Re: FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // june mask vigil - deimos - 06-09-2019

She knew it was coming. She knew tactics of enemies, even if she couldn't remember them, nor their instincts. She could remember gunfire, raining over her head as she tried to get inside for the bike. What bike? She shook her head, and was slightly offcaught when the pebbles and shale slapped against the ground. Her eyes narrowed, remaining crouched and tail low. Sure, it shook her a little, but pebbles and noise didn't scare her straight. It was just an intimidating tactic, after all.

She opened her muzzle, but considered it was a bad idea. She steadied her breathing, smirking to herself. Nice try, Crow, but you would have to try harder to scare this teenager.


Re: FEEL THE TEETH SINK IN LIKE RABIES // june mask vigil - Crow Roux - 06-12-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Crow's nose crinkled in disappointment as the seconds passed without a reaction from the girl hiding within the stone beneath his feet. He paused a moment, his ears pointing downward, yet still nothing, and he realized he needed a different method of approach. If she did not come to him, he would come to her.

As silently as he could manage, he dropped over the side of the alcove and twisted his body to land facing the entrance. Then he took a leap inside with his paws outstretched in an attempt to tackle Sam to the ground.