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looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - Printable Version

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looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - teef - 04-25-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


after a long pleasant conversation with kydobi when he had come to visit the rosebloods, it usd become apparent to bai shi that their knowledge of all the groups but especially the pitt, was in need of an update and so, here they were.

coming to the scent borders, the golden beast would descend from on high, body coiling up comfortably, the oriental dragon resting at the border as they sorted through memories and diplomacies. pushing aside the traumatic times of the past, the vizier of the rosebloods settled in for a while, calmed by the ancient scents of stryker and ninazu.

they had mostly come to meet jervis and evaluate his danger level, because one could not be too safe when dealing with a former enemy. they still bore the old scars from their capture, ones that they would never forget. if luck was on their side this day, they might see kydobi, or someone less likely to try to attack them.

Re: looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - Kydobi - 04-25-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Luck was most surely on the dragon side. Recently Kydobi had been keeping close to the borders in the hopes of greeting any newcomers as opposed to scaring them away with one of the more hostile members. Today it seemed his plan had paid off.

A familiar and vibrant figure would be seen by the feline in the branches. Quickly he climbed down lest Jervis show up. No doubt the vulpine would show up, eventually. But Kydobi intended to beat him to it.

It would be nothing but nice to see them if he came across [member=2039]bai shi.[/member]  outside of the Pitt jungle. While he was happy to see the kind figure, anxiety and worry shadowed close behind. How would Jervis react to a high ranking foreigner showing up near the borders? Would he chase him out? How would Kydobi react? Or would Jervis utilize this chance to strengthen a bond with their neighbor.

Because really, not everyone was the enemy.

"Hello Lynn! I hope you understand that I cannot invite you in, partly because I do not have rank yet to keep the others... well behaved. And because I don't think Jervis would like that very much."

But he was pleasantly surprised and allowed a smile to shine through as he walked closer, "So what brings you here my friend?"

Re: looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - teef - 04-26-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


their body relaxed at the familiar scent of the male that had come by their territory, the divine beast letting their shoulders dip and their tensions to flow away, "hello, kydobi. i am just making rounds to get an update on surrounding territories. ah, it's fine, i have too many memories of this land to walk restfully within the border.", they speak pleasantly and politely.

"i have no doubt that your own will soon listen to your words. do not be quick to show your wisdom through blood-shed.", they advised with a deep rumble of laughter, eyes sweeping the territory with an almost lost sort of expression before it disappeared, "and sadly, to see what kind of man holds himself at the head of this group. we cannot be too careful these days, not after the losses all have suffered.", they murmur, gaze falling to the horrible scarring that ravaged along their left side.

Re: looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - Kydobi - 04-26-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Yes very unfortunate. More than once had he seen the privileged behavior of the Ardent. He had an ear turned to listen behind him and turned to see no one.

"I believe it may take more time that I initially thought. But such a sorrow indeed. I think it may be hopeless. If you understand my words, being vague is very necessary right now," he smiled hoping that Lynn knew what he meant. For he never knew who was lurking in the shadows.

"So my friend, have you visited any other groups? I recently went to the Typhoon.... Funny how our 'allies' were most hostile. Especially the winged tigress... I don't have a good feeling about them. But the Ardent knows it all.. He supposes."


Re: looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - teef - 04-26-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


ah, being vague. something very familiar to them. chuckling they smiled, "loud and clear. we could speak of ones pursuits of affection and still confuse far too many listening ears.", they agreed, eyes going up to the skies before they shook themselves.

"I am journeying through the groups, finding out what news I can. discovering who now leads what group, what alliances have been built. the usual. offering aid in bad situations. suggesting asylum when needed."

the look they gave him next meant that their offer was still standing, that if things did fall apart, he would still be welcomed in. gaze cutting back to kydobi they rumbled, "our lands grow uneasy. demons and ghosts re-awaken to haunt the living." they inform him softly, blue optics holding a strange look within them. a sense of hope.

Re: looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - Kydobi - 04-27-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

The offer was caught onto, he was still welcome.

"That I understand. But when the garden is overran with weeds and vermin you don't walk way and forget about it. It may be much work but you can't let the aggressive and ambitious green steal from the garden plants. The jungle is taken by a rather vicious weed. Small it may be but it takes root when you least expect it and works in subtle ways. That's what makes it dangerous. I have yet to understand just how such a small plant gained control. And I don't want to rip it out from the roots, if you know what I mean."

He cleared his throat and flicked his tail.

"I'm sure you know where the dead will rise from. As well as just who is disturbing their graves. This side of the lands I believe and its ally", he sighed.

"All I wanted was a peaceful jungle. Somewhere to call home. But it seems no matter where I land, it is riddled with chaos."

Re: looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - teef - 04-30-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


(sorry, got busy lol) //

"chaos breeds in the hearts of all, my dear friend. especially in the hearts of the battle-born children. mmm. my father would give you all you could want to know on how to remove this weed." a soft laugh before their gaze shifted.

"if you would, in your travels and days, if you come across a male going by sunday, pass the news down the grapevine. there is a personal matter i would rather not speak of in open air for fear it would contaminate the air." they murmur, scales rattling as they shook their head in thought.

"this weed is one that you wish to watch and learn from, before you try to detangle it. be warned, it may be small but it's roots may extend far beneath the surface."

Re: looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - Kydobi - 05-01-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Ears would perk at the mention of a possible prisoner, "I'll keep an eye out."

He briefly turned to see behind him. A wonder no one had shown up yet. Usually he was late to the party regarding these sorts of things.

"I just hope this weed doesn't infect my flowers.", he was referring to himself. For truth be told, Kydobi wasn't really sure if he would leave the jungle again. It was the only thing he knew, the only thing that felt like a home.

"I also hope I don't have to rip it out from its roots. Although history has shown that plants of their kind tend to wilt to their own demise due to their own hubris and behavior. This weed is reckless and gives little thought to who it steals soil from."

Kydobi flicked his ear, "I don't wish to push luck anymore friend. The eyes and ears of the trees may catch on. I'm uncertain if they're like their ambitious leader."


Re: looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - teef - 05-02-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


ah, they knew when things were to draw to an end. taking a breath, they bowed their head with a close of their eyes, steeling their nerves to say something that they had been meaning to bring up to him. they enjoyed his friendship, likely more than one of their stature should. did that stop them? no. perhaps it should be shared in private, but eyes always watched and ears always heard no matter what.

exhaling, they moved to get ready to leave the border, "come by again, my friend. before too long passes. more of a request, then a suggestion. i have taken reign as co-leader. i will explain things at a later time." they murmur, golden body shimmering, "there are things that should be sewn into the ground.", was the only explanation that they gave before the beast bowed their head to kydobi, gusts of air circling their sinuous body before they ascended into the open air with graceful curls and coils of their body, using the element that they knew better than anything else to fly back home.


Re: looking for a reason ● rosebloods visitor - Kydobi - 05-03-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

This was the part he despised the most. Out of all the folks in the land, he had come to enjoy Bai Shi's company most.
He sighed as the dragon readied themselves to take flight.

"I most certainly will. Perhaps I'll smell more of Roseblood than Pitt in time." and with a powerful whoosh his friend was gone. Kydobi squinted as he watched the dragon curl and unfurl into the skies, the sun glistening off their armor in a rather gorgeous but blinding way.

Sighing once more, Kydobi turned back to the jungle. There he would give thought to the dragon's word. Plan his next action. Things with Jervis were not on the best of terms. Not as good as they could be. It would take more than a few compliments to convince the creature otherwise.

Easily did the jaguar melt into the dense shadow and with a flick of his tail he was gone.
