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SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - Printable Version

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SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - gael - 04-23-2019

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 150px; height: 250px; background-image: url(; background-size: 140%; background-position: top center; border: 1px white solid;"]
the raven
The green is a stark contrast to the barren desert.  Great, towering trees that promised shade and cool air.  Even snakes can look inviting.  The elegant creature did not presume to step into the shade, over the invisible border.  He stood a calm sentinel beneath a burning sun, thankful that it was well past mid-day and the light was beginning to fade.

Hazel eyes, gleaming like gold analyzed the shadows silently, waiting for those that lurked beyond.  He kept a few paw-steps ahead of one smaller than him, ears perked.  He half-expected the fox kit at his side to rush forward and run about and bit his cheek as he avoided constantly glancing down.  Not a sign of hesitancy in his proud stance, only careful consideration in sharp eyes.

"Fan taobh thiar dom, Aine," he murmured in gentle warning, offering the child a small smile.  If she failed to heed his word, he could always scold her later, but he trusted her to posses some caution in foreign lands.

// [member=4817]aine.[/member]

Re: SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - aine. - 04-24-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: VbWInBo.png?1]
— aine | loner | fae druid —
A small pout squished together somewhat chubby cheeks.  Bright, hazel hues raised up, large and pleading.  Aine felt fairly certain a butterfly was dancing just beyond the start of the treeline.  As it drifted, her eyes failing her as it grew fuzzier and fuzzier.  A disappointed murmur grew in her throat.

She was not one to question her father though.  It he said to stop, she stopped.  Yet restlessness drove her mad.  Petite black paws kneaded into the sand, ivory ears twitching.  After a few torturous seconds, Aine began to draw in the sand.  Simple shapes and images.  Designs resembling runes.  A butterfly.

How long were they waiting?  Why?  She continued to drag her paw through the sand, constantly throwing her father curious glances.

[ Mobile ]
I'll come back when you call me

Re: SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - Jervis - 04-24-2019

An unfamiliar ton traveled throughout the territory, alerting Jervis of unfamiliar folks. The fox had put The Pitt on lockdown, instructing no one to come in or out. That included joiners... but of course, he could make an exception. Despite how skeptical he could be, Jervis dearly knew that he also needed others on his side for the potential danger coming there way. Nevertheless, he hoped to dismiss someone. Hopefully violently. Obviously the news of their closing hadn't spread far and wide just yet. There had to be a statement made somehow and if it came down to it, the two vulpines would be the ardent's victims. Perhaps they could convince him otherwise though.

Upon hearing the noise, the fox sleuthed throughout the underbrush and arrived in no time. Two figures met his eyes. A honey gaze scanned them up and down momentarily, only to speak when he was done. "Perhaps it'd be best if you'd dismiss yourself before things get violent," he remarked casually. "Unless you have something to say that'll impress me."
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - SÉAMUS - 04-24-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Embry knew fae when he saw them.  And their eyes.  I know their eyes. Hazel eyed foxes in a father-daughter pair.  That's not right. Not if they were who he thought they were, but then Embry shouldn't know them.  As such the swift fox rolled his shoulders back as he materialized behind Jervis.  "Dia dhuit, fae," the scottsman greeted absently.  The hint of a wry smile danced on his lips.

His amber eyes watched the Ardent curiously, conscious of the Pitt's closed status but recalling the previous exceptions.

// Mobile
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - Kydobi - 04-24-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

A grand beast sculpted of shadow and grace would make his way down the tree with unusual ease. What he would see was a commune of foxes. Foxes. And oh look another fox. Seemed that was what filled the ranks and numbers of the Pitt. But it did not bother him.

Embry and Jervis weren't so similar and the contrast of personalities was refreshing.

"Perhaps it'd be best if you'd dismiss yourself before things get violent,"

He was looking at the back of Jervis' head as well as Embry's. His pointed ears would perk at the sound of foreign tongue, he shot a glance at Jervis. Wondering if it would cause suspicion.

Now why did he have to be so brash. Kydobi was raised to believe that a solid leader was adept in the speech, skill, and strength. So how did he ever plan to acquire numbers? Or was that not even a priority for the vulpine? Seemed like an oversight. Sighing Kydobi rolled his eyes as he walked toward his leader.

He would look at the strange darker fox, staring into his eyes trying to read. Nothing malicious. But what he did see was a child, a daughter? A child in his care? That was leverage and if this brute had any desire to fight or overthrow he certainly wouldn't bring his own blood so near to danger. So near to cutthroats who would easily kill her to silence her paternal figure.

Silently he walked up and bent down to whisper into [member=3615]JERVIS[/member] ear, "Perhaps discretion would be best my king. Although they do not have much in size, the child is young enough. She is certainly impressionable and with little to no time we could make her a loyal and strong Pitt member. But first impressions matter."

We could use the numbers, was what he was trying to say in a way that would stroke his ego. Jervis was clearly sharp, yes. He had something that enabled him to the position he was in now. So Kydobi would not be foolish enough to underestimate him.


Oh please don't enslave the sweet thing. He made eye contact with the little child and smiled softly, a more inviting face next to the hostile one. He would dip his head in respect to her father. See not all of us are bad. Part of him wanted to see them have a home. In the jungle. Among them and such.

Don't enslave. Too young. Already have enough damn problems.

He flicked his ear, for all he knew she was a damn brat. But what he said was logical. Children often were loyal in a blind sort of way.

He had been the same. Once.

Re: SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - gael - 04-24-2019

How intriguing. The cross fox creased his brows thoughtfully.  The authority in the vibrant vulpine was clear as the burning dessert sun.  Quite a change of pace from the air that his kingly cousin possessed.  Not unwelcome, but something to be careful of, naturally.  He held himself up confident and regal and spoke easy.  But there will be no bloodshed today.

Gael straightened himself up accordingly, taking mind to briefly incline his head to acknowledge the other's authority in this place.  What impresses the mighty?  He bit his tongue when another fox appeared, one of a different breed.  He knows us.  The sentinel blinked.  "Dia dhuit, Scott.Are you fae, or do you simply possess some manner of sight?  A thought to keep in mind.

"I will not presume to know you, sir," Gael finally spoke, turning to the obvious authority.  The Scott granting him immediate attention only proved his assessment of his status.  "Or what it is you look for in those who approach you. I find every leader seeks among them different talents."

As the shadows shifted, he grew silent once more.  His eyes followed the jaguar thoughtfully, patient as he spoke words only for the other fox.  This one sees our value.  He debated the pros and cons with an almost absent mind.  If they refused to offer a place for them, Gael would find or make one, elsewhere.  Perhaps more forcibly than he had originally intended.

With the little Aine at his side, he had to act with some caution.  He had lost far enough before their long journey here.  Gael frowned slightly at the jaguar's attention, but returned his nod.  Odd that this more tactful cat is not in charge.  There was a regal air around him as well.

When it was clear the jaguar had said his piece, he decided to continue. "Intelligent minds are an asset, as are immortal friends." For they did not fear death.  Gael knew this body could fail him, in battle perhaps, but he would always return. "Your people have sharp eyes, and I am indeed fae, one of an ancient royal bloodline, as is my daughter."

"I am stronger than I look, and more than experienced.  My daughter is young, but quick; a druid in the making." But she will never be yours. The Fae belonged to themselves, and just like the rest of their people, so would she.  "We will trouble you no longer, if you have no need of us, but we have no home or family to return to." Meaning they offered unquestionable allegiance to only them. "Ideally, I would make our new place in this world among the strong."
"HAIL TO THE KING" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / loner / lamby
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Re: SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - aine. - 04-25-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: VbWInBo.png?1]
— aine | the pitt | fae druid —
Stranger.  The little fox froze.  Her absent sand sketching came to a sharp halt.  ‘Before things get violent.’  Aine knew a threat when she heard one.  Sharply, her head shot up towards her father.  Bright hazel hues watched, large and curious.  Unbothered.  He only stood strong.  The fae bit the inside of her cheek.  After a second, she scrambled to a taller standing position, yet remained obediently behind her father.

The tiniest of steps back, Aine positioned herself in her father’s shadow.  Out of the way.  She was fairly certain that his earlier command was still in effect.  Not to mention, she felt better here.  Less attention-grabbing, surely.

Strangers, she realized as another fox arrived.  He only spoke briefly, in a familiar salutation.  Dia dhuit.  His accent was funny, she mused, almost smiling.  Very weird.  Her father’s answer, in turn, possessed likewise familiarity.  He’s Scottish.  Weird.  A question sat on her tongue, growing heavy as time passed.  The thought of raising her voice amidst the current conversation made her stomach flutter harshly.  No.

Her father began to speak, and her eyes immediately shifted.  Dark ears perked.  He wants us to stay here?  Aine bit her tongue this time, and sat down, resigned to hear the whole conversation out.  Her father had not told her to be quiet, but it made sense.  Adults talking.

The first feline to appear was easily larger than every single one of them.  Aine shifted her paws, one over the other.  He did not speak to them, only to the fox.  She nearly jumped to her paws, eager to know too.  Beneath the jaguar’s friendlier gaze, she only moved back, shooting her father another look.  He did not seem threatened by any of them, even the first fox, but the jaguar earned a nod.  Some shared respect.

When the massive cat finished speaking, her father continued.  He does want us to stay here.  Aine rocked a little.  They were not all bad, per se, considering only one of three looked truly unfriendly.  If they let them in, she could probably find her butterfly.  Right? 

At the mention of her own ‘assets’ as it were, Aine brightened up considerably, giving her father complete attention.  Her eyes glowed from the praise.  Yes, she was a druid.  In-training.  Of sorts.  Self-taught with some guidance.  Everyone could use a druid.  The petite vixen hummed softly, straightening her back once more.

If this was her father’s decision, she would follow it.  Little to no question.  She tilted her chin, presenting a shy sort of confidence as her father finished speaking.

[ Mobile ]
I'll come back when you call me

Re: SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - Jervis - 04-25-2019

Jervis found himself paying no attention to the other two that had followed him in suit. Embry was speaking a language he could not comprehend and the jaguar remained silent, only to come up and speak in disapproval moments later. Kydobi's hot breath and harsh mutters traveled towards him. Jervis ears folded backwards. Golden eyes narrowed in frustration but he kept his attention on the two strangers on their border. Even so, his words were towards Kydobi and his outspoken attitude, even if his advice was wise. "Don't tell me what to do," he hissed through clenched teeth. His words were soft enough for Kydobi to hear. As for the rest, they would most likely remain oblivious. The ardent had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from speaking further. They should be grateful not to hear his tantrum.

His attention finally and completely gathered back towards the older newcomer who spoke in confidence. While they did acknowledge his aura of authority and brutishness, their answers to his questions were rather... outlandish. After all, they spoke of immortality, druids, and faes. That was not what caught his attention though. Just like Jervis' own history, they spoke of an ancient family bloodline. To him that did not seem like an accomplishment or an admirable trait, but rather competition that wanted to insert his borders with their disgraceful family politics. Like always, he had to have the high ground, despite not carrying on his own family's wishes. Now he wondered who they were. That, though, would have to be saved for later.

The fox's head craned off to the side as if he was thinking. One last time, he scanned them to and fro before letting out a sigh of dismay. "I will hold you to your word then. If you can keep yourself sharp and loyal to The Pitt, you may stay," Jervis declared finally. His lips curled upwards in a false smile as he stared down at the child momentarily, only to look away when he spoke again. "We can talk privately about further terms later though." Getting to know an acquaintance was key. Especially if they were bound to be potential competition- but how much of a threat could they be if they were sulking at his doorstep?
more like tags - penned by orion narcissism

Re: SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - gael - 04-26-2019

The black and red fox regarded the interaction between vulpine and jaguar curiously, with some detachment.  The private conversation clearly pertained to himself and Aine, but it mattered little.  He felt no threat here.  As such he stood patiently as the ardent made his decision.

Sharp and loyal they could be.  He dipped his head, "thank you." Accustomed to maintaining a facade, he passively ignored the other fox's brief gaze on Aine, ear flicking as he spoke of 'further terms'.  "Of course." We will see.

"Tar Aine, tá sé ceart go leor anois," he smiled lightly, nudging his daughter gently.  She had been, he had not failed to notice, a little distracted during the conversation.  As usual.  Perhaps she had seen something in the jungle. "Fan ar do bharraicíní, a leanbh."

"I have not properly introduced the two of us, and I apologize," he announced, inclining his head once more in a polite manner.  As if he would offer names before settling matters.  "I am Gael Ó Broin, and my daughter is called Aine Ní Broin."
"HAIL TO THE KING" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby
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Re: SOLDIER KEEP ON MARCHIN' ON | joiners - Kydobi - 04-26-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

This would be the first time that Jervis ever snapped to Ky. In fact it reminded him of a child. He snorted and raised his head, so be it then. Even the wisest accept advice. Only the fools think they knew it all.

Raising his head and pulling back to return to his former posture, there was nothing but an amused glint masking irritation in his eye.

Jervis had his time, and instead would maintain the spotlight. Not that Kydobi ever preferred such attention. Ever.  When the fiery creature smiled Kydobi held in a cringe. It could send chills down the spines of most especially a child. Artificial and forced. But although it did not cause alarm or threat to the jaguar, something much deeper and primal said beware of that one.

A feeling that only occurred in the presence of the canid's grin.

He watched the interaction, glad it went well. When all the formalities and such were done Kydobi spoke.

"Gael, Aine," he said testing out the sound of their names on his own tongue, "I am Kydobi." His tail curled and and unfurled. Now what would these two make of themselves?