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set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - Printable Version

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set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - Character Graveyard. - 04-21-2019

//Please wait for Arcy to post w/ Enkidu! Gracias!

It's the middle of a sunny day. The large maned male approached the railroad gate with an amused look in his sanguine irises and a Cheshire grin pulled at the edges of his maw. Hanging from both of his ears, were golden square earrings and a bronze necklace around his neck. Red markings, similar to tribal tattoos, started at his neck and ran down to his forelegs. His pelt was not the usual color you'd expect to find on a lion, nor on any other furred creatures. His pelt was almost entirely gold, apart from the red markings on his neck, chest and forelegs.The way the gold-pelted male held himself up, resembled the way a king would present himself in the public's eye. Honestly, he didn't believe that he could help it. After all, he had been a king once in his lifetime. It was such a shame, that the kingdom he had risen to be so great, had fallen centuries ago.

The demigod cast a look over his shoulder, his sanguine irises focusing on his companion, Enkidu, who followed closely behind. A genuine smile replaced his mischievous grin and he closed his eyes softly. "Enkidu, my friend, we have reached our new home, at last. I shall do the talking here. It shouldn't be hard to convince these mongrels to let us join. I've talked to many mortals over the centuries since we last spoke. They're all the same. They live short, pitiful lives."

Re: set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - arcy - 04-25-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]AFTER A WHILE I THOUGHT ID NEVER FIND YOU — 。+゚.[/glow]
//peace signs idk what im doing, dw abt it
The scent of the sea is comforting. Enkidu focuses on this above all else, unminding of the sun beating down on his thin fur coat. He sets his eyes on the horizon, on the ever-approaching island -- but, perhaps, Enkidu can't help his gaze from drifting to the friend he follows, occasionally. He imagines the people they'll meet, the people that Gilgamesh so carelessly insults. It doesn't bother Enkidu. It's just how Gilgamesh is, and it's as endearing as it is frustrating, at times. He flicks his tail.
"Of course," He says, finally allowing his gaze to drop on his companion. Then he smiles, picking up pace to fall into step with Gilgamesh. He probably would have allowed Gilgamesh to take charge regardless, but it perhaps it would be best to make a good impression. Presenting himself as a follower wasn't first on his priority list.

Re: set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - raziel - 04-25-2019

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: heiti sc; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"I hope you do not find it too disappointing that not all of us happen to be... Mortal," the Irishman called gruffly.  Amusement danced in calm, old sea-green eyes as the massive dire wolf revealed himself from among the trees.  While plenty of the Typhoon were indeed, mortal, plenty were not, including every member of his own family.

Over the centuries, names began mattering less and less to Raziel.  Many acknowledged him with the proper respect for a king, but many did not.  Many looked to him and called him 'father', for his religious standing, but many more did not.  Some for lack of caring, some for lack of necessity, some others for a simple lack of knowledge.  When insults or demeaning phrases found themselves in the midst, the faerie ignored them.  They did not matter either, although Raziel felt keenly a few of his crewmates were of a different mind than him.  They might not like the attitude, but what was one more crewmate with an ego?  They had handled worse.

"Nonetheless, you're welcome among the Typhoon, so long as you mean to cause no trouble and you don't mind calling yourselves pirates."  He did not expect them to start any trouble.  They looked to make this home afterall. "Raziel Ó Faoláin," he offered, inclining his head in polite introduction.  He wondered even if the name would ring a bell if this one was truly centuries old.  The family name would.  If the lion knew of the Fae that is.  Overall, it was idle curiosity.  He found more interest in simply welcoming new crewmates in than discussing history.

Re: set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - Keona. - 04-25-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly
The smallest among the Fae materialized behind her uncle.  Pale, sea-green hues flickered in the darkness of the jungle's shadows.  A quiet hum built in her throat as she trotted forward.  A spotted tail flicked to and fro absently.  Her uncle, the humble king, seemed to have these joiners in hand.  The petite privateer stood beside him, tilting her head upwards in the strangers' direction, trying to gauge their respective heights.

Keona felt something old in the lion's aura, not unlike her uncle.  He was not Fae though.  "Aloha," she'd pipe up after a moment, her soft voice clear cut.  "'m Keona, a privateer 'ere.  As my uncle says, you're welcome to the Typhoon." If you're no trouble.

[ Mobile ]
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - Character Graveyard. - 04-25-2019

A soft expression in his sanguine eyes, Gilgamesh found himself staring at his companion, a charming grin on his maw. It only seemed like yesterday, when he and Enkidu had encountered each other. Gilgamesh, who had only been a young teen around that time, had felt insulted that a "clod of mud" had been sent to put him in his place and end his tyrannous rule over the ordinary locals. Truly, love at first beating, though the golden-furred demigod had no intention of revealing his true feelings to his only friend.

Gilgamesh's ears flickered, and his square earrings rattled, as he turned to face Raziel. An arrogant grin formed on his maw and a gleam of interest could be seen in Gilgamesh's crimson irises. So, it appeared there was other divine beings taking up residence on the island. "Gods, mortals, other creatures, horrific monsters that shouldn't even exist. I have seen it all in my lifetime. You are not special, congratulations, mongrel." He blinked before he continued. "Pirate, eh? This'll be interesting. I have been called many things, in many languages, but a 'pirate' is not on that list, surprisingly. And, I may have an ego and I may be a troublemaker occasionally, I will not bring harm to this island, nor you locals as long as this is my place of residence. Consider yourselves, temporary allies of mine and Enkidu's, well if my friend here decides to consider you his allies. Oh, and my name is Gilgamesh, the king of the ancient city of Uruk."

Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed a small feline materialized directly behind the other divine creature. "Yes, we will not cause trouble as long as we reside here."

Re: set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - Kian. - 04-30-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]KIAN Ó FAOLÁIN — sing me a symphony, one for the lost and in-between
"You should start an ancient king's club then," the irishman called in way of greeting, waving his tail as he caught up with the group from somewhere within the trees.  Kings Raz and Gilgamesh. Seamus would laugh at that.  The pirate grinned playfully at his elder brother, then offered a gentle nudge to his daughter.  "Welcome to the Typhoon, Gilgamesh and Enkidu."

An interesting pair, and not unfamiliar names, as far as Gilgamesh went at least.  The faerie did not care overly much, however.  Being raised a prince, he knew how to be formal, but he simply decided against it most times.  It was far more entertaining to be himself so long as no harm came from it.  Besides, he knew Raziel never minded his lack of protocol.  After years of the soldier and prince life, Kian had never quite grown out of the elation of a pirate's freedom.  Even then, Kian had never been the kind to give complete respect to someone until he felt they had earned it.

"Name's Kian Ó Faoláin." A prince and former captain, but he didn't care for those titles belonged to the past.  Well, he supposed he was still a prince, but he would never inherit Raziel's throne, nor would he want to, for it would mean something had gone wrong with his nieces, and nephews after them.  "We can guide the two of ya to camp now if ya like," he offered amiably.  "Have ya been traveling long? There's plenty of places to rest, and food and drink too."

Re: set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - deimos - 04-30-2019


Pain built in her chest as she stopped a distance away, the jaglion's unlike eyes flickering at the two joiners. The lion, displayed with markings across his front. Her eyes narrowed gently at them, jabbing her tongue on one of her longer teeth, before snapping her maw closed gently, stepping forward. Her tail gently swayed behind her. What was this, a royalty-off? The grizzled jaglion didn't care for that, but if they wanted to step titles towards and and defy her own bloodline, she wouldn't hestitate.

Man, if she had known that there would be so much fucking royalty around here, she wouldn't've come back. Then again, Gold was still here.

[color=#A90000]"Deldrach Akaodon, since we seem to be using our full names here."
She said quietly, clearing her throat, before sighing. "Welcome to the island." She said, waving a paw. Welcoming joiners brought a thick feeling to her throat. Was her ex still around, thinking of it? Her head turned away, the split iris of the gold presented to them as she thought for a moment.



Re: set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - Character Graveyard. - 05-05-2019

Upon hearing Kian's suggestion about making a "ancient king's club", Gilgamesh focuses on him as he appears on the scene. An bored expression can be seen in his sanguine irises and he lets out a sarcastic laugh, cold as ice. Hilarious. "I'd join this club of yours, but I have made an unbreakable oath. I am only truly loyal to one person. Enkidu is my only friend and it shall always remain that way." His tone wasn't hostile, nor did he mean to offend Kian, but he wanted to make his words clear to those around. Hearing Kian's next suggestion, the bored expression leaves his crimson hues and he solemnly nodded his maned head. "Fair enough." Normally, his pride would've been wounded if he had to be led somewhere by another, but he doesn't care about his pride at the moment. He takes a couple of steps in the smaller male's direction and he gestures for his companion to follow before another figure on the scene catches his attention.

He runs his sanguine irises over her golden tawny pelt, clearly intrigued. As he had walked the earth for a very long time, he has met many. He has had thousands of wives and perhaps trillions of children, though only one son had been recognized as his- yet his son had attempted to murder him and failed. How cute. Gilgamesh continued to stare at Deldrach for a couple more seconds before he impatiently turned back to Kian. "Shall we go, mongrel?"

Re: set fire to the rain // dual-joiners - Luciferr - 05-25-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
"I see we have new friends" a sombre voice rumbled.

ah royalty hm? not quite so foreign to him his mother is an empress after all, but she's dead now, it all falls to you again, oldest and yet most broken, it doesn't matter when its all so far away

mismatched eyes of white to red set in twin abysses glance from the companions he's known so long to their newfound friends - gold and emerald, he sees - and the dragon shadow inclines his head "Luciferus Grimm, pleasure to meet you" he's also lost count of how many times he has spoken such words, but the novelty doesn't annoy him, it is simply life.

clearly this one has pride in spades - not that Luciferus minds the prideful sort, he only cares when it gets in the way in a life threatening situation and the like (he's far too old to be bothered by the arrogance and he pride of those with shorter lives than him, he'd rather they keep it for however long the world will let them remain whole)

he picks up where Kian left off, moving to chauffeur there new members alongside his fellow crewmember.
