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what's the history of the world? -- q&a - Printable Version

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what's the history of the world? -- q&a - Straw - 04-20-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The question was, were these questions about her or about anything at all?

  She really wasn't sure about this. The members of Elysium didn't tend to pry for anything that she wanted to keep private, but questions that she couldn't answer might still come up. Besides, people might ask too many questions at once, and even if they were innocuous in nature, they could still get overwhelming.

  Still, she ought to try. If she played her cards right, she could keep it under control. Settling down in the center of the town square with a cup of tea, allowing the steam to calm her nerves a bit, Straw said aloud, "Question and answer. Anyone can ask or answer."

Re: what's the history of the world? -- q&a - beatae - 05-07-2019

lil hadn't known much about the elysium since joining. it seemed like a rather quaint place to be with polite neighbors. no one had really struck her as mean or unpleasant. especially with her brother here, the fae was enjoying herself in the community.

straw was one of the first she had met. a peculiar one with very little to say. lilja liked her, though. as she approached straw with a welcoming smile, she sat down across from her. "questions and answers... any questions, straw?" it was rhetorical, the tone she held slightly teasing. "alright... do you have a crush on anyone?"


Re: what's the history of the world? -- q&a - conrí - 05-07-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: heiti sc; font-size: 8pt;"]> CONRÍ Ó FAOLÁIN | current track ♪ | interacting. . . | [Image: zgR219p.png]
The youth had kept himself busy exploring most days, discovering every nook and cranny he could find.  Knowing the land was extremely important.  Yet the boy grew bored quickly by himself, finding stumbling paws returning to the place Elysium called camp, eyes brightening like stars when he spotted a familiar wolf and Straw.

He practically shot himself over, nearly skidding into his older sister.  Sharply, his ears perked, taking a brief, almost analytical stock of the situation.  A lopsided grin took over his face.  "'s this a game?" Just asking things didn't seem very fun, but Lilja seemed invested already.

A crush? Conri knew what crushes were, only he'd never found the topic very relevant.  Back when it was just him and his siblings, there was no one to crush on.  He bounced on his paws absently, eyes bouncing to and from his sister and Straw.  Strategically speaking, Lilja was on a good track -- always know the social lay of the land just as the physical.  Perhaps he was simply overthinking this.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question too?" He tilted his head slightly to one side, conscious of his ears flopping over as well.  "What's yer favorite color?"  It was nice to keep things simple sometimes.
[align=right]you will remember me for centuries

Re: what's the history of the world? -- q&a - Straw - 05-07-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]The first to arrive was Lilja, followed swiftly by Conri. Straw turned her head to glance at Lilja, twitching her ears slightly at the teasing tone- and tilting her head at the question. A crush, as in a romantic attraction? She didn't know anyone here well enough for that, not even the people who had been present when she arrived at Elysium for the first time. "No," she answered with a shrug. "Sorry to disappoint."

  Turning to Conri, she nodded. Favorite color, that was easy. "Blue," she said, adjusting her mask with one paw. "What's yours?" If he didn't know, that was okay; she hadn't known for a long time, up until a few months ago when one cloud-watching day brought an epiphany. To Lilja, she asked, "Favorite thing to read?"

Re: what's the history of the world? -- q&a - beatae - 05-08-2019

her honeyed eyes glanced over to her brother as he bounded forward. she giggled, giving him a nuzzle over his ears and a playful nudge with her nose. she was happy to see him, and proud he had been able to follow her for so long. she hadn't even realized conrí had been following in the first place!

at straw's answer, lil simply shrugged. "not disappointed at all! we're using these questions to get to know each other." she beamed, ready for the question in turn. "ooh, i love reading sci-fi novels. the last one i was reading was... at the border! it was called fahrenheit four-fifty-one. very interesting read."

she gave a pause for her brother to answer his question before popping in the next. "alright... a more general question for everyone. what is the first and last thing you think of in the day?"


Re: what's the history of the world? -- q&a - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-08-2019

So this was Straw? The direwolf had told him that he would be able to get a couple answers from them. Sadly, he didn't have any personal questions to ask the red panda at the moment. He had been out of the loop for quite some time now, and needed to get as much information as he could so that he could figure out the next steps that he was going to take. The albino serval silently began to make his way over toward the group, noticing a couple of faces and then noticing there were a couple faces he didn't know. The wildcat didn't bother to introduce himself to everyone that was around, and instead looked down at the red panda. He kept a good distance away from him and everyone else. "A little birdy told me that you would be able to answer some questions about Elysium." Killua stated calmly, his brilliant sapphire blue gaze looking over toward the direwolf before looking at the red panda with a skull on its face. The assassin sat himself down, a neutral expression spread on his face. "Couple of questions. Why did the Ascendants merge with another clan to form Elysium? And, do you know which groups are existing in this area still?" He already knew of the Typhoon and Tanglewood, if they were still around anyway. Killua wouldn't feel bad if the Typhoon simply dropped off the face of the earth, as Killua had a slight grudge against them. 
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: what's the history of the world? -- q&a - Tena M. - 05-08-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
The petite Demdji hummed softly as she joined the gathering group, ears perked as questions were traded.  Her tail tip twitched absently, catching only the tail-end of the last speakers.  Her bright blue eyes swiveled to Killua.  "If I recall the word around," the Magna began, "Clarence and Bex decided to merge us mostly due to our similar values and beliefs.  There was more to I'm sure, but I had gotten myself lost on my journeys prior to the merge."  A trip she would rather not recount, brow creasing.

"I am Tena, by the way," she added quickly before going on.  "As for our neighbors, they include Tanglewood, the Typhoon, the Rosebloods and the Pitt.  We're neutral with all of them, for the time being, though I do not believe the Pitt consider anyone 'neutral'." From what she understood, which was unfortunately little.  Tena was hesitant to give the group a visit though she had stopped by all the others.

"As for Lilja's question, I'm not sure how to answer.  I don't know if I have a same thought every morning, but my mind tends to go back towards my brother at night. I haven't seen them in awhile." She felt positive however, they would turn up again one of these days.  The youthful feline sat down, grinning somewhat sheepishly.  "Here's my question; I already know Lilja has a brother, but do any of you have siblings?  I only have Ebra; they're just a little older than me."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: what's the history of the world? -- q&a - Straw - 05-09-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Sci-fi was science fiction, Straw knew that much, but what did Fahrenheit 451 mean? Wasn't Fahrenheit a temperature measurement? She was only familiar with Celsius, not that they had any real use for either of the temperature scales without a thermometer. Maybe the book explained the meaning of the title; she'd have to ask Lilja sometime if she could borrow it. It sounded interesting.

  As for the first and last thing she thought of each day, that varied, and the things she thought about most often while waking up or going to sleep weren't necessarily things she felt ready to share yet. Before she could offer an answer, though, Killua came over- and almost immediately he was asking questions that she didn't know the answer to. The groups, she probably could have named a few of, but she had no idea why the merge had happened.

  Unsure of what to say, Straw stared quietly at him, internally repeating commands not to freak out. Someone else might know. Even if they didn't, it wasn't her fault, it had happened before she ever came around. Then again, maybe she should've learned their history?

  Thankfully, a savior arrived in the form of Tena. Straw relaxed her shoulders, reaching a paw up to adjust her mask. Clarence and Bex were names she'd make sure to remember. Once Tena finished and asked a question of her own, Straw glanced up at the sky. "I have a sister," she said, curling her tail around her paws. "Haven't talked in months though." Hopefully Ly was okay. There was no reason she wouldn't be, right?

  After a few moments, she asked, "Favorite type of weather?"

Re: what's the history of the world? -- q&a - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 05-09-2019

Killua wasn't exactly the best when it came to social interactions with other animals. The only thing that Killua had been taught through the majority of his childhood was how to kill, and nothing else. He had siblings, but with the way that his family was structured, they mostly avoided one another. He was fairly certain that most of his siblings didn't like it because he had been labeled the heir to the family instead of his brothers, despite his brothers being older than he was. The wildcat had plenty of experience when it came to strategy and fighting. Social interactions? He was about as lost as any kitten was when they first started to learn how to speak. He had no idea how to comfort someone if they were having a difficult time as he detested physical contact. Killua was physically tortured at a young age and never grew physically close to anyone, except maybe that one time that Argus let him ride on her back. But other than that, he enjoyed having his personal space. Killua did enjoy making certain creatures uncomfortable with his presence as it meant that he hadn't lost his intimidating edge. Half of the time he never really tried to make someone afraid of him, as some simply just looked at him and they were immediately put on edge. Maybe it was an instinct that was telling him that he was dangerous and to be avoided. He hadn't seen the look of fear in anyone's eyes for several months, and Killua was fine with that. After all, he was trying to make a life for himself and now that most of his family and friends were gone it meant that he was going to have to start from the very beginning. His intention hadn't been to make Straw uncomfortable with his words, he was only looking for information, and if she wasn't capable of answering his questions, he would go somewhere else. Killua noticed the slightly tensed body language of the red panda after he had finished asking his questions, and in response, he simply raised a nonexistent eyebrow in question to the red panda. Before he could question the other again, his large ears angled themselves in the direction of movement that was coming toward him.

Killua didn't immediately turn his head at the other approaching, and instead waited for them to speak before directing his attention toward them. He blinked his sapphire blue eyes a couple of times looking at the other creatures appearance. She seemed... familiar. A feeling that he had when looking at the first person that had approached him in Elysium. Not only that, she was a sand cat. Another warm temperature dwelling creature similar to himself. It was almost funny to see warmer species living in colder climates. Instead of the red panda answering his questions, it seemed that the sand cat was going to answer instead. That was fine, he didn't care where the information came from as long as it was decently accurate. The albino serval listened to his words, but the two names that she said didn't really ring a bell with him. The female introduced herself as Tena, and Killua was quick to remember the name and remember the form that the animal took for future reference. Especially since the other didn't seem to mind the sudden random questions he was spewing out. The names of the neighboring groups sounded familiar except for one. Rosebloods. He had never heard of them before in his life, and it seemed like most of the groups were getting along with each other if this group was neutral with every other clan in the area. Killua made sure to keep any look of disgust from his face at the mention of the Typhoon. So they were still around huh? Gross. H had never liked the creatures that lived in that place. Was Pincher still leading the group? There was a small chance that Argus was there, but he doubted that he would be welcomed after all the things that he had done to vocally express his hate for the group when he was Snowbound's deputy. The albino serval let a low huff from his jaws at the mention of the Pitt. "Not surprising. They're one of the groups that think they're tough till someone is tough enough to snarl back at them." Killua stated with some poison in his words. He had never really considered the Pitt to be all that much of a threat, and if anything they were just a flea in his side.

His attention remained on Tena for a couple of moments before looking at the rest of the group. "Does anyone know what happened to Snowbound as well? I went to go see if they were still around, but all I saw was ash leftover from a fire" Killua questioned calmly to the rest of the group, making sure to keep his voice level. He wasn't going to show how much it angered or affected him that the place that he once called home no longer existed. Or at least, he didn't believe that they were still around anymore. Then it seemed like there were general questions to the rest of the group. At the mention of siblings, the claws on his front paws twitched slightly, a neutral expression still on his face. "I have three brothers." The wildcat replied, his voice slightly tense as he did so. He didn't like any of his siblings. Kalluto wasn't all that bad, but that was because they never interacted with one another. Kalluto basically attached to his mother's side. It seemed like he was going to spend a couple minutes here, so he might as well sit down. As the albino serval did so, he opened his mouth and conjured a lollipop that quickly dropped into his mouth. His candy addiction never really seemed to go anywhere. His attention turned back to Straw at the other's question about the weather. Killua hummed to himself for a couple of seconds before answer. "Cloudy day. But no rain. Rain sucks." The former Snowbound deputy said with a small grin spreading across his features. He hated getting his fur wet, but when it came to getting it covered in gore he didn't really seem to mind it all that much. He flicked one of his ears, as it seemed like he was going to have to ask a question to everyone. His gaze turned to the lollipop in his mouth before speaking. "Anyone got a favorite food?" Most animals couldn't digest half of the sweets that he was constantly eating, but everyone had to enjoy eating something.
elysium -- apprentice -- male -- 10 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: what's the history of the world? -- q&a - Tena M. - 05-09-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
"Oh!" The Demdji laughed softly, cheeks burning beneath her fur. "That's why I thought you're familiar," she shuffled her paws, regarding Killua brightly.  "Snowbound." For Tena had resided there her first few moons in the area.

"I'm sorry, I must not have been thinking when I first saw you." Rather focused on answering anyway, she mused, tail flicking.  "I remember you from my time there... No I... I haven't heard anything from them but I wouldn't say they're gone. They might've simply moved elsewhere." Tena was not, however, one to waste optimistic thoughts too often.  She bit back a heavy sigh; it was, she supposed, good she hadn't gotten too attached though she did miss the tundra dwellers she had found a home with.

Towards Straw, she threw a light grin.  "Rain and sunshine." Rain in itself still awed her sometimes, but the fact it could rain when it was still sunny out... Tena had yet to see the event with her own eyes but she very much wanted to.  "I'll never be sick of rain," she added, whiskers twitching.

For she'd lived the first moons of her life without a single drop from the skies.  Never again.

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[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free