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burn the whole house down || joining / returning{?} - Printable Version

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burn the whole house down || joining / returning{?} - deimos - 04-18-2019

It had been a long, long time since her paws had set foot in this area of the world.

Mismatched eyes stared out at the foilage, the gentle clink of her scabbard and sword as she padded towards the railroad gates, tail gently swaying behind her. Her gold and silver eyes lifted to the gates, then snorted. [color=#A90000]"What a sight."
Her soft tone uttered. Deldrach had seen some things, some battles since she was last here. Her pride, her father, her mother. The scar tracing the gentle curve of her cheek, the cracks in the leather on her scabbard. She couldn't honestly count how long it had been since the older jaglion had been here, she couldn't even remember leaving.

She remembered Primus, she remembered how he attacked Gold and the other members of the Typhoon to get to her- and she left before he could do her damage. She couldn't remember much before that, but, she knew where she belonged. This was her home as much as her pride was, but at the same time, she felt like she was forgotten like the driftwood that touched the tips of the island.

The jaglion sat gently, her eyes closed as her ears remained perked, waiting to see who would tend to her. She knew they would come- they always did, like she had before for other people.



Re: burn the whole house down || joining / returning{?} - bubblegum - 04-18-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
The tiger would stand and stare for a while. It was hard to describe what she felt, but there have been red hues following her for a long time, sitting in silence as she awaits the correct moments to give them attention. Right now, it was not the right time - it was not even the right shades. That fiery red lay dormant, while crimson made its way through, along with something cold and full of fear. Perhaps even regret. Maybe not, though. She had learned something from that experience. Something important. She had burned it away, too. It was dead. The eyes were not dead. They were alive. He never quite got what he wanted, he only managed to destroy her life in ways no one really could have foreseen. But maybe it was all bound to happen anyway. She was not a fortune teller, and neither was he. It did not matter now, anyway. All that did was the present. She learned that through him, too, in a sense. Had he never attacked her, sent her into fear, lie to her, had she never killed that Pittian, she never gotten her memories stolen, she never been made a slave, had she never died and returned, she may have never learned these lessons.

But, oh how she was forever bitter. Forgiveness was earned, and he would never earn it.

The female - she had learned all of this, but still here she stood, living within the past. It was crashing down onto her, forcing her to hold back chokes. Here she stared, not truly there. The powerful captain her crewmates had come to see her fully become the past several months was bursting at the seams. This piece of driftwood would never be forgotten by one individual, so long as she shall live. And the memories she associates with her, they will never stop affecting her. She may have learned all of this, she may have burned it down, moved on, but it would always remain with her. How could it not?

What a sight.

The moment the tiger pushed herself forward, tears would instantly swell into her heterochromatic eyes. That striking green, the newer icy blue was blocked by salty tears, always powerful legs now shaking pathetically. She had never known the fates of Deldrach and him, but she had always hoped...hoped she could see the female once more. She prayed that she had been free from his grasp. She wished so desperately that the female had been safe. But, there had never been any way of knowing. Even when she broke down, crying out their names. Decius.

"D-Deldra-ach..." her sharp voice falters, giving away a sight of Goldenluxury Roux that had not been seen in a very, very long time. The little girl had come out once more. Goldie's fears, they all fell away, joining her salty tears as they absorbed into the sand. "I'm sorry..."

Re: burn the whole house down || joining / returning{?} - deimos - 04-19-2019

Both eyes were sent with a shock. Gold and silver melt green and cold, cold blue, and yet somehow, she knew that scent, the slight tremble as the tiger saw the jaglion. Deldrach didn't hesitate to rise to her paws, wordless. She didn't want to say it, to break the precious tiny balance they had together. The former queen stood silent, eyes staring at the Captain of the Typhoon, though it was rather unbeknownst to her. It seemed, though, however much Deldrach's chest ached for the child, she wouldn't be the first to move.

Months had passed. Just months. Grey fur was beginning to grow on the older female's muzzle. The scar crossing over her eye was already faded somewhat. It felt like years had passed, and here she was with an old friend. When Gold stepped closer, she knew the voice, the way the child trembled. Deldrach said nothing for the moment, tucking her head on top of Gold's, a soft rumble emitting from her throat. [color=#A90000]"Forget about me, kid. Are you okay?"
She uttered softly, her eyes closed.

She may have been in the queen in the past, but she was also a former mother. She couldn't just let her cry, could she? Definitely not after all Gold had been through, that's for sure.



Re: burn the whole house down || joining / returning{?} - Splitvisage - 04-24-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]It had been a long time since he had last beheld a sword.

  Darksouls had been pacing along the beach, watching the waves lap gently against the shore. The ocean could swallow him whole in the blink of an eye, yet he found its dull roar calming. It would not control him unless he allowed it to, by giving himself to the waves. Even then, he would still be himself, as he was consumed.

  The clink of metal against metal, however, startled him out of his trance. Had they come to retrieve him? They couldn't have, it had been years. Either they had found another solution or they had all died off. They couldn't chain him up anymore. Still, his heart stumbled over itself for a few horrifying seconds before resuming its normal gait.

  Seeing the jaglion at the border, grizzled and scarred yet still showing kindness to the sorrowful captain, Darksouls let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He did not know this person, but the captain did. They were safe. Remaining silent, he stood and waited for the moment to pass between the newcomer and the captain; far be it from him to interrupt.

Re: burn the whole house down || joining / returning{?} - bubblegum - 04-28-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
Ignoring the female's words - perhaps they hadn't even entered the tiger at all, she tries to muster out what she has needed to for so very long. "I wanted - I tried t' warn you," Goldie's voice is soft, all of her emotions flowing out between her words. The thought that she would have to choose between lives had terrified her young mind, causing thoughts to swirl and making her wonder if it was worth it to think, to breathe at all. Countless check-ups, on everyone, every single morning and night, a constant panic attack choking her, static, hallucinations, thoughts drowning her. She never told anyone - not until both Decius and Deldrach were long gone, and no one ended up dying in the end. Others got hurt, oh yes, but there was never any deaths caused by the male. But she still couldn't help but feel guilty over it all, and that had never really gone away. She couldn't apologize, she couldn't even know if things had really turned out okay for everyone else - not until Deldrach showed her face again. This is why the tiger cannot contain herself now. "I'm sorry." She apologizes one more, unable to express her feelings any other way. She wasn't afraid of Decius anymore. If he were to ever show his presence anywhere, she would not hesitate to kill him on the spot. What she was afraid of now, though, she wasn't so sure. Fear was present somewhere in her, with the cold shades, but she can't quite place what it was for.

Goldie is able to recollect herself a little more now, though, breaths still quite shaky and tears still present, but there is more balance at least, and a realization that there was now watching eyes. Her stance is tense, expression twitching between a stoic neutrality and range of emotions that overwhelmed her. Relief, surely, was the greatest of them all, as she is able to take in this reality further. She gains further control now, breathing in deeply as she glances towards Darksouls. "This is...Deldrach, an old friend." Her voice is still soft and shaken like before, but it holds the authority she would normally have speaking to her crewmates. She turns her attention back to the female now, an almost pleading look in her eyes. "I you 'round, or catch you up, or anythin' ya want."

Re: burn the whole house down || joining / returning{?} - deimos - 04-30-2019

Eyes traced her figure. Deldrach's silver and gold eyes flickered towards the faint shape in the distance, their stare a mark of her royalty, a mark of where she had come from, and where she was never to return to again- her gold eye looked.. split. At least, the iris did. Her ear twitched, and she turned her gaze away wordlessly. If the reindeer knew what was good for him, he wouldn't pick his way between her and Gold right now. Speaking of..

The jaglion's nose lowered, nudging Gold's ear one more time and softly chuffing. [color=#A90000]"I'm fine. Don't worry about it, kid."
She said quietly, her paws aching from the travel- yet somehow, being able to see just one of her former crewmates all grown up was worth it, even if no one else remembered her. Yet, her heart ached. Deldrach's presence drew Decius- or as Deld knew him, Primus. And because of that, people had gotten hurt- Gold had been tortured and torn apart by him.

That was Deldrach's fault for thinking that everything would be fine by running away.

It was the same mistake she made with her lost daughter.

An exhausted sight left her muzzle as Gold began to recollect herself, a wince trailing from the scarred eye. The kiddo had really grown up- hell, her size started to rival Deldrach's own size. As the Captain turned to address Darksouls, Deldrach's body finally turned towards him as well. She gently dipped her head, though it was clear where her messages from earlier stood. "Pleasure to meet you." She uttered. The reindeer was certainly an interesting figure. Her gaze shifted towards Gold again, and she nodded. "Catching me up would be nice. You've changed a lot- which means the rest of this place has changed even more." She said. She seemed older- wiser, almost, but still a lot of the old fire resting in the grizzled body.



Re: burn the whole house down || joining / returning{?} - Luciferr - 05-25-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
"things are always changing for sure - its why it's so nice when you find those few familiarities" rumbled a cool if tired voice, several prongs of spines and horns casting a shadow come to life that looked far more formidable than he usually acted.

watching familiar faces come and go reminded the shadow of how scarce he'd been - but he'd simply been so weary lately, losing track of days then months (and to an immortal being, losing track of time was dangerous, for one second you looked all the mortal friends might be long dust and echoes when you looked back)

but Luciferus merely offered a smile and a nod, briefly the mismatched gaze lingering to darksouls and then back to those more familiar (again there are faces here he's neglected to get to know, friends he could have made if he hadn't been so...lost for a time)

"Welcome back"

he doesn't speak about the unfortunate times with old ghosts and cruel killers - he won't add to the hurts and Goldie is already brave facing so well.
