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The heaviness I hold in my heart // open+game // belongs to gravity - Printable Version

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The heaviness I hold in my heart // open+game // belongs to gravity - jacob w.c. - 04-27-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — There seemed to be a lot of new faces around Snowbound lately which was incredible but it was also a bit overwhelming for the husky. In the city, there were always all sorts of people he didn't know but he also didn't need to know them. The creatures he passed on the streets didn't make much of a difference to him and he wasn't responsible for their well-being and didn't even need to know their names. Here, though, that was much different. Snowbound was sort of like a huge family and, in that family, it was his job to make sure he knew everyone as well as he could. They need to trust him so he could properly treat them and so they'd feel more comfortable telling him when something went wrong. With that said, he wanted to do something to help everyone get to know each other a little better. That was supposed to happen when he set out hot choclate and baked goods for them to enjoy but, well, seeing as he'd fallen asleep that hadn't worked out exactly how he'd hoped it would. This time, though, he was sure he wouldn't fall asleep. He still made some hot chocolate and set it out on a tray for anyone who might want it and he'd set up pillows but this time he was sitting up. "If anyone wants ta' come on over 'ere n' play a game ah' two truths n' a lie or truth or dare, 'm gonna' be runnin' one of 'em soon. Ya'll can take some hot chocolate too if ya' want. If ya' do wanna' play one ah' the games, jus' let me know which one you'd prefer. I'll start with whatever one ya'll like the most," he called. Hopefully no one would fall asleep this time. He'd thought about playing a game of truth or dare but then he kept thinking about it and he wasn't so sure that everyone would like it. The more it was on his mind, the more he was nervous he'd mess it up or no one would want to play so he decided to just leave the decisions up to them. Everything was easier that way anyway. Then at least he'd be making as many people happy as possible. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP

Re: The heaviness I hold in my heart // open+game // belongs to gravity - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-27-2018

Games had never been a thing that Killua was allowed to play while he was younger. The assasins only had one job and that was to be the best when it came to being an assassin and nothing else. Nothing else was supposed to matter and he was uspposed to be numb at anything else that could possibly happen in his life. Sure, there were a couple of games that he was forced to play because it would help develop his mind a little bit more because of it. Such as chess, or even darts so that he could be accurate when it came to throwing projectiles. Although throwing projectiles wasn't something that he did often unless he was using his yo-yo's. Which at first glance definitely didn't seem to look like weapons at all. Until someone tried to lift them and realize that anything smaller than a cougar wouldn't be able to lift them thanks to the weight that they had behind him. He had to admit that his older brother could be useful sometimes when it came to ordering stuff that usually wouldn't be possible. Or even really made properly, there was only really two things that Killua kept with him throughout the months that he had spent in the clans after all. A bag of candy, and his yo-yo's. That was all that he needed, at least what he would really come to think. When he first arrived in the clans, Killua thought that the aspects of game were idiotic. There was no need for them and were a complete waste of time while other's could potentially making a better life for themself and nothing else. Killua had no need for games, even if the ones that were playing the games seemed happy to do them. It made no sense to the wildcat, and yet he yearned to know what it was like to feel that happiness. He needed to figure it out, and eventually he did. Killua forced himself to become familiar with certain games that the clans would play with one another. This way he wouldn't be the idiot that would question what the game was. It would make it easier on himself and wouldn't make him seem like that much of an idiot either. The albino serval sometimes passed by the camp to make sure that nothing bad was happening or to make sure that he wasn't need for whatever reason. Not like he was ever really needed though despite him being deputy of all things. And as usual when he passed the area, the smell of hot chocolate caught his attention, and he stopped for a second in the snow as he looked down at his white paws. Debating. He felt like he should keep walking and that nothing bad would happen if he did. He could just go about his day without any worry. Yet, he didn't, as he turned himself and walked into camp. Not surprised to see Jacob there. The other always did a lot more than him, but that was Jacob. Killua didn't really care that much about doing his job and getting around to others. A neutral look was spread across his facial features as he approached, noticing the hot chocolates that were placed out for others. A game huh? That seemed like a good distraction, at least for him. "Yo. I'd be up for some truth or dare." Killua stated with a small tired grin spreading across his facial features. It was better than nothing, and it meant that he could have some chocolate while he waited for some other's to approach. It could also mean that he would be dared to do something fun as he doubted that he would ask for truth in the game either. He used one of his paws to grab onto a mug of hot chocolate, bringing it closer to him. His eyes on Jacob for the moment as he waited for other's to appear. For now.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: The heaviness I hold in my heart // open+game // belongs to gravity - arcy - 04-27-2018

In all honesty, Izuku didn't actually know a lot about the games his clanmates would play. They were all so -- western. Some were similar to the games he'd played at home, of course, but there was always a little twist, or a little spin different. Not that Izuku knew a lot of the party games that had been played even at home anyways, considering how much of an outsider he'd been. (he's still kind of shocked by how easily he's been accepted into groups like these -- just a few weeks and he was already a regular, accepted member)
In any case -- Izuku does know the basics of the games mentioned, at least. He'd looked into some games while he'd still been in his old group, just in case, and it appears it'd payed off. Izuku had returned to camp to escape from the cold for the moment, because his paws were completely numb. And then he'd heard Jacob speak, and it appears that he'd returned just in time.
"Y-yeah, truth or dare sounds good!" Izuku chirps, his tail waving behind him as he approaches the group, glancing between Killua and Jacob somewhat nervously. It seemed Jacob was everywhere these days -- maybe Izuku should look into hosting some minor events later? Just showing up everywhere didn't feel a lot like contributing. He didn't have any ideas, though, and now wasn't the ideal time to brainstorm. So with this, Izuku fetched himself a hot chocolate and curled up, somewhat stiffly, on a nearby pillow.

Re: The heaviness I hold in my heart // open+game // belongs to gravity - PIERCE - 04-29-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Truth or dare? It'd been months since Pierce had played the game, or any game, really, and it'd probably be a good way to get to know his new clanmates better. He’d been trying to spend his time on more distracting things than teaching himself how to make flower crowns and painting. His thoughts roamed when he did those things, bringing memories of his family, worries for why they may not have arrived yet, if they ever would. The possibility of never seeing his daughter again was one he refused to consider, but the thought often crept up on him, which was part of the reason his face had been seen more often lately. Also, he just wanted more friends- that was a normal wish, right?

Ambling over after Izuku, Pierce offered Jacob a warm smile. "It’s been a long time since I played that one. I’m down; sounds fun!" he added along with the others, voice smooth and delicate as ever as his words tumbled past his lips. The dappled feline took a seat beside Izuku, amber gaze flicking to Killua only momentarily as an instinctual feeling of disdain rose in his throat, though he pushed it down, pleasant smile remaining on freckled features.



Re: The heaviness I hold in my heart // open+game // belongs to gravity - jacob w.c. - 04-30-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob smiled as three of his clanmates gathered around him fairly quickly. They all seemed set on playing truth or dare, which was just fine with him. He just hoped they weren't quite as wild as Jersey was with this kind of game. It'd gotten to the point where Jacob just refused to pick dare when playing with his big brother. "Okay! I'll go 'head n' start then. If anyone wants ta' join in, they can always jus' come n' join the circle, I guess," he stated before looking between the three other boys, "Pierce, truth or dare?" he asked. The older man seemed pretty nice and he supposed it'd be best to work up the level of intensity in this game. He'd start with himself, obviously, and then Pierce. He was sure whoever Pierce would ask wouldn't get anything too bad for a dare or a question so it'd be a nice gradual increase from here. He faintly recalled when he'd asked someone their favorite type of cookie in this game so he could make some for them the next day. Needless to say, Jacob wouldn't be asking anything too bad of Pierce. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: The heaviness I hold in my heart // open+game // belongs to gravity - london r. - 04-30-2018

London had played a tone of games when she was little, her and her brothers had always had so much fun doing that. Sometimes they'd even come up with their own games, making up rules and other regulations as well as a list of activities involved in each game. Needless to say, London had quite enjoyed those days. She loved to play, but unfortunately she wasn't all that familiar with this game. She had played it once or twice before, but when you were surrounded by people that you had known your whole life, it was kind of lame. They already knew the answer if one were to chose truth, so it had been mainly dares, one of those had resulted in London breaking her leg, and after that they had not been allowed to play that game anymore. It wasn't their fault that none of them had known what a bear trap looked like, they'd never seen the thing before. Luckily Maria had been able to free her leg and treat her before she'd lost too much blood, but it had been a pretty close call.

Hopefully this game would not be as perilous, the girl was up for some lighthearted fun. Nothing dangerous would happen, hopefully. And even if it did, there were three people with medical experience here, so no one should be falling unconscious. "Hope it's alright if I join in." the girl would interrupt, finding a seat next to Killua. A bright smile would adorn her features, and she seemed rather happy just to be there. It was almost as if she was reliving the games she and her brothers had played, except with different people that she knew very little about. This was sure to be interesting, she'd never played this with anyone before besides her family, perhaps not knowing the others would make this more fun? It sure seemed like that would be the case, after all, this wouldn't just be a game of dares, but also of truths. They'd pretty much only played half of the game back home.

Re: The heaviness I hold in my heart // open+game // belongs to gravity - PIERCE - 05-03-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
A small, somewhat absent-minded smile found its way to Pierce’s lips as he listened to Jacob’s words, giving a small nod of either acknowledgement or agreement when he finished. It wasn’t until the husky addressed him, however, that he focused back on the situation- and the game itself.

"Pierce, truth or dare?" The serval’s ears perked up slightly when Jacob spoke his name, and he paused for a moment. It was a simple question, really- would he rather have to answer a question that could be incredibly personal, or have to do anything the Chief asked him? While he was sure the younger boy couldn’t have anything terrible in mind - he was rather pure of heart, from what Pierce had seen, and would probably choose something mild for the bespeckled tom, but he still couldn’t help the slight clench of his stomach at some of his memories of truth or dare in the past, mostly when he was a boy. ”Who do you like?” “I dare you to kiss the person next too you.” etc., etc.,. While that was part of the thrill of the game, sometimes, it felt a little invasive- though he could remember once, when he was dared to kiss someone, he had opted to kiss the baby of the group on the forehead. That would be cute, but this time, it didn’t look like there was anyone he could kiss without it being weird. Jacob wouldn’t ask him to do that, though, right? Deciding to play it safe, just in case, he said, "Truth." It couldn’t end too badly, right? Jake really didn’t strike him as that kind of guy.



Re: The heaviness I hold in my heart // open+game // belongs to gravity - JERSEYBOY - 05-04-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Games, huh? Jerseyboy was down for those. He may have not been a hormonal teenager anymore, but that didn't change the fact that party games were always a good mood-booster. He always remembered playing "Spin the Bottle" and "Seven Minutes In Heaven" with his friends back in Belleville. Good times, indeed. This was a different crowd, though, and they were considerably less wild than his old buddies were. Ah well, it was better than nothing.

The tuxedo tom slid up next to London, considering that she was the only chick present and she seemed nice enough. He issued her a sly tug of his lips before looking up at Pierce, who had chosen truth over dare. That was sure a boring start, but the guy seemed chicken enough. Hopefully someone more bold would put themselves on the line in the next round. "There'd betta' be some good dares." Jerseyboy said, flicking his triangular ear. What was the point of staying if there wasn't going to be some action?