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for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - Printable Version

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for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - Kydobi - 04-17-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

So far the brute had found that out of all the groups he could've chosen, he had joined the most despised of all. Had he had known this prior to joining he would've head elsewhere. In retrospect he should've done a lot of things he had thought to be pointless.

But oh well, he was a Pittian now. Although it slightly bothered him that others would dislike him simply because of his clan, he would never just leave without a solid reason. So he sort of compensated, unless needed Kydobi would nap or wander. Today he was practicing the latter.

However the weather here was much different than the warm climates of the jungle and desert. There was a chill and while he knew it couldn't be cold as the snow capped peaks, it was enough to make the equator inhabitant shiver. So he kept to the sea side. Being careful to not trespass and waited patiently at the borders.

Re: for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - teef - 04-17-2019

he wouldn't have to wait long before someone showed up at the border, her face blank. the tigress that had come at a gallop in answer to the rotten stench of the pitt, stood tall and study, ice-cold optics locked onto the ebony furred male in front of her.

she wasn't anyone special, but she was known at one time for her blood thirstiness. growling lowly, she approached him with a warning in her step, "looks like you got the inch of the yardstick, pal. you're on the border of elysium, and we don't take all that kindly to pittians in places they do not fit in." perhaps she was a little aggressive but she had many violent memories.

Re: for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - Tena M. - 04-17-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Luck perhaps would have been on the jaguar's side had the petite sand cat approached before Kade.  Tena had yet learned to recognize the smell of the Pitt, although she knew their reputation.  Depurs. Monsters.  As such, the little Demdji blinked slightly, her unusual blue eyes narrowing as the tigress' words registered.  Only, the new Magna did not understand why a member of a group that considered everyone the enemy would be sitting patiently on the border.

Suspicious.  Almost.  She sensed no malice in the air.  Other than the anger in Kade whom she frowned lightly at.  Didn't she realize how odd this was?  Tena had known few Depurs to be patient; they were the sort to waltz in like they owned the place.  Quietly, the feline trotted past, stepping over the border to address the jaguar.  There was no friendly smile on her face today, but her sharp voice only held curiosity.  A sandy tail did twitch, however, back and forth restlessly.  "Why're you here?"
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - Kydobi - 04-20-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: apologies!!! I forgot to mark this unread, it would be great if you guys tagged me Smile
[member=1077]kade .[/member] [member=298]Tena M.[/member] ]

A tiger. The largest female he had laid eyes on sped towards and and stopped only to deliver her growl and warnings. Kydobi sighed, it was beginning to get old now. How easily judged he was simply because of where he stayed. It bothered him, reminded him of his past. But he stayed calm.

"Well I made sure to not cross your borders. So I don't believe you have too much to get angry over."

Sighing Kydobi stood up, shifting his paws. He made sure to hold his head high and maintain eye contact with the tigress even if he had to tilt his head up, "I know you have your preconceptions of me, simply because I'm from the Pitt. But let me tell you they're misconceptions. I am Kydobi and it is a pleasure to meet you."

He would remain polite, someday he would stand by Jervis. He would hope to advise him to make wiser decisions but none knew of his plans other than Bai Shi.

Soon another feline would show up, but a much much smaller one. Kydobi dipped his head in respects, [b]"I came to just meet the other groups. I've recently joined the Pitt, unfortunately I learned on their nature only after the fact. You'll find I'm not a savage brute. I understand how foolish some of their... ideologies are."
. And I have plans to alter them. Cause change like the Rosebloods have experienced.

But little did he know.

His tail rippled, "I've been to the Typhoon, and the Rosebloods. Both accepted me with little to no issues. I simply came to talk and get to know you all."


Re: for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - teef - 04-21-2019

falling back and calming herself to proper amounts, Kade would breathe out and force herself to relax, much too wound up with certain events and memories.

shaking her head, "apologies. little control of my anger today." she murmurs, bowing her head in greeting. "bad memories of the pitt, kydobi. not your fault. the rosebloods? who greeted you?" if one got close enough, they would be able to catch the scent of the rosebloods mingling with her elysium scent.

[member=4490]Kydobi[/member] //
sure, sorry about that aha ///

Re: for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - Tena M. - 04-22-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Something burned in the petite feline's eyes.  A conflict of ideas.  'Foolish' did not quite fit the Pitt.  No.  Monstrous.  Immoral.  Tena frowned, her tail lashing to and fro even as Kade apologized.  You can't be rash now, Tena.  You lead these people now.  A step in the wrong direction and everything crumbled.

"I only ask one question," the Demdji murmured.  "I don't know the other groups very well, though I have been visiting them myself to remedy this." A leader must know their neighbors.  "I have avoided the Pitt for word of their... 'Ideologies'." Pre-caution.  She might lose her cool if she had went there without... Proper thinking-ahead.  "… One question."

"… Does the Pitt still conduct the practice of slavery?" It took everything to speak calmly.  Soft almost.  Even so, her claws dug into the ground.  Beneath sandy fur, the scars left by chains, unseen.  Constrained hatred.  "You must understand that... Associating with such a thing, even if you do not practice it yourself, is unjust enough.  And as Magna, I will not stand to welcome you any further into our home if such is the case." He may not have known.  It was not his fault.  No.  No.  If it is true of them and he still stands beside them, it is enough.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - Kydobi - 04-24-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC:haha it's fine I appreciate you tagging me Smile

[member=1077]kade .[/member] [member=298]Tena M.[/member] ]
Lucky for him he had said the right thing. In fact the large tigress inquired more, and while he did not notice her scent, he did pay attention to her interest. He would open his mouth to speak but before he could do so the smaller one spoke.

He looked at her without expression and gave her the time she needed to speak. And as Magna... oh look another rank... An internal sigh. He was beginning to notice a pattern here regarding the leaders and... build.

Instead of impulsively leaping into an answer he gave it a moment's thought, "That I will not pretend to know. But for what it is worth I have not seen nor have I heard of such practices.. Let alone a 'slave' in the flesh."

Not that he cared, if the "slaves" were treated properly. As long as he had somewhere to stay that was comfortable enough, he would turn a blind eye. Somewhere in the back of his mind whispered a question, what would Bai Shi think of that?. Maybe they would understand it. If they didn't then so be it. But Kydobi genuinely did not know whether the Pitt could acquire slaves. In his opinion they were a rather weak group but good at hiding their armor chinks with a persuasive facade of brute savagery and lack of morals. Maybe they were all they acted like at one point. But war would ravage population that way.

And there was few enough members to start with, "I think it would be wise to not bother visiting the territory. I would like to think I could give you a good enough idea of what we're all about."

Kydobi looked at Kade, "And the Roseblood that greeted me was Lynn. Or Bai Shi, formally speaking. They were one of the more pleasurable and inviting hosts. In fact they even invited me to become a Roseblood... But I cannot turn my back on my loyalty for what would I have if not my word?" the jaguar would not mention the contents of their conversation nor how intimate the discussion of secrets and futures became.

Re: for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - Kydobi - 04-27-2019


Re: for what it's worth [pitt visitor] - teef - 04-30-2019

i often forget i have more than a certain amount of accounts rofl //

kade would bow her head and give a hefty tired sigh, "of all the centuries that i have known that dragon ..." she sighed with a shake of her head and a crack of her neck, relaxing. "a man's word is as good as he is rotten." she responded perhaps a little primly, a little roughly and with a lot of grudges. some male had done wrong by her and she just was not as forgiving of anyone after her trust had been betrayed.

taking a few steps back, she allowed tena to speak, her lips lifting at the mention of slavery, digging at the ground to keep her cool, the exotically coloured woman slowly relaxing again as she shook off her grudges. "they are a kind being, and they have seen many, many wars, and not all of them within these lands, having been involved in most since birth. even the war to keep a crown tied to their bloodline. be wary of words spoken ill near them. they might seem like a piece of marble or collected on the surface, they are a roiling pit of violent unexpressed emotions.", she warned, seeing the sense of familiarity he had with the name of the golden vizier of the rosebloods.