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new tricks [feel free to join!] - Printable Version

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new tricks [feel free to join!] - Kydobi - 04-17-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: kydobi needs some assistance! Seems he just acquired his intangibility power Smile]

It was fine. It had all be perfectly fine. He was napping on a secure branch, a thick branch. Nothing flimsy or weak. So how was he falling? It was the moment right before he hit the floor with a dull thud that he opened eyes. The feline had just enough time to yowl in terrible surprise before his breath was knocked out of him.

What the hell?

What the hell just happened? He looked up, the branch was still. Not even swaying. Nothing was disturbed. Grunting as he got up on his feet the cat shook himself. Not one to linger too long the jaguar figured he must've slipped. Back to the others, no more napping.

He decided he would go to the tree houses and nap up there. At least he couldn't roll of of one. It did not occur to him that his feet were going through the thick and dense brush as if it wasn't really there. It wasn't until he was at the trunk of the desired tree did he realize.

He bunched his legs, muscles rippling and a lesser bird calling from above at the predator he leaped. Right when his paws should've made contacted he seemed to go through the tree. And landed onto the other side. A growl rumbled in his throat... What was happening?

It didn't even occur to him that this was a new power for all he ever knew was enhanced sense and wall walking.

Re: new tricks [feel free to join!] - Kydobi - 04-26-2019
