Beasts of Beyond
I break pattern // open+visitor // I break ground - Printable Version

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I break pattern // open+visitor // I break ground - jacob w.c. - 04-27-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob wasn't too sure about this. He'd heard strange things about this place and he knew they were fighting with... well, everyone but Snowbound. Still, he had told himself that his groups would be open to all sorts of people and that included these people. If they didn't want to come or if they caused problems, there was nothing stopping him from cutting them off. Still, he couldn't help the anxious feeling that built in his chest as he approached the border. Relief and worry clashed in his mind. The upcoming border would mean he'd finally be able to rest his legs after walking around all day to get here but it also meant that he'd have to face whatever creatures lived here. There was a part of him that was terrified they'd just chase him out or drag him deeper into the swamp. Still, seeing as Snowbound was the only clan they weren't currently fighting with, he didn't think that was likely. Besides, it wasn't like they'd gain anything from doing that. Jacob was here as a friend to offer different services and information, not as someone who wanted to harm anyone here. He'd be fine. So, the husky settled at the border with a soft sigh as he waited for someone to arrive. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: I break pattern // open+visitor // I break ground - ▷killian◁ - 04-27-2018

Killian had been exploring the territory a lot recently. There was so many dangerous things, but he prided himself on being a good fighter. And runner. In fact, he'd probably ran more in the time he'd spent in Tanglewood so far than he had in months.

It was interesting, there was always new things to see, even if they were usually scary and capable of killing him in one bite. He was lucky to have avoided traps so far; even if he was a member of the group now, he had no idea where his clan mates were putting all the traps, or where they had already put previous traps.

Now, he was back in the swamp. He'd avoided it for a while; it was kind of gross, and he hated dirtying his fur. How was he to be handsome when his fur was caked in dirt and animal poop? But, he had told himself he'd map out most of the territory, learn where everything was, so here he was.

He could smell.. someone, nearby. Maybe someone he could fight? The dobie's tail stump wiggled just at the thought. Maybe he could finally rip someone apart! His teeth had been tingling with the need to bite someone, hard. Hm. Well, he'd just go find them then.

Killian had to walk for a little bit before he could spot the stranger; the bright colors on them surprised him. What animal would go around, looking like a walking target? Anyone would be able to spot them! He trotted forward eagerly, pointed ears perking. " What's a cute little thing like you doing out here? Are you lost? Here to fight?" His lips were slowly curling up as he stared at the other dog. A bit big. The demon was sure he could take him on, though. " Who are you?"


Re: I break pattern // open+visitor // I break ground - JERSEYBOY - 04-27-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]It wasn't the sound of someone's voice that had caught the tuxedo tom's attention. No, it was the familiar scent of Snowbound, the group that he had stayed in for a short period of time. Hell, even all of his stuff was still there, and that reminded him that he had to go retrieve some of those items soon. For now, though, he was kicking it in Tanglewood. The residents of Tanglewood were weird as hell, but they seemed more lively than that of Snowbound. Plus, he wasn't freezing his nuts off here (although it was quite muddy and murky).

So, who was it that was waiting at the border? None other than Jacob, his kid brother. Jerseyboy had been a bit hesitant to leave Jacob on his own, but he had responsibilities now. A job. He would be better off staying there, he supposed. In the meantime, what was left for Jerseyboy? A whole new world to discover. That was when he had headed out to seek new lands and meet new people. It was awfully coincidental that Jacob just so happened to run into him here, of all places.

First, and only for a moment, he'd deal with the dumbass that Jacob had the pleasure of meeting first. He didn't even know who this guy was, but he still managed to stalk up next to him and snort, "Ey, buzz off, giamoke.[sup]1[/sup]" He wasn't pissed off (not yet, at least), but he didn't take too kindly to random people saying weird shit to his brother. "'n don't call him cute — you got that?" Jerseyboy warned him before looking up at the husky. "Well well, someone's far from home." He mused, a smirk gracing his features as he spared a more familiar, playful mood for Jacob.

[ 1. Idiot ]

Re: I break pattern // open+visitor // I break ground - ▷killian◁ - 04-28-2018

Killian had watched in silence as the tom approached, expecting him to join in trying to figure out who this dog was. His cloudy eyes narrowed slightly when he instead told him off, what gave him the right to tell him what to do? This was a stranger at the border of their territory, and Killian wanted to deal with him. His pointed ears folded back for a moment and he seemed ready to snap at the tom but he paused for a moment. The dobie was dumb but not dumb enough to be unaware of the fact that they seemed to know each other.

Maybe he would leave, then. He supposed the cat had known the husky at one point, and judging from the way the tom's entire demeanour had shifted when addressing the other dog, they must've been close. He didn't want to be there when they talked about their feelings or whatever close friends did. Killian had expected a fight, after all, and if there was no fight then he didn't see much of a point in staying.

The immature dog couldn't help himself and grumbled, "Don't tell me what to do, 'you got that'?" before he turned and left, hoping he'd had the last word between them. You'd think a demon would be less like a child, but.. Obviously not.

skjskjs i feel like he's so annoying but thats,,,, the point so sorry lmao

Re: I break pattern // open+visitor // I break ground - beck. - 04-29-2018

    A retreating Killian was unfortunately replaced by another demonic entity, one with much more sinister nature than the doberman's when considering the lifeless and calculating glint to his luminous glare. Beck may have been oblivious to common social cues and normal behavior thanks to centuries of isolation, but he wasn't an idiot. An idiot wasn't able to lay out countless traps of their own design and predict where trespassers would set foot, nor learn about a creature simply through observation. Not that he was bragging, sometimes Beck wished he was able to hold a placid conversation without preparing a counter-attack in his mind out of paranoid in case anything were to go awry, and that he was able to understand what it felt like to have a plain, innocent friendship, sappy as it was, instead of manipulating his peers for fun. He just wanted to be normal, despite his tragic fate. But everyone wanted to be that, didn't they? Based on the insecure way the husky covered himself in gauze and even a sweater regardless of the swamp's sweltering humidity, it seemed Jacob wanted to be what the world considered normal too. What was he hiding?

    Freezing apparition briefly bumping into the new addition to their ranks under the name Jerseyboy, the scruffy feline shot the taller cat a glowering look as if to silently question how he knew Jacob. Not that it mattered, he was just curious. Without warning, the poltergeist craned his neck out until he was uncomfortably close to Jacob, scarred snout giving out a few deep sniffs. Beck's stubby tail gave an irritated wag as his keen nose identified the trace scents of Leigh and his territory, and with a visible clench of his teeth, he reminded himself he wanted to remain on good terms with Snowbound, considering his under-developed plans for an alliance. With Pincher and Starrynight teaming up against them, it was clear they needed at least one ally to turn to. He recoiled from Jacob, disfigured muzzle holding back a sneeze at the overwhelming scent of wool and herbs from the husky's sweater and commented mostly to himself, "You're from that Snowbound place, ain'tcha? And a medic, right?" He staggered for a moment, shifting his weight on the lone functional paw he had while the other was tucked uselessly against his chest and bundled in filthy bandages, and licking his half-exposed teeth with a strikingly-blue tongue, Beck rasped out impatiently, "Well, are ya gonna talk? What do ya want?"

Re: I break pattern // open+visitor // I break ground - jacob w.c. - 04-29-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob's eyes first landed on the doberman and he wasn't immediately afraid of this creature, despite the way he held himself. He only thought of Pincher, for just a moment. But then reality set in and he spoke and Jacob knew this wasn't his... whatever Pincher was. Then he was asked if he was here to fight and he immediately started shaking his head. "Oh, n-no, goodness no, 'm not really the type for fightin'," the words rushed past his lips and he took a step away from the other canine before his eyes landed on his big brother, briefly widening in surprise but then turning to a wide smile. "It wasn' tha' long of a walk," he answered with a light smile before his eyes darted back to the doberman. "M' name's Jacob." Then he watched as Jersey and Killian bickered until the creature just left. That wasn't particularly surprising, his brother did seem to have that affect on people. Then a new being appeared, one he recognized as a ghost. Jacob had seen plenty of ghosts before but this one was different. "Yeah, 'm from Snowbound n' I'm the Frosthealer there," he answered, hesitating a moment before adding, "N' the Chief now. Tha's a whole lot more recent, though." He was quiet, again, as if trying to collect his thoughts before he spoke about what he really wanted. "I came ta' ask if whatever healers ya' 'ave would be interested in comin' ta' a meeting similar ta' the ones leaders hold. Ranks n' clan allegiance wouldn' matter, it'd just be healers n' the like meetin' ta' share resources n' problems n' knowledge n' for the younger ones ta' learn from the experience everyone else has," he explained.    —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: I break pattern // open+visitor // I break ground - beck. - 05-02-2018

    He couldn't understand a word Jacob was saying, his features twisting into confusion as his ears strained to decipher the slurred speech coming from the husky. Blinking owlishly, Beck glanced back at Jersey, before swiveling his attention back to the husky. He was able to catch a few snippets through the garbled accent, taking a moment to process the salvaged information. "Wait -- what happened to the -- the unicorn boy? Uh, what's his face... Leigh?" the poltergeist interrupted with a broken wheeze, head angled to the right as he narrowed his gaze. Great, Leigh was the only leader he could tolerate, and now he was being replaced by a random mutt.

    The news left him in a sour mood, his scowl darkening as he glared back at Jacob and his stuttering. What he could understand did interest him slightly, however, his paws shuffling as he straightened from his slouch. A healer's meeting? "Why should I help out my enemies by lettin' 'em use my medics? Oh, that's a great idea, let's teach the Typhoon all about how to heal their fighters instead of lettin' em suffer like the rats they are! I don't need Typhoon knowin' how to heal when y'all are already groupin' up and plottin' against us!" Beck hissed, bloodless lips curling back in his sudden anger and scratchy voice rising into a shriller pitch. Who cared if some pathetic aspiring healer out there wanted to learn? They were an enemy, a threat, he wasn't going to help them with their stupid dream. "But I can't say no -- I gotta ask Bells and Nayru first," came the rattling sigh, his bony shoulders slouching as he clicked his teeth in frustration. Why did politics have to be so complicated? He just wanted his clan to be left alone, was that too much to ask?

Re: I break pattern // open+visitor // I break ground - jacob w.c. - 05-03-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — At the question of Leigh, Jacob only offered a sigh and shrugged. [color=#2954d0=]"No one's seen 'im for weeks now. We've been lookin' for 'im but we haven't found 'im. I dunno' where he went or what happened. As far as I know, neither does anyone else,"[/color] he answered. Then at Beck's next outburst, Jacob simply pressed his lips together tightly. At the mention of letting Typhoon suffer, he felt his heart twist as his mind immediately went to Pincher. Sure, Guru was an awful woman but Pincher had done nothing but help and take care of both him and Snowbound. There was no reason that they should suffer for the actions of one member but Jacob had a feeling Beck didn't know much about the situation in Snowbound, nor about how the pirate captain had taken care of him. Just thinking about being in the cluttered room with the doberman made him feel more at peace and anyone threatening that peace immediately set him on edge. However, he knew he had to be objective. Beck, and his group as a whole, had yet to do anything to Snowbound and they were a neutral group. "Like I said, this is meant ta' go outside ah' normal enemy and ally bounds, much like the meetin's the leaders have sometimes. While I can't speak for the other groups or leaders, I can assure ya' that we ain't conspirin' against no one. We're at peace righ' now n' I certainly don' mind keepin' things that way. I don' mind if ya' don' wanna' join in but know that we ain't got no reason ta' be plottin' against you or anyone else," he answered. At the mention of having to ask two other people, Jacob nodded in understanding and assumed they must be the medics here. "Tha's jus' fine with me. Would ya' like me ta' wait or will the news be delivered later after ya'll talk it over?" he asked. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP