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wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Printable Version

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wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Kydobi - 04-15-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

The weather was beginning to warm up, no longer did it hold the cool undertones of spring. There was clouds in the sky, but there was nothing gloomy about it. Instead it was a more cooler day as opposed to the previous ones.

Because of that Kydobi wouldn't be searching for a tree to climb and slumber in. Instead he would be looking at anything and everything. Lately he had been on a wandering streak. Just trying to get to know the land he would call his home if things went well. While other may prefer waiting, the prince knew that progress was rarely inevitable. It took the sweat of ones brow and the soreness of the body to enhance and advance into the future. If one sat back and let fate control it all they would be gone sooner than they could realize, it would all be a waste.

Ah, so what was here? A flower. Should you eat it? No. What possible healing properties did this have? Nothing. What even is it? A damn dandelion. A weed. He felt foolish, doting over something so trivial in an attempt to learn. Elementary. What he should be doing was discussing these things with Ember or Mr.Glassman.... What a name. Really how did a creature go to add "Mr." to his name? Did he even have one? It was like Kydobi having other's call him Mr.Adebisi. Ouch. There was an internal twinge of pain, he was not really an Adebisi was he? Nevermind don't think bout it. Back to the flowers now.

So there he was, pushing down gently on the canary leaves of velvet. Contemplating on napping.

Re: wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Olalla - 10-04-2019

OOC: Permission to post from Kydobi


❀Eulogy walked quietly among the brush and trees, her steps muffled by the pads on the cats paws. The shadows thrown from the trees crawled a crossed her back as she herself crawled under the few giant ferns that dappled the ground. Eulogy jumped up onto a tree root, the cat digging her claws into its bark as it bounced and swayed under her weight. Im not that heavy, am i? As she jumped down, the thoughts slipped from her brain as if it were never there. Eulogy sniffed the warm air, her pale rose nose wiggling. The cat looked around the dense forested area, only stopping and crouching down when a dark figure came into view. Eulogy pushed her head up slightly and looked at the figure, she sniffed again. The cat got up and slowly walked towards it, if it hadn't been for her constant purring she would have been completely silent so she gave up the act of trying to be a feline ninja...well a feline in general. After a couple seconds of contemplating what he was going to say to it. The figure.

"[glow=teal,2,300]Oh, um. Hello[/glow]!"

Re: wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Kydobi - 10-16-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: mobile, apologies for the wait [member=8745]Olalla[/member] ]

He hadn't expected anyone to come strolling along.

Her greeting was eager to say the least, "Hello ma'am. I am Kydobi, what is your bame.?"

He was risking it right now, members of the Pitt did not have the luxury of going out into the public without a target on their head. Many hated him just because the scent he carried on his pelt. Because of who he was affiliated with. But in reality the jaguar often meant well, most certainly one of the better eggs in the Pitt. His unwillingness to leave was enough justification for others to throw him with the rest.

There was an awful lot of housecats in this land, he would decide. For better or worse it was so.

He wouldn't tell her what group he belonged to. Not give her a bias or predisposition to judge him.


Re: wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Olalla - 10-16-2019

[font=courier](OOC: Its totally fine, no need for apologies !)


❀ Her smiled shone bright after the introductions that rolled from Kydobi's tongue. Although the beast was just about the same size as her and seemed fairly nice, but something felt off about him. It seemed as if a thick slime of unfamiliarness clung to his fur like a child to their mother. He didn't look very intimidating, but at a first glance he didn't look very friendly either. Eulogy smiled slightly faded; hopefully only noticeable to herself and not to Kydobi.

"[glow=teal,2,300]Nice to meet you Kydobi, the names' Eulogy. Sorry if i spooked ya a little, didn't think i was that scary.[/glow]"

❀Eulogy chuckled at her remark even though it wasn't that funny, the Bengal was known for that type of thing; to laugh at stupid little remarks or snicker at literally nothing. She looked at the ground then at Kydobi, hopefully he wouldnt mind if she stuck around. Eulogy knew from past experiences that not all creatures are friendly.

Re: wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Kydobi - 10-17-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: sorry, I thought she was a domestic feline. What exactly is she? For clarification on my part XD ]

She apologized for possibly spooking him. He nearly told her it was just cause he was in dangerous territory.

"It's alright. I've had worse scares.", he gave her a soft smile, "Nice to meet you Eulogy. May I ask what you're doing out here?"

He shifted himself onto his stomach.


Re: wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Olalla - 10-18-2019

(OOC: Its totally fine, no worries! shes a 4 year old Bengal Tiger.)


❀Worst scares? She didn't know what that meant, well Eulogy knew, but she didn't know what kind of scares he was speaking of. The beast seemed uncomfortable, he seemed as if he was tied to an invisible force. It wasn't unusual for creatures to hide things, in fat it was fairly normal but to her it felt as if they were hiding the world. She felt bad, was it her fault, did she need leave? The Bengal didn't know, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. Nonetheless, she smiled and gave a small snicker.

"[glow=teal,2,300]Oh uh, what am i doing here? Just walking around. What about you?[/glow]"

Re: wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Kydobi - 10-26-2019


[OOC: apologies for such a crappy post!! But is she a tigress?]

He gave her a soft smile, tail swishing. It would be wise ro get to know someone outside the Pitt. Someone to leave a good impression on. Someone to spread the word that perhaps not all Pittians were bad.

"i suppose I've come to do the same."

He yawned, curling his pink tongue for a moment before turning his head to briefly look at their surroundings. Swallowing some saliva he sighed and looked back at her


Re: wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Olalla - 10-26-2019

(OOC: dont worry about it, and yes sir. She is.)


❀He seemed deep into thought as if a tsunami crashed into his brain, but she didnt want to be rude so she paid no mind to it. Eulogy blinked and gave a quirt nod to his words, thats all anyone really does anyway. Just walking around. The Bengal gave a small huff,the big cat sighed and the breath that escaped his mouth was like bee stings to her face. On the bright side, he did have a nice smile. But was she boring? Did she annoying him? Was he bored? Paranoia came crawling back once again, Eulogy shook her head but the thoughts did shake loose. They clung to her skull like leeches.

"[glow=teal,2,300]Mister Kydobi, i know i have no right to ask this, but you seem on edge. Whats wrong?[/glow]"

Re: wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - Kydobi - 12-13-2019



It seemed she picked up on his emotions, he didn’t care to hide them right now. At least not as well as he would. While he didn’t like someone knowing something was wrong, he doubted much harm could come from it.

For some odd reason, he felt like being completely honest instead of giving her a white lie. It was often easier to confess to a stranger than a friend.

“Impending doom.”, he stared at the grass in front of him, eyes going to a distant future. An undeniable battle. His paw would softly brush the green down, “a madman and a vengeful woman. We’re all going to lose one way or another. To suffer, though there is no need. People cannot see too far from what’s in front of them.”

Pride. It was truly that, and he knew something of it. But he felt life had humbled him in more aspects than most. Let downs and heart break had a tendency to do that.

Miserable. That was all the Pitt was for him at the moment.


Re: wherever the wind blows [any welcome!!] - RB Graveyard - 12-14-2019

His paws shuffled against the emerald green, his voice soaked in pain from the past. Eulogy let her ears droop slightly, her mood changing significantly. The feline blinked as he continued to speak. Then it hit her, she had heard that some pack had attacked his, and had one. The raiding of the pack had caught them off guard and had taken over. She understood his odd emotions now; understood what caused them. But she was glad that he opened up to her, if Eulogy was him... she probably wouldn't have opened up so easily. Nevertheless she gave a soft smile, trying to comfort the sorrowful beast. She spoke, her voice mearly louder than a whisper. "Even if you loose, mister Kydobi," she shifted her stance. "It was the fact that you tried and took part in a cause you believe in. Thats what truly counts." Eulogy stood up and sat near the beast her tail swiping his shoulder in an 'Im proud of you' notion. She was proud of him, he had managed to go through a battle and the take over of his home without going berserk. In all honesty, if it were her, she would have gone berserk. "If it makes you feel any better," she cooed. "Just let it out, talk to me."
OOOC: Its okay. I forgot too.
Come now child, the day is long
Hide not yourself from me
