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elysium visitor [★] the reckless, the wild youth - Printable Version

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elysium visitor [★] the reckless, the wild youth - Tena M. - 04-14-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
Politics.  Perhaps the most scary part of her new rule.  Dealing with the other groups.  Far as the petite sand cat could tell, Elysium bore no ill will -- nor good -- towards anyone.  Everyone neutral.  Given their quiet nature as of late, Tena felt that made sense.  Safe.  The Demdji didn't know how she felt about all the other groups anyhow, given her limited experience with any of them.

She knew the Typhoon.  The salt and fresh air felt familiar and calming.  Tena exhaled slowly, recounting her brief time among the pirates when she'd been a member of Snowbound.  Nearly a year ago now.  It felt longer.  With a bright gleam in her sapphire hues, the sand cat rang the bells.
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free

Re: elysium visitor [★] the reckless, the wild youth - bubblegum - 04-14-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
Goldie more so found politics boring than she had ever found them to be scary. Sure, she may worry times that she may be making the wrong move, but she was confident in her abilities. She has learned well from her papa. Politics are simply a game, and she was going to win it. The female was still not so happy with Elysium, but they'd been given supplies back, so she didn't care enough to raid them. They had bigger problems to worry about, not that she was allowing her crewmates to know she was thinking about them. Not yet. For all they know, she's long forgotten Jervis and the Pitt. Once again, it is politics at work. She has strategy. Nonetheless, when she found the scent of Elysium entering her nose as she nears the Railroad Gate, she would find herself surprised, and a little bothered. She would rather not deal with them right now - not with everything else that was happening at the moment. Hopefully this would go over quick.

The tiger held her head high as she approached, cold eyes looking over Tena quietly. Did she know this female? She couldn't find herself recognizing her. Goldie decided it was not so important to figure out right now. "Hello," she greets in her sharp voice, tone neutral as she looks down to the female. "What brings ya t' the Typhoon?"

Re: elysium visitor [★] the reckless, the wild youth - Tena M. - 04-15-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
There's something vaguely familiar about the larger feline.  Something that pulled a memory of a child encouraging her friend to fish, but it did not add up to a golden tiger.  Other than the fact she was golden.  Well.  Regardless, the Demdji straightened, eyes bright but sharp.  Odds are this is Goldenluxury; she's the leader. Or Captain.  Pincher had been the last Typhoon Captain she'd seen in person, moons ago, but that made sense.  Many leaders had come and gone.  Elysium had not even existed back then.

She smiled.  Polite, not truly bright or happy.  "My name's Tena Moonspinner," she offered first, crisp and concise.  "I've recently become the new Magna of Elysium, and as such thought it was best that the other leaders were aware of the change." And improvise from there. Tena was not truly sure what to expect from this new turn her life had taken but she'd strut down the path with some stride once she found her way.

Eventually she did opt for a friendlier smile.  Instinct perhaps.  "As of the moment, I have no plans to alter our current political standings, especially since we believe in balance and it does not make sense to hold any biases," she explained, tail flicking.  "But I did think it's beneficial for everyone to know about the change of command."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free