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Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - Printable Version

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Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - Orion - 04-14-2019

Morning BoBCats.

Recently we held a poll based on a switch to the next platform. Ultimately as a community we decided MyBB would be a better platform for our future compared to SMF. With that said, let’s review what was said and make a few more clarifications along the way.

This is one of everyone’s biggest concerns obviously. Thankfully, nothing to worry about. Everything transferred just fine on the test site! When the time comes, we will be double checking for recent missing posts and broken areas on the site.

All good! Everyone transfers swell... Except for my account, of course! Admin account transfers are a pain. Guess I’ll have to start at 0 posts again. Oh well! At least everyone else is just fine.

Templates and BBCode
As of right now, staff are unsure on whether templates can be transferred over successfully. There has been plenty of success, but there is one problem that has really delayed this. Right now there are many users not closing their [ div ] code with [ /div ]’ which prevents the program from parsing the template, leaving a coding mess for all to see. Though it’s not the majority, it’s still a problem. Until then, make sure you close your codes! Along with this, instead of using [ center ] PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use margin: auto;!

Along with this, we do have alternatives. We could completely scrap our current way of coding and switch to an HTML style. This is a lot more complex for beginners. Even so, it definitely does provide a lot more features and even animated templates. Mobile-friendliness is not necessarily specified. Once again, this is not preferred as posts that remain unchanged will be a mess, but do not forget that this is always an option.

Yes! These will be okay! When the site first goes into development, all accounts will remain independent. Staff, as they work on the site, will start to link accounts as needed. So far there have been no problems with this on the test site.

One thing though... Subaccounts no longer merge. If you want to get rid of subaccounts and put them on your main account, do it now. It’ll be beneficial. Admins CAN merge accounts though, but we advise against it.

As of right now, profiles have customizable HTML. This will not be available on our new site unless we can find a solution.

Badges will transfer over just fine. They will be manually added back onto needed accounts.

Shop System
Just like with badges, this will need to be done manually. These are merely plugins and not features of either platform, meaning that there is no way they could be done automatically during the merge.

Layout and Themes
We’ve got a few choices for everyone to go through. Please take a look at their functionality. If you would also like to take a look at some themes yourself and suggest some, go ahead! Post below and we’ll take a look. Responsiveness (or mobile-friendly) is something that plays a big factor in choosing a theme for us.

Here are three that seem fitting:
- LifeStyle theme - $15 (7.50 with discount) - demo (change theme at bottom)
- Emerald Revamped - free - Demo
- iGame Responsive - $20 - no demo, but uses it... There is also a free version that is not responsive/mobile-friendly.

Please note that listed themes will experience color changes to match the current layout. In no way will they remain their given colors.

How much is the general layout of the site going to change?
Not very much. The only changes will be how profiles and subaccounts are dealt with. Otherwise we expect things to be ultimately very similar depending on the chosen theme.

How long will this take? Release date?
Unsure. I would much rather discuss this thoroughly with everyone instead of forcing out an update.

Thoughts, questions, concerns? We want to hear them.

Re: Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - spacexual - 04-14-2019

trackity track

Re: Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - tikki - 04-14-2019

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]quickly tracking for now

Re: Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - tristitia - 04-15-2019


Re: Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - Orion - 04-15-2019

Any questions or suggestions yet? :0

Re: Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - Grey - 04-15-2019

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt;"]Since you insist :eyes:

I don't particularly like the fact that we will be unable to merge the accounts linked to our main. To me, it's always been a way to not only show progress but also a method of organisation. While one could suggest to simply unlink the account to avoid the clutter, I want to still own the posts that I have made rather than merely dump them in the void of registered accounts. Post counts also feel like a badge because they, almost in a strange sort of way, validate your presence on the site or perhaps even experience. Sometimes it is reaching post milestones that lead people to write and increase their activity. When an account is no longer used, posts become spread out. At the same time, to unlink or leave an account unmerged, it feels like all that experience or effort has been sort of erased? I don't really know how exactly to word my thoughts but I've always thoroughly enjoyed the organisation of merging unused accounts. I don't like recycling accounts because then it becomes difficult to go back and find plot points for a character when the first few pages are for a previous character.

That being said, I have a thought that wouldn't be practical if the site's population were the increase exponentially but should be manageable with the site's current activity. I want to suggest maybe a system where a person may merge one or two subaccounts in a given time frame and adjust the system accordingly so that it does not put strain on yourself or any other admin. The system would be that we can sign up to have an account merged (subaccount -> parent account) but there would have to be warnings that everything has to be ready and everything that needs to be transferred has to be transferred. People who have already had accounts transferred can have their names written on a list and the date of when they last did it to keep track. Of course, this puts a lot of extra work so it's understandable if it doesn't work out.

Final note: I don't hate what will happen to subaccounts, don't get me wrong. It is, however, the only thing that stands out to be a potential inconvenience for myself and perhaps other members.

Re: Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - Orion - 04-17-2019

I actually thought about that! It would be a nice compromise compared to what we have currently. 10/10 willing to merge accounts given that they understand that their request will be processed *as soon as they post* and must have everything transferred over that way.

Re: Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - Verdigris - 04-27-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]I’ll have to second Grey’s suggestion, I think doing a sign up list is the best way to deal with merges

  Also in regards to the shop, will we need to keep records of the items we had before the switch to get them back after, or is there already notation of that?

  I might think of more stuff later but this is what I have for now

Re: Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - Orion - 04-30-2019

I'll be keeping track the best I can, but please keep some notes of your own stuff if you're intent on it.

Re: Full MyBB Debrief: A discussion on the switch. - beatae - 05-07-2019

hey! I was out for a month so im not exactly sure whats going on
when is this happening? and will the site look the same or different?