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what kind of man loves like this // o - sunbathing - Printable Version

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what kind of man loves like this // o - sunbathing - georgie - 04-27-2018

In a sick way, she still wanted to go home. Even after everything. Even knowing it would likely mean a swift death. On the days when the ache wasn’t so forceful and the spite that had kept her going for so long wasn’t so much a hot pounding in her ears as it was a weak gasp, Georgie wondered if it would really be that tragic of an end for her. Those days, however, were few and far between.

She wanted to go home so she could see their faces. So she could make sure they knew. Everyone I’ve hurt has you to blame. You did this. And one day, maybe she would find out how. Maybe she would go home, rub their faces in the mess they made. And then I’ll die.

And then she would die. And then I’ll be forgotten. Georgie didn’t like that that made her feel...something. Ill, perhaps. She didn’t dwell on it because she devided that there was nothing to dwell on. It could be chalked up to residual emotion from who Georgie was supposed to be, not the thing that was inside of her now. That thing didn’t think like that.

The serval was sprawled across the shore looking very much like a speckled puddle. Chaos aside, vengeance aside, this was nice. She couldn’t recall the last time she had enjoyed sunbathing this much. Probably just a cat thing. Georgie’s front toe beans spread out as she stretched her arms. It would’ve been a very peaceful picture had it not been colored crimson around the edges by the split apart bodies of birds strewn wastefully about her. Colorful feathers were stuck to one another and the ground and her with gluey clots of rust red, congealing and drying in the sun.

She looked fine with this, however. Georgie looked as though she’d continue being fine even if the bodies began to start reeking.

Re: what kind of man loves like this // o - sunbathing - Guru - 04-27-2018

ooc: 'toe beans', mood

The sight was a beautiful one to Guru, but most likely a disturbing one to the others that would possibly gather to witness Georgie. Now, she never exactly planned on talking to the serval, but seeing that this was happening before her eyes, she just had to poke her nose into Georgie's own little drama. The thought just brought a smirk to her lips. Guru practically felt herself practically floating over to the scene.

By then, her head loomed over the serval's shoulder with her eyes intent on the ground. "Why," she cooed, "What do we have here, Georgie?" Hopefully something with a little bit of meaning. Who didn't love tea? Surely the striker didn't, as she was mostly the cause for the recent events with Snowbound which she held little to no regret for. Oh well. This would have to do for now.

Re: what kind of man loves like this // o - sunbathing - lilyspoise - 04-27-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Lil had been searching for a certain herb, which wasn't particularly surprising, but when she had caught the smell of blood she opted to pursue that instead. Whether it be a hurt clanmate or a trespasser or a joiner or whoever, blood was blood and had a source, and Lil intended to find it. However, finding Georgie surrounded by... a lot of dead birds, plus Guru inquiring as to what's going on was not only something that she hadn't expected to find but something that she, quite frankly, wished she hadn't.

"Is... everything okay?" Lil asked softly, growing concerned by so, so many factors of this situation. On one hand the tabby felt that maybe she should've expected this because, after all, this was Georgie and Georgie was an interesting clanmate, but on the other hand this was still undeniably weird. Georgie seemed to always be up in everyone's business and saying that she loved them, not killing birds and scattering their corpses. Maybe she was wrong; maybe she'd misread Georgie -- which honestly was completely possible -- but as a healer first and a clanmate second, Lilyspoise couldn't help but be worried.

Re: what kind of man loves like this // o - sunbathing - georgie - 05-01-2018

[color=#b4af37]We have a lot to experience and only these soft little bodies to help process it all.” She purred drowsily in reaponse to Guru, rubbing her cheek into the ground. “[color=#b4af37]I could’ve had anything I wanted.” Thought she wanted, anyway. She would settle. Sometimes you just had to.

Georgie groaned and rolled onto her back, tummy exposed. She twisted her head to look at Lil, licking her lips. “[color=#b4af37]Everything is. Are you hungry? I am.” She murmured softly, paws folded onto her chest. Her pupils were large and appeared misshapen until she shut her eyes again. “[color=#b4af37]Have a snack.” She urged softly.

Re: what kind of man loves like this // o - sunbathing - Guru - 05-02-2018

How vague of a response. Guru's eyes narrowed in frustration but relaxed soon enough. Perhaps she shouldn't bother with the bumblings of this one, as they seemed drastically too out of it. Though, all the more fun. "Well, don't we all," came her lowly purr. "I wanted love but I just ended up ruining that in the first place." More like she valued dominance, pleasure, and power over her own lover, but admitting that was just her loss. No one needed to find the body. "Let life progress and perhaps things will work out." Or things will go downhill. Really, it varied person to person.

Though the offer was kind, Guru just acted like she didn't hear Georgie's offer for a snack, as she assumed it was towards Lilyspoise in the first place. Instead, she looked towards Lilyspoise with a questioning expression. Would she take the bait?