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COMO LA FLOR / development - Printable Version

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COMO LA FLOR / development - Character Graveyard. - 04-09-2019

Lunafreya N.F.
It's the middle of the night. The moon and stars hide between a blanket of darkness. Not a single trace of light was able to be seen. The night brings a chill, yet Lunafreya feels none of the cold. Only a expression of exhaustion was seen in her sky-blue irises. Through the territory, the snowy-pelted female made her way to one of the purified lakes. How nice. It was truly nice that there was some purified lakes around and not just the murky lake that covered up part of the territory. Peering into her own reflection in the clear blue lake, Luna flinched- as a distant memory came over her, pushing away all of her current thoughts. A ache of loneliness rose in her chest and the memories quickly came and went, some parts clear while other parts she could not recall.

A large, winged beast rose from a huge body of water. A beautiful woman, dressed in a long white dress, and holding a trident in both of her hands, slowly glanced upward at the mighty beast. Though her heart began to beat faster, she did not show a trace of fear upon her pale features. The words from her lips, Luna couldn't remember, and thus, the memories kept coming. Blood could be seen spilling from the woman's side as a small dagger was driven through her skin and a man simply walked away after pulling the dagger out, mercilessly. Her entire vision was flooded with blue and she found herself staring at a black-haired male who was desperately swimming towards her. "Farewell, dear Noctis."

Gasping, the ivory-pelted female snapped back to reality and without realizing it, she slipped into the lake and slowly began to sink in the water. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't bring herself to swim back up to the surface.

Re: COMO LA FLOR / development - Crow Roux - 04-15-2019

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As much as Crow tried, he could not sleep, so per the usual his whereabouts lead him through every path, those he traveled so much he could navigate the forest blindly should he have to—the antics of a restless man and what felt like an eternity of time to pass all at his fingertips. So he set himself on wandering about of his own accord where no one could find him or direct him of what to do or when or why, pacing with no purpose in near thought.

It was another one of those days, his paws lazing nonchalantly dipped beneath the rippling surface of a misting pond, one of the larger ones he came to discover. The air had a chill to it out in the wood, one different from the muggy breeze of the bog and the sea, and one that he ultimately came to prefer against his skin should he always have that choice. There he sat along the lake shore studying the stars, his best vantage point.

Then came a splash, and Crow's head turned in a quick motion to focus his eyes on the source, a flurry of white that sank beneath the surface. He observed for a brief moment, watching the bubbles and wondering why, out of all the things the stranger could be doing, they were diving in the lake at odd hours of the night, especially in such unfavourable conditions. But the longer he observed, he noticed the bubbles slowed, and no sign of the figure making a return. Well shit. He supposed he should do something about this.

Fur turned to sleek feathers and he dashed, if a bird could even dash, through the air to where he saw them last, beady eyes scanning, and upon arriving at the sight, he morphed back, letting himself drop into the water with unsightly form and squinting through the murk. He would catch sight of a recognisable face, Lunafreya, paws treading to pull his body closer to her, close enough to grab the back of her neck and drag her to safety. He blindly thrashed about, legs kicking against the excess weight he now carried, until his head broke the surface and until his paws brushed the comfort of land, chest heaving as he exited the water with a shocked feline in tow.

Dry soil beneath his paws, Crow squinted at the snowy-hued feline, then prodded her. "H-hey, you alright?"

(assuming i can powerplay this eee?)