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♕ BROKEN CROWNS ♕ premade adoptions 1/7/20 - Printable Version

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♕ BROKEN CROWNS ♕ premade adoptions 1/7/20 - Kydobi - 04-08-2019


The Adebisi is made up of Giant Jaguars (extinct species). The family has roots deeply embedded in monarchy as prior to migrating to these lands they ruled a jungle under a monarchy. They have an assortment of powers and eye colors as well as varying personas.

STORY All those who carried the Adebisi name would've also carried Adebisi blood. However upon the rule of King Kaziko, his Queen Adisa was desperate to produce heirs after her love proved he wasn't quite potent. She would birth two sons in his name but not of his blood. Raised to believe Kaziko was their father and Kaziko led to believe they were his own flesh and blood, bestowed upon them his family name. A year or so later the Queen would become impregnated by Kaziko himself only to be promptly exposed of her infidelity when the boys true father returns claiming he wants his children back. Kaziko has the strange man chased out of his kingdom and shortly disowns Kydobi and Kyrzoba although the latter is no where to be found. Once Adisa's litter provided Kaziko with a true male heir, he ordered Kydobi's execution resulting in the bastards flee. 

PLOT With their father dead and their kingdom stripped from their paws and a bounty on their heads, the true children of Kaziko were forced to flee. They're still adjusting to the life of lesser stature. Eventually they will learn to find out they have two elder brothers and the true "nature" of their father.

in general/by species:
these are just some ideas if you wish
for those carrying Kaziko's blood:
for those carrying Adisa's blood:
for those carrying Jazeera's blood:

POWERS ***If possible I will loan you some money to buy powers Smile granted you pay me back Smile ***For simplicity I will have the possible powers from the parent they can/will inherit them from, there may be more listed here for each parent than the actual parent has, this is because these are the "genes" for each power that each parent carries

**** all of the jaguars in this region are born with the enhanced senses power, they master it by the 1st year of their life and most have the wall walking ability


[font=times new roman][size=14pt]RULES
- feel free to change their sexuality and even gender though
- they may be in any group or no group at all
- the detailed personality is up to you in the end but there are traits listed if you wish to go by that Smile the ones I bother putting are so very vital to the character so please note them although in the end, the character is truly up to you!
- feel free to customize the parts of characters that says "UP TO YOU" etc.
- at least ONE POST every TWO WEEKS to keep from losing this character, i WILL re-home them, after a lot of warning of course Smile


Jazeera-open for adoption!!:

Kyrzoba- open for adoption!:

Jabari- open for Adoption!!!!:


Re: ♕ broken crowns ♕ [Adebisi Family Adoptions] - Kydobi - 04-09-2019


KYDOBI- male, son of Jazeera x Adisa, The Pitt- tags/info

NATANI- female, daughter of Kaziko x Adisa, OPEN FOR ADOPTION/REHOME

Re: ♕ broken crowns ♕ [Adebisi Family Adoptions] - Kydobi - 04-09-2019


[Image: familytree.png]

Re: ♕ broken crowns ♕ [Adebisi Family Adoptions] - Kydobi - 04-09-2019


**fill everything, i put the bare necessities Smile
**delete everything in parentheses

[b]name[/b]: (put the name of who you're auditioning for here)
[b]physical description[/b]: (i provided a basic one for them above so i need this to be more detailed, did you add any optional markings? What's their eye color if an option is to change it etc.)
[b]Persona description[/b]: (must be more in depth than the basic traits provided above while still following guidelines)
[b]Anything else?[/b]: (any questions? Something you may want to add/do but aren't unsure of? Ask here!!)

Re: ♕ broken crowns ♕ [Adebisi Family Adoptions] - tristitia - 04-11-2019

name: Natani Adebisi
physical description: Natani, marking and color wise, is the spitting image of her father. Her fur is a golden-tawny color that becomes a bit lighter  before fading completely to white. Her rosettes are black, and though they are less than her brother, she still has the concentration and 'clump' of rosettes along her spine, causing a darker 'gradient'. Underneath her darker lines, she has a few black dots, no more than two or three, under each eye. Here eye color itself is violet (?, check questions). She also has a small white decal, likely on her shoulder. Her body itself is lean, made for quick running. She is also small, petite, and fair. This lets her get to places that others cannot. However, this does not mean she is not muscular, as she is well-trained and well-adapted to environments, and has trained. She can hold her own in a fight.
Persona description: Being of royalty, Natani had always looked up to her father. She had not seen his darker side, only stories of the bastard children. She always felt iffy on the subject, but went with her gut, trusting her father had done what he had to in order to protect his kingdom. One thing she adored about him was his leader-like potential, and she decided to follow in his footsteps, having her own leader-like personality. Instead of a "might makes right" philosophy, she believes people can prosper by having them be affirmed. As such, she is compassionate, almost unusually so for someone of her status, and dedicates her time to helping others. Furthermore, she is empathetic, being able to 'sense', have an 'intuition', or guess other's emotions. She often feels the emotions of others, almost to an overwhelming point, and can tire somewhat easily. Natani also has some stereotypical royalty traits: being entitled and needing validation. Her childhood was rocky, as she always looked up to her father, which often times likely wasn't a good figure in her life. She feels like she missed out on what she deserved, and as such, strives desperately to get it. Even if she does not get what she wants, she'll stay quiet for a bit before it bubbles to the surface. She also does things to prove herself to others, acting very selflessly, and giving gifts to others are just some of these things. Due to her needing validation, she may act recklessly, do tricks, or something else just to feel like she is needed. One thing that should be noted about her is her independence and her curious, brave side. She realized a leader cannot have anything holding her back, so she became independent in order to be able to protect others that must be dependent. She became the person to lean on for the people that need to lean on her. As such, she had an exploratory side, exploring cliffs and mountainsides others would turn away from. She was often called brave due to this, behaving somewhat recklessly. She would lead these explorations. Another key trait is her sense of justice. She is hardly morally gray at all, and strives to do whatever is right. She likes laws and rules, as they give structure, and are based around morals. She keeps her own laws, ad does her best to enforce them. She is not afraid to say what she believes.
Anything else?: Can she have violet eyes? What does the small white decal from Adisa look like? Would she be an 'empath', with such definitons as: "one who experiences the emotions of others : a person who has empathy for others" and " a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual."

Re: ♕ broken crowns ♕ [Adebisi Family Adoptions] - Kydobi - 04-14-2019


Yes her eyes can be violet Smile   

Um regarding her decal? (i thought I put it up above Smile )
adisa decal:

also accepted!!! Thank you for adopting her Smile cant wait to see her in action Smile

also whenever you finish, can you send me a link to her tags/bio Smile so i can put her in the family tracker Smile 

Re: ♕ broken crowns ♕ [Adebisi Family Adoptions] - charactercemetary. - 04-14-2019

Awesome! Will do + thank you! Track.

Re: ♕ broken crowns ♕ [Adebisi Family Adoptions] - Kydobi - 04-17-2019


i've added a visual family tree

i am thinking about making Adisa an option to adopt her as well as Jazeera's 100 year old daughter as an option too

if interested in them tell me Smile

Re: ♕ broken crowns ♕ [Adebisi Family Adoptions] - Keeekeeey - 06-17-2019

Is this still open.

Re: ♕ broken crowns ♕ [Adebisi Family Adoptions] - Kydobi - 06-17-2019

yes!!! sorry i haven't been active lately due to lack of a computer and I can't figure out my Discord username Sad

feel free to apply though!