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ART SCHOOL WANNABE | o, m&g v.2 - Printable Version

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ART SCHOOL WANNABE | o, m&g v.2 - PIERCE - 04-27-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
How long had it been since he'd left his old home? A month? Maybe a bit more? Somewhere along those lines, and Pierce had to admit, he was pretty lonely in this new place- too afraid to talk to anyone new in this strange environment, but too social to go without real contact with friends for this long. He needed to meet people, so that was exactly what he was doing. A little, somewhat nervous, smile on his lips, the serval trotted into the center of camp, a crown twisted from the stems of yellow and purple flowers perched atop his head. In his satchel were a few more crowns - as many as he could fit -, but he also carried another bag with the rest he had made. Enough to hand out to whoever wanted them, probably.

Setting his stuff down on the ground, Pierce glanced around at the animals that meandered around the camp, basically strangers to him despite having lived with them for so long. He was quiet for a moment, drawing in a deep breath before calling, "Uh, hey! I’m Pierce Parker. Come over here if you want a flower crown- or if you just, um, wanna get to know me or something. Like a meet and greet, I guess?" God, it’d been forever since he’d held an official one of these. It  felt weird to be the new one to a clan, considering he’d lived in his old home for so long. The tom licked his nose, reaching over to his satchel to pull out the extra flower crowns. There were dozens of colors, the flowers rather vibrant, considering he’d just made the (rather long) trip to pick them the day before.


Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | o, m&g v.2 - guts - 04-27-2018

Aizawa himself didn't really know his clan-mates, only their names and faces. He wasn't making much of an attempt at getting to know them, either. Like he had said to his students many a time, he wasn't here to make friends. But there wasn't much else to do in that case, other than to nap like he usually did. He quite enjoyed sleeping, but sometimes he liked to do other things. It got boring just like any other hobby when you overdid it.

While he at least recognized some of the other members, this one he didn't. He didn't recall ever seeing them around much, and while he wasn't too interested, he still found himself trotting over--mostly because he didn't have much else to do. He eyes the flowercrowns with slight disdain, not too big of a fan of the decorations. "I'm Aizawa Shota," the lion says simply as he takes a seat.


Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | o, m&g v.2 - jacob w.c. - 04-27-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had fond memories of flower crowns. He'd learned how to make them from a little girl he used to play with often when he was younger. In the city, flowers weren't exactly plentiful and they certainly weren't as vibrant as they were in the other areas he and Jersey had traveled through but Jacob had still enjoyed making the little circlets. In fact, that was the first thing he'd tried to give Jersey when they first met. He had been so little back then and he'd just wanted to be friends with the big kids. For whatever reason, he was attached to the other feline and made every effort he could to get Jersey to like him. Unfortunately, Jerseyboy had been drunk when he approached him and upset about something, although Jacob still wasn't really sure what that was. He'd smashed the flower crown out of Jacob's paws and then Jacob had took off crying. Even after that, though, he'd done his best to befriend the older boy and eventually it'd worked out. Now they both considered each other brothers and, until recently, Jacob was hardly ever apart from him.

Jacob had been about to go out on a walk when he spotted Pierce with his brightly colored accessories in the tunnels. The boy made his way over with a wide smile across his maw and settled down, looking through them before selecting a crown made of bright blue and yellow flowers and placing it on his head. "Hi Pierce! 'M Jacob, if ya' don' remember. These look real nice. I like makin' flower crowns myself a whole lot. I used ta' do it all the time. 'S too bad stuff 'round here don' grow real well. Hopefully with it warmin' up we'll be able ta' see a few new plants when some ah' the ice n' stuff thaws for spring," he stated. He wasn't really sure how the environment here would change with the passing of winter. He knew it wouldn't suddenly bloom into a beautiful, warm field but surely there would be a few more plants able to poke above the snow and ice. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | o, m&g v.2 - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-27-2018

Him and Pierce weren't exactly friends. Honestly he didn't have any friends at the moment in Snowbound but that wasn't something that mattered right now. Either way, Killua remembered the other from when he stayed in the first clan that he was stationed in. What confused Killua the most was that the older male didn't even remotely seem to have any memory of who he was. Which he could use to his advantage if he really wanted to mess with the other in that regard. It would be funny, but would it be satisfying? He wasn't sure, the other had seemed to have disappeared for awhile so Killua had just thought that the other was dead during this time. The wildcat had no need to try and seek out the other just because they were the same species. They had never seen eye to eye in the clan that they had both lived in for a majority of the time. They had actually despised each other, but right now Killua didn't give the current Pierce any reason to really hate him in that regard. Killua wanted to dig more information out of the serval to figure out the reason why the other was acting the way that he was. Maybe he could even trigger some memories for the other if he tried hard enough. No garuntee that the memories would be happy of course. Indeed it was rare to find serval's in places that weren't warm, but Killua had adopted to living in cold places, and it seemed Pierce was the same. Well, kinda. The other hadn't developed long fur like Killua had done over the course of his life. A bored look was spread across his facial features as he heard the voice of the male that he knew. There was no need for introduction, as almost everyone in the clan knew his name because of the rank that he held. Which he didn't really do all that much with honestly. Killua didn't enjoy the fact that other's knew his name when he didn't know who they were. It made him slightly uncomfortable, but there was little he could change about it right now. He would just have to grow used to it, and try to look at other's with large amount of suspcion when he came across them. His metal claws slightly scraped the ground as he walked, and his sapphire blue eyes looked at the other that was making flower crowns. He had never liked the thought of flowers. They had always wilted away, so he would much rather have the likes of candy. Right now he was too tired to really start anything, and the bandaged serval made his way toward the back of the group. His attention flickering between Jacob and Aizawa for a split second before laying down. Putting his head on his paws as he looked toward Pierce. "You already know me." Killua stated bluntly as he rolled his one bandaged shoulder, not saying anything else to the rest of those that were in the group.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | o, m&g v.2 - arcy - 04-27-2018

It'd been hard work for Izuku to actually stay active around Snowbound -- he thinks he'd been doing well, considering that he knew most of the regular people around here. He hadn't made any friends as of yet he doesn't think, but he's been doing even better off than he had been in his old group, at least.
Which is probably why Izuku is even in camp to hear Pierce's call at all -- he'd just been loitering around in camp, feeling a little too sluggish and tired to really want to do anything. But upon hearing a call for a meet and greet, the feline huffs good-naturedly and takes a moment to pull himself to his paws before making to trot over to the sight. He'd have come over even if it was just a meet and greet, but flower crowns were just a plus, even if they were sadly short-lived
"Good to meet you, Pierce!" Izuku brings himself to chirp as he joins the group. After a quirk once-over of the group, Izuku trots over to seat himself beside Aizawa with a small grin on his face. He hasn't seen Pierce before, and though everyone else seemed to know him well enough already. So either Izuku missed a joining, or Pierce predated Izuku's own joining. It was probably the latter, in all honesty. "Izuku Midoriya," The green-furred maine coon makes to add a few moments later, more of an after-thought than anything.

Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | o, m&g v.2 - PIERCE - 04-30-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — and till the end you're my very best friend
Aizawa's somewhat judging gaze was not one that went unnoticed by Pierce. However naive and gullible he may have been in the past (and may still seem), he was quite familiar with the look of disdain the stranger gave his artwork, for it was one he had gotten many times in the past, typically while up to something similar as what he was doing currently- painting someone's face, picking flowers, you name it, it had probably happened. He'd like to say that, because of that, noticing another's judgement didn't bother him anymore. Who cared what people thought, right? Oh, he wished. For, no matter how tough of a shell he grew, Pierce would probably always be the fragile little thing he really was inside. Aizawa's stare didn't really hurt, though- if anything, it just pissed him off.

When the other finished introducing himself, Pierce offered him a small nod and a smile, returning warmly, "It's nice to meet you! Do you- do you want one?" It couldn't hurt to offer, he supposed, though he already had an idea what the larger wildcat's response would be; "No."

The next person to show up was someone Pierce was already familiar with- Jacob! He liked the kid, really. He was nice, polite, and surprisingly mature and responsible for his age. He seemed knowledgable, too, which was definitely something Pierce respected. All in all, the canine was an admirable one, and he made good company. Plus, there was something familiar about him, something that drew Pierce to him more than the others. Maybe he just reminded Pierce of himself when he was younger? That was probably it. The freckled tom smiled brightly as Jacob selected a crown, and he allowed himself to take a seat."Yeah, hopefully. I had to go, like, an hour or two out to find these," he answered, picking up a crown made from red roses and observing it idly. "Maybe we could, uh, go pick some together sometime when they start growing. You could show me how you make yours! I mean, only if you’re interested, of course." Was that weird to say? They weren’t quite friends, but that would be fun, wouldn’t it? It’d be a good way to get to know the guy. But god, what if he thought he was weird? That’d be yet another person to add onto the list.

Following Jacob was another familiar figure, though at first, Pierce didn’t recognize him, and shot the younger serval a sweet smile. When it registered that the boy before him was Killua, it faltered ever so slightly but he managed to keep it on his lips. He didn’t know what it was, but there was definitely something about the kid that rubbed him the wrong way, but he had to remind himself that he was just that- a kid. An asshole of a kid, for sure, but still a kid. Who knew what he’d been through? "You already know me."

Unfortunately, that was true, but Pierce forced his little smile back onto his features. "Of course," he returned warmly, glancing down at the brightly-colored crown in his paw for only a moment before extending it toward the light-furred feline. "Do you wanna crown?" He already knew what the answer would be, but unlike some people, he knew how to behave. Kindness was a virtue he had always promised himself he’d never lose, and he intended to stay true to that promise. Even if the person he was talking to was apathetic, rude, and all around someone whose presence he really didn’t appreciate.

Finally, another stranger. This one was a lot more friendly than the first one, but that was okay. Everyone was different. Still, another more... pleasant person to balance out the other two was a welcome presence. "Nice to meet you, too, my friend!" This guy seemed nice, and he had really pretty fur, which was definitely the kind of thing Pierce would mention to a stranger. "Izuku’s a lovely name! And your fur is really pretty, too. Here, you can have one, if you want," Pierce offered, motioning toward the crowns he had layed out before him with a broad smile stretching across his lips.


Re: ART SCHOOL WANNABE | o, m&g v.2 - →AUGUST← - 04-30-2018

When August noticed the little group of animals, he slowly but surely made his way over to them. The bright colors of the flower crowns caught his attention, and he recognised the serval from when he'd first come into Snowbound. His hazy gaze focused solely on Pierce as he trotted over; of course, he'd seen the others, but for the moment, he was focused on the serval, and his brain found it hard enough to do just that and keep August's body moving and functioning.

"Hello, Pierce. You have flowers? They are pretty." August leaned his head down to speak to the serval. He seemed to do that a lot nowadays. "Can you give me two for my antlers? The blood is stained on them, and I think flowers will make it prettier."