Beasts of Beyond
familiar [possible joining?] - Printable Version

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familiar [possible joining?] - Kydobi - 04-01-2019

[OOC:i'm a little rusty so sorry for crappy quality, i'll hone my skills as i hop back into rping]
This was a fucking mistake, he thought as he neared the jungle. The sun was beating down, its hellish rays even more attracted to his obsidian pelt. A pink tongue lolled and bounced about near pointed ivories. What was the point of all this?

His paw pads were sore from the heat, and each step hurt but he still continued. Don't be such a weak shit.. Really who escapes death only to complain about a little sunbathing? He scoffed and swallowed the dry lump in his throat. Heat waves danced about ahead making the deep dark jungle trees seem like they were dancing too.

Kydobi snorted, dirt crusted his pelt. Dusting his nostrils and crusting the insides. Oh how could anyone ever bother with the desert? And it was too late to turn around so he continued forward. Planning once more how he would proceed with this group. He knew nothing of them or their ways. But the jungle was home. The jungle was familiar territory. For how different could jungles be from the next?

There was trees and there was sweet sweet shade. And if his memory served correct the canopy above would feel like a roof. Secure. As he edged a twinkle caught his eye, the blinding reflection of the sun meant one thing and one thing only, water. A savage look entered his piercing eyes and he began to run. Already imagining the sweetness of it coating his mouth and throat. He didn't bother to think about the dangers possibly lurking beneath, he handled crocs with ease in his homelands. The closer his bounds carried him to the water, the darker the earth became. He leaped gently off the edge onto the bank. He inhaled and stopped. Something told him, and he couldn't tell you what... Perhaps instincts told him to stop. His forepaws were touching the water, it wasn't cool. And its color look rancid.

He inhaled, a sour almost rotting smell. But there was something lurking in there. He paused, carefully removing his paws from the wetness. His eyes sharply searching for any discoloration of a shadow. There. He saw it... It was coming upwards toward the surface and he stepped back. Haunches tensing for a leap in case jaws can snapping out. He would slash for the eyes.

But no.

A feline paw bobbed up and down. The idea that this poor cat was one of the groups casualties never occurred to him. For he saw a pair of eyes drift up and menacingly watch him. Only one was visible.

Kydobi fixed his posture, and hardened his gaze, "So water beast, did you take this life?. No answer. Instead the massive thing slinked closer and closer until Kydobi growled, a thunder in his chest told the crocodile that was all he would permit.

He didn't like this beast, its eyes were evil. So different from the crocodiles from his place.

"Did you kill that animal.", his deep voice boomed and bounced off the water.

"No...." it hissed with a humorous glint.

It was probably lying.... It wants a meal. A fresh one.

"Will you let me cross safely? Or must I find another way?

"Find out the hard way burnt one."

Re: familiar [possible joining?] - Jervis - 04-01-2019

//god that avatar is so nice... welcome!! :00

Within the underbrush of the jungle, Jervis paced along with thoughts racing. After all, with the recent fuss with Tanglewood, he needed some time to think and found it would be best if he took some time to himself to do so. It was not long before he was interrupted though. Mischievous hissing sounded an alarm through his head. Once a quiet area with the water rippling from afar became unpleasant as a rough voice boomed across the land. Emerging from the bushes, the dark vulpine lifted their snout. The stranger smelled unfamiliar. Almost nothing like those groups surrounding The Pitt, which he could not determine if that was a good or bad thing. Jervis was practically biting his cheek.

Continuing forward, he paused behind a trunk. Presumably unseen in the shadows, he scanned them head to toe. Interestingly enough, they were quite impressive. The figure was obviously larger then him, posing a serious threat. Him, even with the crocodile, versus the big cat would be fatal. Jervis figures things could be solved a different way. If you couldn’t beat them, recruit them.

Finally, the fox emerged. A red pelt rose from the dewy underbrush and into the woodlands. Honey eyes shifted to the side, eyeing his fellow Pittian, before glancing back at Kysobi. ”Now let’s settle down before we take a chunk out of this one,” he suggested towards the crocodile. As their leader, he dearly hoped that his subject would listen to his demands, but for a chaotically aligned group it really was a toss-up. Only one narcissist could dream though. ”Perhaps there’s something he wants.” A mischevious smile crawled onto his maw, signaling his very sly intent.

Jervis paused. His eyes looked the stranger up and down one last time, only to meet their gaze afterwards. ”Who are you?” he questioned. A name to the corpse was always more damning. ”And what brings you to The Pitt?” A backstory to their demise wouldn’t hurt either.

// mobile so this may be a little messed up and varying in length (as i can’t really tell)
tags - penned by orion

Re: familiar [possible joining?] - Kydobi - 04-01-2019

[OOC: thank you sm! I just really loved the way this picture gave me Kydobi vibes! And thanks i'm glad you like his name!]

fine, he would do what he must and that crocodile would be in for more than he bargained should he make a strike. But confidence was surging through the beast as he watched the creature.

If it really wanted to attack him wouldn't it have snapped the second he touched the water? But here he was ankles deep and still no movement. In an instant the crocodile shifted and Kydobi's crimson fringed ears pinned against his head and he opened his jaw in a defensive position, lowering his usually proper posture.

And then a voice from across the water spoke. It carried authority and the body from which such power came was humorously small in comparison. A fox. Kydobi relaxed as the crocodile sank back under the surface lurking for its next meal.

Kydobi looked at the little fox, it seemed at home and awfully confident in itself. The crocodile's surprising obedience proved he must be someone of power. Perhaps there was power in that cunning dog. Some grand elemental blessing that made such a fearsome being heed his advice. Or maybe there wasn't.

Foxes were by nature devious beings and the smile tugging at the corners of the creatures mouth told Kydobi that he had no reason to believe different. As for the shadowy feline, no emotion was on his face other than attention. His ears perked forward.

"Perhaps there is something he wants"

But at what price... Surely nothing came free. Or perhaps this would be an easy place to take charge of. But hostile takeovers or takeovers in general were not Kydobi's style. But he and no doubt the fox knew that the physically superior being was him.

He decided he would stay here in the water. The crocodiles would soon learn to respect him should he stay and he'll prove his point. He swallowed and sighed before speaking. There was no point for names yet.

"I am no one yet. But judging how that damned beast behaved you must be someone.", Kydobi flicked his ear. He did not break contact from those mischievous eyes. That would be weak and he was far from weak.

"As for why I am here... I am a Prince of the Jungle. I was made for such places, as I cannot return home to my own jungle so I found another. I will not go back." Oh god how long had his forelegs been sitting in these fumes? He would need to bathe or find some source of water cause he decided that licking it off would be just as bad as drinking it.

"You'll find that I can traverse through the jungle with ease like no other. My stealth is unlike any other for I was designed for this place. I can be a valuable asset especially for one of your...stature. Because men in high places have many wanting to see him fall and be down . And you'll find I'm not the power hungry traitor so common through out the world."

He snorted, he was beginning to lose his patience. So quickly was unlike him but it didn't show.

"At the end of the day we're all sons of this land. I'm just trying to return to my home.", his words conveyed his plan of permanent residence. Once he was here he planned to be here. His loyalty was hinted at here and there. But he saw that there was not much of a threat if this little fox was the toughest being here. But one thing kept bothering him... or he kept trying to figure out just how devious and manipulative this fox was.

But then he never really said he was in power did he?


Re: familiar [possible joining?] - pallid-i - 04-01-2019

MR. GLASSMAN— Glassman was settling in nicely, he thought. The Pitt did have an interesting territory layout, and sometimes he wondered if they actually patrolled the whole of it. Surely they did. Otherwise they would be overrun by enemy forces by now, hm?
The tom hid away in the cover of the underbrush, watching Jervis speak with the stranger and the other pittian. Tail lashing back and forth, he remained silent. Waiting. Then the crocodile left and the stranger spoke. That's when the black striped tom walked out of his hiding spot and tilted his head, whiskers twitching. —HE'S REALLY SOFT SPOKEN


Re: familiar [possible joining?] - SÉAMUS - 04-02-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
An interesting situation.  While he'd long grown accustomed to the Pitt's land -- it's been his home for some time afterall -- Embry supposed he lurked too often in camp.  Oft, the vulpine could be spotted trotting through the shadows, ever the quiet one, more interested in his own thoughts than socializing with others.  That, or spent the better half of a day in a book.

The walk he'd decided to go on however, lead to a rather intriguing sight and more intriguing words.  He huffed, near silently, Amber eyes glinting.  Prince. He barely withheld the sardonic smile.  A fool more than a prince. Old titles of royalty meant little to nothing from what he'd seen.  Strength and intelligence and loyalty -- that was worth more than royal blood.

He sat back quietly, with only a passive curiously lighting his face as he wondered how Jervis would answer.  This one certainly bore a great promise of strength at the very least.  He'll want to recruit him then.

// Mobile post
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: familiar [possible joining?] - Jervis - 04-02-2019

'I am no one yet.'

What a cocky answer. The secretive ones had always bothered him, as Jervis thought he had a godly right to stick his nose in everything, especially as something as simple as someone's name. Thankfully, things became more pleasant as they continued. Kydobi noticed he was important. Jervis' smirk just widened. "How nice of you to notice," he noted.  It was almost as if he didn't seem to care that the stranger had called one of his fellow Pittians a beast. Hopefully it was more of a compliment, but it was most likely degenerative.

As they continued, his thoughts festered. Why couldn't the gigantic feline go back to their jungle? What did they do or what happened to them? After all, with their size and little ties, they seemed to have purpose. Loyalty was a strong component to many things and Kydobi, seeing that he went to such a similar place, seemed to possess that ability. Even though he was curious, Jervis held back. He did not want to instigate currently. It wouldn't be wise.

They listed off their other pros. Jervis's head craned as they mentioned being his personal asset. That would be rather valuable. For a man in his position, he had a target on his back. With his small stature, all he had was his dexterity and intelligence. Some strength could be useful. "Considerable," came his lowly mumble. His words were only to himself but could be heard by others. It was a sign of his approval.

His gaze narrowed momentarily in thought. Would he regret this? After all, they were in lock down and were not casually accepting joiners. Even so, his gaze returned back to normal and kept interlocked with Kydobi's own. "Well, welcome to your new home," the fox drawled. His smirk shifted into a lesser smile. "May we have your name now?" If not, that concerned him.
tags - penned by orion

Re: familiar [possible joining?] - Kydobi - 04-02-2019

Shortly after others seemed to appear from the bushes or from nowhere... Another fox. How many were there? A little tiny pack? And then some feline.

Was this it? Well if so then he felt that he would have a pretty secure place. Some very needed brawn. Or whatever. And Kydobi did not miss how the little fox leader noted his little offer of protection. His saw his lips move in some murmur but he failed to decipher the inaudible whisper from across the water. Kydobi looked at the others. Acknowledging their arrival.

Was it the lack of information? Or the teasing little tidbits that made them want to know more that intrigued the leader? Kydobi may never know and he didn't bother it too much.

Flicking his tail he glanced in the direction the crocodile swam in. Was it gone? Oh well. He wasn't sure what made that massive thing obey such a small creature. He had half a mind it wouldn't. It never even occurred to him that the croc was the equal to the fellow Pitt members. That it even was one. Because in his homeland the felines saw such creatures as below them. Always lurking, few were ever true and upstanding beings.

Finally the conversation took a turn in the direction the dark cat had wanted. Acceptance and admittance.

Snorting and shaking his head the feline walked deeper into the bank and just before his feet couldn't feel the sand he kicked off. Smoothly gliding through the water like second nature. He was sure to keep his nose and eyes above the wet toxin. Gross.

He would stink for days if he didn't handle it. His pelt would crust. He reached the jungle bank, pulling himself out of the water that was greedily trying to pull him in. Ebony pelt plastered against him while the sun shone in the mountain and valleys of rippling muscle.

The fox had asked for his name, shaking his paws and limbs gently one by one he said, "I am Kydobi and you all are?". He didn't want to fall into the condescending manner one was susceptible to when facing those smaller than them. That would be a bad impression and Kydobi liked to believe he wasn't that way.


Re: familiar [possible joining?] - pallid-i - 04-03-2019

MR. GLASSMAN— He blinked before responding. "Glassman. I'm the resident glass-maker." The caracal tom said, stumpy tail flicking. "If you get hurt, I can also heal you if you need. I'm well versed in medicinal properties." Being a loner for most of your life meant you had to learn how to heal, otherwise how would you survive? —HE'S REALLY SOFT SPOKEN


Re: familiar [possible joining?] - Kydobi - 04-08-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

Ah, the first to speak was the smaller feline. Although the size of a medium canine, the creature looked like he had powerful haunches.

Resident glassmaker? Kydobi wasn't really sure how that worked. But he figured in time he would know if he stayed as planned.

, he dipped his two toned skull in respect as he looked at the others.

Re: familiar [possible joining?] - SÉAMUS - 04-09-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
The vulpine played with a passive smile, something polite to light his otherwise blank face.  An interesting fellow, but truly, Embry would rather return to his books and quiet.  With his distinct Scottish accent lining his words, he spoke up, "Embry.  I suppose I'm the resident bookkeeper if nothing else." His eyes glinted with some faint humor, shoulders rolling back loosely.

"'s pleasure to make your acquaintance, Kydobi.  I suppose I ought to admit the same as Glassman in tbe ways of healing, but I'm rather out of practice as of late."
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY