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♕ If I look back I'm lost ♕ - Kydobi plot page!! - Printable Version

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♕ If I look back I'm lost ♕ - Kydobi plot page!! - Kydobi - 04-01-2019

Hi this is my Jaguar Kydobi. I'm down for plots and i'm new to the site but a veteran in roleplaying Smile

Also check out his family adoption thread in the Adoption Agency Board Smile!!!

I hope you'll have a quality experience with me and my characters Smile

Open to:
  • multiple partners
  • friends with benefits
  • best friend
  • annoying tag-a-long
  • anything not on the closed list Smile if feeling iffy check with me

closed to
  • death
  • possession
  • maiming
  • i have the right to deny anything even if it isn't on this list, i can also add and remove as I please Smile


Your preferred name: Janoobus, Jan, Janoob, etc
Your pronouns: she,her, etc
Character's name: Kydobi
Character's pronouns: he,him
Character's age: 3 years
Character's allegiance/group: The Pitt
Character's rank: not sure yet :/


Likes: peace, company, quiet, swimming, hunting, climbing, quality discussions
Dislikes: dirty pelts, pigs, rudeness, brash behavior, impulsive activities, unnecessary violence, irrationality
Hobbies: sleeping in the branches of the jungle, swimming, cleaning himself, hunting, (yea i know he needs to get out more)
Interests: usually anything
Fears: complete and total isolation
Pet Peeves: being dirty, forced interactions, when people can't take a hint
Positive qualities: friendly in a small way, patient, willing to assist
Negative qualities: needs validation, almost haughty at times, indifferent


A mentee/mentor (please specify which one): why not both?
A best friend (if yes, what are some things another character might bond with your's over?): of course!! I think it would provide great character development Smile
A casual friend: always!!
A smoking/drinking/party buddy:  haha he isn't the type
Adopted family (please specify what relationship you're specifically looking for. Would you like parental figures, adopted children, adopted siblings, etc?): sure he would be down to "adopt" some children if they touched his heart
Biological family (same as above): I have a family adoption thread here
An enemy: hmm... let's discuss it and see
A rival: sure!! maybe even his own brother o.O
A serious romantic interest:  yes!!! although perhaps it could be over a long period of time? He is bisexual but I do want him to have children and he would travel the ends of the earth if someone mattered so much
A casual romantic partner: alwayssss he is polyamorous
Unrequited love: possibly
A tragic love plot: sure why not!!
A betrayal plot (would you like y/c to be on the side of the betrayed or betrayer? or could they be on either side?): sure!! I would love Kydobi to be betrayed, torture of my characters is fun :p. He could never betray though his word is gold.
A relationship (friendship, mentorship, etc), that bonds over difficulty? Do you have specific ideas for this? And what kind of relationship specifically would you like to see grown this way?: mhm, hmu with ideas and we can go in detail!
A partner in crime (literally or figuratively? Try defining this a little more. Actual crimes or just mischief or perhaps just for adventures?): HAHA Ky would most likely be the one saying this isn't smart, stop.
Someone to discover your character's secrets: he doesn't really have any
Someone who's secrets y/c could discover:sure, maybe he accidentally over hears something and he doesn't really give two shits but the other person is worried he'll expose them 
Someone to start a club/organization with: hmmm....
Is there anything else your interested in finding for your character not mentioned above? What is it? What kind of character are you looking for to fill it?: maybe kidnapped? Somehow?
Is there anything you are completely closed to in terms of plots?: permanent death, maiming, loss of limbs


Do you have a Discord? If so, what's your username?: Janoobus #5012
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on Discord?: yep!
If you do have a Discord, are you in the Ascendants Discord and would you see messages about plots in your character's channel?: I'm in all the channels I believe and I should make one huh for him Smile
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on site?: of course!!
Do you have a plotting thread for your character? If so, please link it: you're already here
Do you prefer expanding plots in open or private threads?: i don't really mind at all here is fine Smile
Are you open to plain interaction threads or do you prefer something with a plot behind them?: I'm totally up to plain interactions!!

Re: ♕ If I look back I'm lost ♕ - Kydobi plot page!! - Kydobi - 10-16-2020

Honestly this needs updating and I'm too lazy to do it rn so if you got ideas just shoot em

Re: ♕ If I look back I'm lost ♕ - Kydobi plot page!! - Kydobi - 10-21-2020


[OOC: ]



Re: ♕ If I look back I'm lost ♕ - Kydobi plot page!! - Stryker - 10-25-2020

pleasing everyone isn't like you, dancing jigs until i'm crippled

perhaps some ky and stryker stuff??


Re: ♕ If I look back I'm lost ♕ - Kydobi plot page!! - Elle - 10-31-2020

I have Elle over here for a potential romantic relation? o;