Beasts of Beyond
but I feel them here — stargazing - Printable Version

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but I feel them here — stargazing - Kian. - 03-22-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]KIAN Ó FAOLÁIN — sing me a symphony, one for the lost and in-between
No use in wasting perfectly good weather and a clear sky.  As day turned to night and the stars came out to play, a small feline set up on the Typhoon's sandy shores.  Some blankets, a few pillows.  He even found a telescope, but he was much too small to see out of it in his current shape.  Not a problem in the faerie's mind.

Instead, the rather tiny feline settled on a blanket atop the sand, head turned to the sky.  He settled for the quiet breaths, the soft rhythm of the waves and the familiar, distant constellations.  When the clouds ran away, the night became like a canvas; a field of faraway, dancing fireflies.  Sparks uncatchable but just as entrancing.

Re: but I feel them here — stargazing - suvi. - 03-24-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: QuzfGGl.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | sawbone —
Soft, snowy paws touched the sand first.  Shimmering in the ocean air as the petite vixen materialized.  Dancing vividly in the dark, the youth's unmatched hues gleamed, tracking the presence of an uncle interested in the sky.  Andromeda, Antlia, Aquarius, Aquila, Aries, Capricorn, Cassiopeia, Draco, Leo, Libra, Lynx, Orion, Pegasus, Perseus, Taurus, Ursa Major and Minor, Virgo... Names and stories.

They saw something in the sky they could not reach, they could not touch, so they gave them names and stories.  But all anyone really became in the end were names and stories.

Slowly.  The fox crept forward, ears flicking.  Quietly, she found a place besides Kian, tilting her head upwards.  Just breathing.

Re: but I feel them here — stargazing - Luciferr - 03-24-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
Idling in the shadows some part ways behind the two sat Liciferus, simply idling awake as usual - he very rarely slept after all - and well, given the clearest night in months brought certain nostalgias.

It ad been so very long since he’d flown amidst the stars after all - even longer since he raced his sisters around the rings of gas giants and skimming the edges of the suns.

Ah, he misses them.

Still he watches the lights twinkle from above and thinks if he looks just so, he can see the distant stars of where one arm of mother’s old empire had stretched into this realm from the nether worlds and in between.


Re: but I feel them here — stargazing - raziel - 03-28-2019

[div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Mostly old souls sat across the bay tonight, with the exception of his own daughter of course.  Raziel inclined his head with a smile towards Luciferus as he passed, a familiar face that some gratitude was most well deserved to. 

To his brother, a slight nudge, then one for Suvi as well as he settled beside her, ever conscious of the changes she'd gone through in the past moon.  New look.  New eyes.  Strange soul, but it was still... Suvi.  Mostly.  And that meant she was still his daughter.

The dire wolf breathed in deeply, soaking in the fresh ocean air.  With the sky as clear as it was, he could appreciate his brother's decision to set up the beach for some simple stargazing.

"Did your brother tell you their names?" He murmured, ever so softly for his daughter, wary of disrupting the peaceful quiet.  Raziel held onto the memories of a young pup grinning with excitement as the names babbled from his lips.  He can't imagine one of his youngest avoiding his eldest's passion for the sky.  No matter the distance between, he imagined she'd remember them well.  And maybe we'll miss him more, and less.

Re: but I feel them here — stargazing - suvi. - 04-02-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: QuzfGGl.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | medic —
Gentle greetings and murmured words.  Golden ears flicked back, her head turning to slightly incline.  Da. Father. Such a wonder he saw his daughter still, and not a stranger.  Surely she was strange, but only acceptance had she found in his old eyes.  Love.  Compassion.  Familiar and... Strange.

Her eyes dance for a second, in the darkness, flashing towards the sky before returning to the earth.  Brother. Art.  The memories of her older brother surfaced quicker, stronger than most.  Her heart tore.  When she'd gotten separated form her siblings, she found her father, but a father did not replace a brother or sister.  He did not prevent the loneliness entirely, much less as Kiira's memories fought in confusion.  Alone.  Alone.  Alone.

The stars were all she held onto.  The only source of familiarity when everything else disappeared and left her alone.

Did Art teach her their names? Hard to say now.  Her chest felt funny.  Lungs heavy.  A bird fluttering.  I've always known their names... No... Art...  "I k-know t-them all." Neither confirmation or denial, in memory of nights, cloudy and clear, spent outside staring up to the unreachable sky.  Beautiful and mysterious.

"… I-I miss him." The words hurt, as if voicing them only amplified the pain.  For once she felt no greatness for this ability to speak.  Dully, her fur gleamed a somber glow.

Re: but I feel them here — stargazing - idyllfields - 04-03-2019

stars did fall
the art of philosophy had a valued reputation of questioning the existence of everything. not everything in idyllfield's place, but things that mattered to them. their father questioned the ways that the stars and planets would effect those born and living under it. questioned how society could use it as a way to control themselves and find their strengths. utilize their weaknesses and harness them. some sort of 'unknown' knowledge hidden in the civilized, societal-coated minds of the everyday man.

idyll simply questioned culture. society. their perception of life. it made living much more easier knowing that boundaries were all mental and at the control of one's self, and not at the demand of the masses. they could hold their own personal space at a different length than someone else and it could still be respected. their perception of their own gender and sexuality was always under question and they felt content just as that. unknown. always under question.

seeing the small couple of crewmates sitting beneath the stars reminded them of father jamison. it wasn't often they thought of their father, but their journey had been because of him. the coyote decided to approach the lot, giving a polite smile to the ones they passed. everyone seemed so peaceful.

"good evening raziel, children, and friends." they greeted with a nod before sitting in the sand and relaxing their shoulders. "i hope you don't mind, but the virgo constellation is supposed to be quite clear in the spring. it's commonly found behind the tail of leo."

[div style="width: 500px; height: auto; padding: 0px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-size: 5pt; margin-top: -2px;"]© LEXASPERATED[/div

Re: but I feel them here — stargazing - Kian. - 04-03-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]KIAN Ó FAOLÁIN — sing me a symphony, one for the lost and in-between
His neice... Lucifer, elder brother and one he did not know.  The spotted feline let their presences, and the voices of those who did speak wash over him quietly.  For a brief second, he was struck by the fact his older brother had four other children.  Four other children who he'd been separated from for countless time now.  Kian did not envy him.  If he'd found himself separated from Keona again, he wasn't sure he could take it calmly.  It was enough Séamus had up and disappeared on 'buisness' he wouldn't elaborate.

He wondered if, even after death, loved ones shared the same night sky.  He bit his lip silently, wishing he had asked Haliaka more about her version of the sky and her people's interpretations and stories. Over the years, Kian had come to realize all cultures had stories for the sky.  The uncatchable fireflies they all shared.  Unity in the distance.

Indeed, the pirate smiled.  "That's right," like his brother, he kept his voice rather soft, a murmured agreement to the coyote's words.  "So you just have to find Leo... Yes, right there. You're welcome to a closer look with the telescope, if you want." Though the night was clear and empty of all else, the lens seemed terribly unnecessary.

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