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patriotism // feast - Printable Version

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patriotism // feast - Anubis. - 03-21-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]Feast. /fēst/ noun.
I. a large meal, typically one in celebration of something.

Of all things...  The canid could not count the hours spent in the library at this point.  Of course, the Egyptian had grown fond of the old building, which only added time, yet in terms of his task -- should've known it would be something extravagant, literally -- Anubis found himself in a predicament.  Multiple cookbooks.  A debate or two with himself, then with another whose thoughts were easy to reach with their link and he decided to roll with some... Odd choices.

This swamp seemed built on odd.

The crawfish were easy.  So was the venison, all things considered.  Rabbits were caught, as were quail and the tiny bird eggs collected.  A number of ideas to roll with, and specific oddities he refrained from.  The rabbits were cooked and stuffed with scrambled quail eggs; the quail roasted.

Grilled gator kabobs are in fact, a thing.  A recipe that stood out perhaps because Anubis had known a few gators in his time.  An odd thing to think that the animal could be turned into a kabob, but perhaps plenty of things could be if prepared that way.

The mess hall seemed the proper place for a great meal.  He took some time however to add some effect; lantern lights and a sign with large scrawling to direct Tanglers that a special dinner was being served.

With the sun setting and everything prepared, the Egyptian settled off in the shadows of the mess hall, ear flicking.  His dark eyes glittered with less interest in socializing than in the specific parts of the meal his fellow Tanglers would feel more inclined to.

Re: patriotism // feast - Luciferr - 03-30-2019

Azrayel was much unlike most of his kin, while they could and did eat or sleep and the like - Azrayel often didn’t, simply existing in spite of it and without need of material comforts - not through any kind of supposed superiority above needing or wanting these things, he just simply didn’t feel hunger or exhaustion as most would.

Though perhaps that was simply a quirk on immortal beings from beyond mortal knowing - still the pale dragon merely hummed quietly from outside the feast hall, content to watch others enter and exit for now, he didn’t feel any social urge - nay the reaper king had always been more of a social pariah.

Not many wanted death around for a housewarming and the like after all.

That and Azrayel was perfectly content whether he was alone or in the company of the few people who enjoyed his presence (namely family mostly but the point had to be made).

/mobile, just kinda chilling.