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Famine || Joining + O - Printable Version

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Famine || Joining + O - Ghost Gal - 03-18-2019

There was something. A different sensation to the girl, one that made her skin crawl. Crossing over...she’d only heard is in ghost tales, whispered in Purgatory. She was… here. Among the living. Shivering, she forced her eyes open. She’d followed his path, it wasn’t to terribly hard if you actually thought about it and applied reason. So that’s what she did. Applied reason, and remembered his teachings. It had been hard, others had been chasing her after she started to ask around. Maybe more ghosts who wanted to cross over? She couldn’t fathom why, unless they too felt out of place and alone, and the only friend they had went across.
Her friend - she couldn’t remember his name, I..Ich..abod, maybe? She needed to find him. The bleakness of her surroundings and situation hit her at once.
She was far, far from the farm. And she didn’t know his name.
She shifted, her face seemed to be in something. She’d done something wrong crossing over. Wiggling, she pulled back with all her might. The thing around her head groaned, but held fast. She huffed, recognizing the smell with a jolt. Pumpkin. Her head - save for her ears, as she could feel them starting to freeze - was stuck in a pumpkin. Great. She laid there for a second.
She could see out of the pumpkin head through some convent eyeholes. A side-effect of her appearing in the pumpkin, perhaps? It didn’t matter, she had to sort out her priorities.
Getting her head out of the pumpkin seemed to be pretty pertaint, so she started with that.
She started to pull again, nothing but more creaking. She huffed, swisting and turning, but the pumpkin wouldn’t come off, it did, however break free from it’s stem with a mighty snap!
It was at that moment, the kit lost her balance and rolled down the hill, screaming all the while.
"Help! Please help! I-!Friend?! Anyone! I think i’m going to die again!”

Re: Famine || Joining + O - Luciferr - 03-18-2019

Mirror, mirror on the wall
I'll make sure you crack and fall
thankfully she would have her rescue it seemed as help seemed to come from nowhere swiftly to attempt to grasp her scruff in teeth and halt her freefall.

Red lined claws on legs that seemed dipped much like half of his form in an ink bath though if one looked they’d see the strange almost spikes almost armour like feathers that decorated the shoulders and the spine as those same deadly claws gripped the hillside with ease.

One singular eye of white-red set in black glanced down at her ”you should mind your step small one” he already knew what she was but it mattered little - he was not the one that patrolled purgatory and who was he to halt freedom from a soul seemingly stuck in place? Though his nature allowed.

”who might you be?”

[if you don’t want him to know btw just lemme know, I’ll edit it out c:]


Re: Famine || Joining + O - Ghost Gal - 03-18-2019

A squeak bubbled out of the kit. Her eyes meet the nephil's for a split second, suddenly, she was very thankful for the pumpkins protection. They couldn't see her panic - or at least she hoped not. She really, really, really hoped they couldn't see her panic, though her shaking body may give away that fact anyway. She dipped her head in what she hoped was a respectful manner. What was he? He was terrifying. More over, what was she? Very vaugly, she had the notion that this body wasn't the one she normally had. The thought turned her bones into butter.
'Who might you be?'
Good question.
"I don't... quiet know my name. I-'m supposed to meet up with someone - he knows who I am, um, are you...?"

[Nah it's chill! Also, the link in his tags don't work, but he sounds hella cool!]

Re: Famine || Joining + O - Luciferr - 03-20-2019

Mirror, mirror on the wall
I'll make sure you crack and fall
[should be fixed now? i link em in my sig and fancy - and thank you! <3 ]

He raises a brow at her but sets her down gently while she rambles - nerves, he can relate a little, before he'd had them stamped out when cause came to call for it but well he knows he's been an object f awe or revulsion before - a long tail flicks out to make sure she doesn't tumble back behind her again but other than that he merely listens.

he shakes his head "No i'm not who you're looking for - but if he's here, i'm sure he'll be along - in the meantime perhaps we can puzzle out an alias until you...remember, I suppose?"


Re: Famine || Joining + O - Ghost Gal - 03-24-2019

[My pleasure! Apologuises for the wait and the short post!]

The kit gives a soft smile, relaxing a bit. He's scary but..he's nice. Her eyes flicker to his tail, a welcome prevention from her clumsyness. An alias, huh? Oh, why couldn't she remember her name? The thought rips a hot jolt of worry up her spine. Did she not have a name? Was there a reason? Did she do bad things and blocked out her name as a result?
Calm down, me. You're fine. Breathe. Just, breathe,
She flicked an ear, "Well, I'm dead right? Or, originally dead so..." She pouted. Still, nada. "I'm really not- I'm really not getting anything, but, um, what's your name?" She regarded her new friend again, and before she could stop herself, "And what are those markings on your face? Their kind of cool!"

Re: Famine || Joining + O - Luciferr - 03-30-2019

Mirror, mirror on the wall
I'll make sure you crack and fall
whats your name?

Oh but does he have quite a few - but he goes with what he was named in this life, when he knew what a family could be ”Arkyn, my name is Arkyn” and it seems he’s not going to be able to call her anything but ‘her’ and ‘hey you’ for now anyway.

And then he’s thrown for another loop when ghost girl here immediately compliments the red teeth markings across the sides of his jaw and he blinks for a second - rather unused to compliments (let alone compliments about a quirk of colouring that makes it look like he has extra sets of teeth) - before he huffs a short laugh ”I was just - born with them like this, but thank you” he tilts his head as he considers his next steps ”I suppose if who you’re waiting for is here, I should probably bring you to camp instead of simply waiting out here for so long” that’s if she agrees anyway - and he’s almost certain she’s not here as any kind of hidden threat so far anyway.

[super late I’m so sorry oof]


Re: Famine || Joining + O - Ghost Gal - 06-15-2019

[Haha super late you say? In all seriousness, oops! Sorry to leave like that! And apologuies for not giving you an allies sooner, for whatever reason I skipped over that.]

The ghost flicked an ear "There's a camp? With other people?"
Her chest constricted, her tail fluffed. No no no, she didn't want other people. She wanted to be with her friend Arkyn, and the one friend she was looking for. She didn't want people to look at her. To see her. Hastily, she cast a nervous eye over her paws and tail.
She looked, she guessed, alright. Her tiny paws and pelt were a soft, almost white blonde. She felt the familiar brush of her sun-kissed pink bow around her neck, and at once she felt herself relax. Not too terribly bad, not too terribly good she remarked- though she couldn't recall a time where she looked good. She couldn't recall any time of anything though - so she supposed the blow was softened. Funnily enough, her appearance tickled a memory - or what she believed a memory to be. She remembered the warm day vividly, and someone's words even clearer. "Geisterblume, meine geisterblume."
The memory made her sigh, the chill of the air turning her bronchioles into crystal. She blinked, half surprised to not be surrounded in the flower meadow she remembered. maybe they had one in the camp? Right. Camp. She debated on wither or not to tell Arkyn that she was fine, but the truth was, she wasn't. People or not, objectively, she was cold. Freezing, in fact, if a ghost could feel cold. With a glance, she figured Arkyn was cold as well, and her indecisiveness wouldn't help either of them.
"If..Yes. Yes I would like to go to the camp please." She smiled at the large creature, finding a semblance of warmth in him. "And, Mr.Arkyn if you don't mind, you can call me Flower, or Ghostflower if you'd like."