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SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - Printable Version

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SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - Misty - 03-17-2019

[div style="width: 60%; min-height: 150px; overflow: hidden; Margin: auto;"][div style="width: 100%; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; font-family: courier; font-size: 8pt;"][align=center][Image: hCEbVK6.png]
The Ó Faoláins are an old family of faeries, their line dating back for centuries and beyond.  For years beyond memory they have been the royal family of the fae.
Faerie: "Fae" /fair-ee, faye/ noun.
(in folklore) one of a class of supernatural beings, generally conceived as having a diminutive human form and possessing magical powers with which they intervene in human affairs.
[ In the context of these fae ] An immortal creature descended of fallen angels not damned enough for hell.

Active Members of the Ó Faoláin Family
Raziel Ó Faoláin [ penned by ombre ] : typhoon : crewmate
Kian Ó Faoláin [ penned by fantom ] : typhoon : crewmate
Séamus Ó Faoláin [ penned by SPEK ] : typhoon : striker
Keona Ní Faoláin [ penned by misty ] : typhoon : dealer
Suvi Kiira Ní Faoláin [ penned by misty ] : typhoon/tanglewood : medic
Roan Ó Faoláin-Roux [ penned by stilly ] : typhoon : minnow

Family Tree
This excel spreadsheet here.

Family Hub
Here.  I recommend looking through character info and stuff at the very least.

An Important Note
All of these characters were created by me for an original story that I am working on.  I have absolutely adored watching them come to life with the amazing writers who have adopted them for use on BoB and would love to see more members of the family exist on site.  A number of these characters are super in the works, which is another reason I love offering them to other people to take a try at writing; I love seeing how they develop and work in the minds of others which in turns helps me figure out who I want them to be in their stories outside of BoB.
I'm also more than willing to show you work regarding these characters though in some cases it may be lacking; the best I might offer is this encyclopedia, which is still a WIP and may be missing a few people.

Characters Up for Adoption
Requirements and Notes:
- do not change their names, first or last
- they may be in any clan
- you may change their gender if you feel like, but their birth body should be their original gender
- they are not restricted to their birth body
- if you go inactive with them, they will be rehomed
- they should know some Gaelic or be familiar with the language in someway
- their age and rate of age is super flexible since they are immortal and prone to age more based on actual maturity than by physical time
- this is an extremely loyal, tightknit family regardless of time apart and distance; I don't recommend setting them against each other unless for a specific plot development as there has been history of family disputes and rivalries of course, but I generally encourage everything to always stop short of physically harming another member of the family

Lilja Ó Faoláin:
Art Ó Faoláin:
Conrí Ó Faoláin:
Lonân Ó Faoláin:
Form is FFA; stating interest and maybe the extra detail you want to put into the character.  Not necessarily first come first serve but that really depends on amount of interest.  You can ask me any questions or for more specifics.

Re: SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - fantom - 03-22-2019


Re: SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - guts - 03-24-2019

track!! :o

Re: SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - Keeekeeey - 03-24-2019


Re: SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - Ombre - 03-31-2019

Dad track

Re: SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - beatae - 03-31-2019

✧ lilja Ó faoláin | lil
icelandic/finnish for lily
✧ approx. a century | birth date unknown | zodiac unknown
ages realistically
✧ female | she/her
✧ rosebloods | member | no titles
as of now, lilja is loyal only to her family and friends. she will protect those who need it, but if the decision comes to choose, her family is always first.

✧ dire wolf (ref.) | health: 100% | birth/current body
— smells of spices and cinnamon
— holds a white lily behind her left ear
— no current injuries

✧ compassionate, studious, socially independent, dependable
✧ cautious, mischievous, punctual, reserved
✧ bossy, self-reliant, abrasive, rigid
— lilja is an ambivert, typically meaning she is an outgoing gal at times, while also being drained in certain social situations. her willing to socialize is in a flux dependent on her moods. when lilja is in a comfortable place, she is easygoing and joyful to speak to. often she speaks of her interests and her passion for botany and can ramble about the plant types she is caring for in that season. though as much as lilja speaks of her interests and seems to share, she is careful with how much. she rarely mentions her origins, extended family, or current ambitions to strangers and acquaintances. this information is only available to those that have gained her trust. when she is uncomfortable or drained, she secludes herself to her studies or visits her family to recuperate and feel better.

with such a big family, lilja is very family-oriented. she enjoys being around children and has clear maternal instincts when it comes to those younger than her. much of lilja wants to vainly protect their innocence.

her drive to protect and be dependable can make her come off as bossy and curt which she pays no mind to. lilja has no issue barking orders and demands if in the end it could save someone or prevent a disaster. she often thinks too far ahead of herself and always sees the unfortunate possibilities in situations before the good, causing her to act tense and cautious until proven wrong.

✧ raziel x ??? | related to the o'faoláin family
oldest sister to three brothers
has multiple cousins and uncles who she loves dearly
✧ bisexual | single, not looking | no ship names
✧ friends tba | best friends tba | cautious with trust

✧ physically hard | mentally moderate | no powers yet | no weapons
✧ will start/end fights, difficult to provoke | will kill
✧ no mentor | no apprentice |
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded #981E32 | mention @/ when attacking

Re: SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - pluto - 04-03-2019

some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold

FULL NAME: Conrí Ó Faoláin
NICKNAMES: "Con", "Ri-ri"
NAME ORIGIN: Gaelic, "wolf king"
AGE: Appears 10 moons old
BIRTHDAY: unknown.
ZODIAC SIGN: unknown.
PRONOUNS: he/him
SEXUALITY: Demiromantic bisexual

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]ALLIANCE & LOYALTY DETAILS: Rosebloods; loyal to individuals
GROUPS: ⅓ of Ó Faoláin triplets
PARENTS: Raziel Ó Faoláin x Kaisa (deceased)
BROTHERS: Art Ó Faoláin, Lonân Ó Faoláin (triplet)
SISTERS: Lilja Ó Faoláin, Suvi Kiira Ó Faoláin (triplet)

PHYSICAL ADJECTIVES: lean, muscular, soft-furred, sometimes scruffy-looking

POSITIVE TRAITS: active, earnest, loyal
NEUTRAL TRAITS: outspoken, self-conscious, stubborn
NEGATIVE TRAITS: careless, impulsive, naive
— Conrí is a boy playing soldier; good-natured but impulsive and naive, lacking a broad understanding of the world beyond his family.  On the outside, he stands a self-assured, confident boy prepared to lead any charge -- oft times he comes across brash, or impulsive, only seeing one direction in front of him.  Digging deeper, Conrí is a boy playing hero, hiding a deep ocean of insecurities self-inflected by his own high expectations.

[div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]COMBAT & HEALTH: [Image: zgR219p.png]
EXPERIENCE: rigorous self-inflected training; lacks true refinement. requires further practice and instruction.
DIFFICULTY: physically moderate; mentally moderate

[div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]ABNORMAL:
POWERS: none.

[div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]IMPORTANT NOTES:
— None for now

Re: SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - Misty - 04-03-2019

[font=times new roman]Ahh, I love both y'all's forms.  Super happy there's interest!
Y'all can just go ahead and start using the kiddos c:

The only note I think I left out earlier is that all the siblings would have been residing together in a safe, pleasant place (in Suvi's recollections I've always described fields and such), and may have separated either around the time Raziel missed his scheduled visit or when Suvi was kidnapped (in each case they ended up in the Typhoon).  The last any of them would have seen of their father was his previous visit, and the last they would have seen of Suvi would have been just prior to her disappearing.  How they split up (if, when, etc.) is all up to y'all and any others if anyone else applies for the other brothers. c:

Re: SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - beatae - 04-03-2019

that's awesome!! thank you so much!!

Re: SEARCHLIGHT [ Ó Faoláin Family Adoptions ] - Misty - 09-21-2019

Ah I should really be asleep right now but yes, looks great! You can go ahead and start posting with him whenever c: