Beasts of Beyond
❝ ELECTRIFY MY HEART // GIGABIT ❞ - Printable Version

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❝ ELECTRIFY MY HEART // GIGABIT ❞ - guts - 03-17-2019

contents. --
I. tags
II. history & timeline
III. plots
IV. art
V. moodboard(s)
VI. playlist
VII. heart chart
VIII. misc (lyrics/quotes, headcanons, au notes, rules of interaction)

Re: ❝ ELECTRIFY MY HEART // GIGABIT ❞ - guts - 03-17-2019

✧ primitive information recording unit [PIRU] | goes by gigabit
✧ appears about 1 year old | created november 17, 2018
he doesn't age, simply appears more weathered as years go on
✧ male | he/him
✧ the pitt | pittian | no titles
has no actual set loyalty; does whatever anyone tells him to do

✧ domestic feline (ref.) | health: 100% | birth/current body
— gigabit appears as a normal looking tom cat. his fur is black, with white spots around his mouth and on a few of his toes. although if you were to touch it, it would feel slightly stiff and fake. his natural looking appearance is thrown off by the steel material of his leg, screwed into place. his eyes are different from one another, the right being a regular dark blue, while the other is red with a white pupil.
— blue blood; isn't able to cry
— no accessories
— no current injuries

✧ intelligent, observant, resourceful
✧ (neutral)
✧ blunt,
— his 'personality' isn't really a personality at all; it would be more accurate to say it's simple attributes of his programming. he's intelligent, with millions of facts and information stored in his database, and is blunt in the way he delivers things. at times he can even be seen as insensitive, as he doesn't see any reason to sugarcoat things or beat around the bush.

✧ no parents | was made by scientists to record info on wildlife
adopted by no one
✧ no family name
✧ unknown orientation | single, not looking | has no concept of love nor is he able to feel it
✧ no friends | no best friends | doesn't form close bonds easily

✧ physically medium | mentally easy | no powers | no weapons
✧ may start/end fights, hard to provoke | may kill
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | isn't very skilled in combat; sees no reason to fight
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded GREY | mention @/GIGABIT when attacking

✧ extra info here, such as face claims, voice claims, bits of their history, links, etc.
— specifics right here

Re: ❝ ELECTRIFY MY HEART // GIGABIT ❞ - guts - 03-17-2019

history. --
on november 17, 2018, he was created in a lab by a team of scientists and engineers. he was made to discover and record information on wildlife, so about a month or two later, he was released to do just that. it went well until his leg was crippled in an encounter with an unfriendly canine, along with a few of his other functions. it wasn't until after they had repaired him and let him out again that they discovered his tracking device was also broken, but by then it was too late.

left to wander, he eventually stumbles upon the pitt, and ends up joining on __.

timeline. --

Re: ❝ ELECTRIFY MY HEART // GIGABIT ❞ - guts - 03-17-2019

plots. --

Re: ❝ ELECTRIFY MY HEART // GIGABIT ❞ - guts - 03-17-2019

art. --
by me
gore warning:

Re: ❝ ELECTRIFY MY HEART // GIGABIT ❞ - guts - 03-17-2019

[/td] [td]



Re: ❝ ELECTRIFY MY HEART // GIGABIT ❞ - guts - 03-17-2019

playlist here

Re: ❝ ELECTRIFY MY HEART // GIGABIT ❞ - guts - 03-17-2019

heartchart here