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new beginnings ✧ storage - Printable Version

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new beginnings ✧ storage - mars. - 03-17-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]really just a dump of ideas and things

Re: new beginnings ✧ storage - mars. - 03-17-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]BOY
— hairless mutt in various tones of brown OR white serval with soft brown markings
— considered a lost spirit though refuses to accept its death or the events that transpired afterwards, memory is spotty at best
— heavily connected to emotion and the stronger the expression of such the more strange and broken its physical manifestation will become, often breaking apart into clustered of eyes about the cranium or skin fading until the legs seem nothing more then bones with the skeletal impression of ribs and skull apparent through translucent skin
— cry baby, surprisingly this is one of the few emotions that does not outright ruin its manifestation for how ingrained into it such had become during the course of its life
— carries a worn teddy with it and allows no other to touch it, offering it to another is a sure sign of comfort and breaking this by attempting to steal it or otherwise give it to another is an easy may to lead to it attacking
— when tired its manifestation begins to waver and grow transparent but, rather then the image of the false bones beneath, it merely fades as though obscured by mist beginning at the legs, within status often the extremities appear entirely missing and it encroaches about the sides and belly
— mute, in the last days of its life its handler forcefully cut its tongue out, there is not even a stump left, though oddly it has an affinity for flavoured milks and may interact with the outside world if enough energy is exerted, at times leaving the main body transparent and almost glass like, most of the time only using this so it may indulge in the few treats it still has a taste for
— once apart of a circus, a prop often abused and exploited for few understood why it appeared as it did, often dressed or painted to further exaggerate odd features, forced into this life around the late 1700s only to die soon after for the neglect left them malnourished and many of their bones were broken to a point few could heal, the final injury of the tongue removal meant to stop its incessant cries that made patrons feel distressed
— heavily scarred, though these are often hidden for it does not care to leave such out in the open, the only scars they are unable to remove those that cut across their cheeks where the knife had cut into their flesh when they had thrashed about and that state of one ear, barely hanging on though it always shall, flopped over onto itself

Re: new beginnings ✧ storage - mars. - 03-18-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Naël
— greyhound, ears and tail were cropped for his family for generations often were used as bait dogs and the practice persisted no matter the shift of their work
— ringmaster of a night circus primarily suited around more oddity based acts that would draw the attention of the patrons while hand chosen pick pockets would steal valuables
— apart of deeply rooted black market narcotic deals, addicted to various substances and abused alcohol at times though it was primarily the drugs that got him
— it is not known if it was a factor from birth or something that happened after his death but lacking eyes, the sockets are covering in skin with only the slight indent making it clear it is not closed eyelids
— lazy and neglectful, he cared little for those under his care to a point many were abused by patrons or he even allowed them to be taken for a night with the right kind of payment, he was a slimy bastard that would stoop to any level for enough funds so he may decorate himself in pretty fabrics and jewelery

Re: new beginnings ✧ storage - mars. - 03-18-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Solal
— doberman / sighthound mix, pattern and facial structure is that of a doberman while the body is more modelled after a sighthound with added muscle and soft, blueish silver colouring
— close confidant of naël during their life, to the point it was the two that created the circus together and was responsible for bringing in various strays off the street, his more charming, calm disposition easily settling the nerves of pups unfortunate enough to run into him
— a scam artist that once acted as a fortune teller, because of his use with a crystal ball one of his eyes was replaced with a crystal false eye yet the most grievous injury was the fact he was dragged from the tent before it was burned to the ground and beaten to a bloody pulp, his death coming when his neck snapped upon the end of a rope and so his head is no longer connected to his spine and moves about in odd ways, often flopping to one side at an angel that is sickening to look upon though he can right it and make it seem once more connected
— displeased with how things end he is none the less a charmer still and does all he can to placate others, far from a fighter with a preference of being on the sidelines watching as his schemes and ploys ruin others
— deaf though he has learnt to read lips rather well and acts more upon the body language of others over anything else, because he learnt to speak before going deaf can do so well and is rather articulate though his volume is at times too soft or too loud as he can not regulate himself