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put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - Printable Version

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put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - selby roux ! - 03-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The sun was setting over the marsh, turning the green-brown colors of the swamp gold and sweet. Selby tended to a row of potted plants that he didn’t remember receiving, humming some lullaby that he had long forgotten the words to. The passage of time was strange to him, and he felt that the days of his childhood had been stolen from him and given to some other child.

He was eleven months now, almost a year old. His stocky kitten body was now proportionate, his legs long and slender. His kitten fluff had molded into sleek, dark, feathery fur. His dark eyes had faded to a warm yellow that flowed like lanterns.

Selby looked, in every sense of the word, grown up. But he didn’t quite feel that way. The days had flown by and his body changed without his consent and he felt so very small and kit-like and he didn’t know anything about anything that mattered to anyone and and and-

But, he supposed, that was life. The words to the song of life were unknown to everyone and anyone who claimed to know them knew less than those who knew they know nothing.

There are worse things to be than grown up, with worse things to be doing than gardening, and worse places to be doing them. All in all, it wasn’t a bad deal.

//skksk this probably doesn’t make sense but I’m back and happy to be here!!

Re: put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - guts - 03-18-2019

Despite everything, she had kept her child-like wonder, her eyes still bright and unmarked by what she had seen, what she had experienced. She was small, at least for her species, and all the baby fat still clung to her form, though it gradually fell away as time passed and she grew older. There were few times where she had wished she was grown up.

Florence was attracted by the low humming, small paws bringing her to where Selby was caring for the plants, a painful spike of nostalgia running through her. She remembered the flower garden behind her house, the one her momma used to tend to when she was alive. Ever since, they had died, colorful petals growing brown and withered. Her daddy didn't care about flowers.

"Hello," she greets quietly, her usual childish cheer dampened by the memories. "what kind of plants are those?" she comes closer, her inquiry innocent as she looks over the flora, curious.

Re: put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - selby roux ! - 03-18-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby startled at the sudden voice, but softened almost immediately at the sight of the child. He smiled slightly at her inquiry, remembering what it was like to be that age.

There were five pots, each containing an herb. ”Hello. This first one here with the flowers is chamomile. I like it with tea. This one with the soft leaves is basil. It’s good for my sachets,” he began, pointing to the first two in turn. Being a witch, he often prepared small sachets to protect his home, give good dreams, and banish negative feelings (among other things).

Selby continued down the line, firing off the last three plants. ”This sparse looking one is thyme, the spiky one is rosemary, and the last is sage.”

He studied the child and realized he hadn’t met her before. ”I’m Selby Roux. What’s your name?”

Re: put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - Luciferr - 03-18-2019

one could say death himself was a gardener - the weapon of choice often depicted with him being a tool of harvest - and he was in his own fashion.

But real Gardens like this had always been more his younger sisters propensity - for all that they entitled her the white horse of conquest or pestilence, she cured as much as she infected, they were after all two sides of a coin and what was illness if not a test for survival that one could conquer with the right knowledge and tools.

Lilith had always loved to explain that she was a duality and not just the misery others saw her as - and Azrayel agreed,

Everything had its place after all.

”a lovely garden” the reaper says quietly from a safe distance where he lies quietly observing - he does not wish to intrude - gardening, cultivating life, is not something he’s had much practice with recently given events but maybe he’ll start - the irony isn’t lost on him however.


Re: put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - guts - 03-18-2019

She knew a few kinds of flowers, like lilacs and roses--many of which grew in her mother's garden--but she didn't have much experience with herbs. She listens as he goes down the row, nodding and committing each name to memory, smiling as she leans over to sniff at a few of them. Their smells are strong, mixing with the earthy smell of the soil. She remembered trying to take care of her mother's flora, then the disappointment as they just ended up dying.

When he introduces himself, she looks back at him, flashing a smile. "My name's, Bue-Beaufort. Beaufort!" she says, stumbling over her last name for a moment, then beaming once she finally got it. "It's nice to meet you, Selby!" she had never heard of such a name before, but it wasn't bad. Interesting, if anything.

She catches a form in the corner of her eye, and when she turns, she shrinks slightly at the sight of the large beast. His size was intimidating, as well as the way he watches them. But she reminded herself that she was brave, so she quickly straightened herself, head high as she regards him. She definitely agrees with his statement, though.

Re: put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - selby roux ! - 03-18-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby casts a sheepish nod to Azrayel, feeling uncomfortable under the praise. ”All I really have to do is water and weed them... they do the hard part themselves,” he says humbly. He lets Florence smell them, remembering what it felt like to be new to the realm of gardening.

”It’s nice to meet you Florence. If you wanted, I could help you set up your own garden,” he offers after a moment of thought. He remembers what it was like to be so young and to have people other than your parents or siblings give you attention.

Re: put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - guts - 03-19-2019

She can hardly contain her excitement at Selby's offer. She loved the idea of having a pretty flower garden like her mama's, but on the other hand, these herbs were awful interesting, too. She glances down at the plants, conflicted.

"I'd love that, mister Selby! But could I have some flowers, too?" she asks, shuffling her paws in the damp earth. "My mama, she had a real pretty flower garden, and I wanna grow some." she isn't sure how different herbs and flowers are, but surely they aren't that far apart.

Re: put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - selby roux ! - 03-19-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby warmed at her enthusiasm, glad to know that the excitement of gardening was present for the youth. He knew herbs might not be particularly exciting for someone so young, and so he thought about the packets of seeds he had at home.

”Of course,” he began. ”I have some flower seeds stored away. I can bring some for you to pick out.” Although he had technically been saving them for Pastel, Selby hadn’t seen her for a while, and there were extras. She wouldn’t miss a few seeds.

Re: put me on a pedestal ( return to activity - Pastel - 03-20-2019

We are the weirdos mister.
Of course she wouldn't mind, it had always been in their nature to share the glory of nurturing plants with everyone. The iridescent witch padded up beside her brother, giving him a quick nuzzle. To anyone looking on, she would appear to be the younger Roux though she was the elder of the two. Time had not done her well, for she still had the appearance of a three month old kit. Her voice had changed as it should though, so the voice of an adult flew from her lips as she spoke.

"Flowers are fairly easy to care for Miss Florence, though might I reccomend some Marigolds? They're bright like the sun, and thrive well in it." Even though time had passed, it felt like she'd never left her brother's side at all. It was easy to pull herself into the conversation in a polite manner.
Penned by Elumina - "SPEECH"