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FALLEN ANGEL --- sunbathing - Printable Version

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FALLEN ANGEL --- sunbathing - SÉAMUS - 03-16-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
The name Embry may ring the faintest bell.  A small sense of familiarity.  The slightest thought that the swift fox had been seen around, perhaps once or twice, but as a rather anti-social creature, quickly disappeared thereafter.  As such, the quiet being inclined his head near absentmindedly towards an NPC or two that suffered from these intricately implanted memories ( he had to be as thorough as possible ) as he found a patch of sun.  His name may have even been mentioned a time or two in passing, jokingly or such about the sometimes sulky-looking vulpine.

It was quiet for the most part.  The early hours of the day.  His pointed ears caught snippets of chatter and the sounds of clanmates passing by.  The fox did not mind the quiet however, and settled well beneath the sun as it filtered through the branches above him.  Perhaps all he was missing was a book.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: FALLEN ANGEL --- sunbathing - Jervis - 03-16-2019

Feelings of unfamiliarity caused Jervis great distress. He preferred to know his surroundings and who he coincided with, especially within The Pitt. To him there was competition all around that could endanger him and his paved path to greatness. Unnamed figures had always managed to undermine him. Thus why he always happened to be flamboyant and willing to learn everyone's name, mostly because he could carve out their name on their tombstone.

Today was no different. A new figure had caught his golden gaze. Eventually Jervis found himself wandering over with a devious smile on his maw. "Why, aren't you a quiet one?" he drawled. His pace slowed as he grew near, only pausing a few inches away from the other vulpine. "What's your name, dear?"
tags - penned by orion

Re: FALLEN ANGEL --- sunbathing - SÉAMUS - 03-16-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Jervis.  The canine perhaps opened his eyes only a squint, ear twitching as the Ardent's voice washed over his ears.  Familiar enough now, unfortunately.  Dear?  Rather quaint.  "'fraid I'm rather infamous for it," Embry chuckled, slowly sitting upright. "But the quiet's nice." Now I sound old.  He already missed the sun but he supposed it wouldn't be polite to just lay there. 

"Name's Embry," he huffed, voice laced with the slightest hint of Scottish accent.  Absently, he rolled his shoulders back, brows briefly creasing.  "I know you, but I don't believe we've officially met.  So I suppose it's a pleasure."
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: FALLEN ANGEL --- sunbathing - Jervis - 03-17-2019

Oh no. There was nothing unpleasant about a quiet soul in Jervis' soul. It was rather pleasing to him to know that Embry was silent and was rather oblivious as to why they got such a reputation. "Well, there's nothing wrong to keeping to yourself." "Unless you've got something to hide, of course." As always, his words were a double edged sword. To those watching though, he had to add a positive note. "All that means is that you've got to dig a little deeper to find the diamond in the rough." His smile curled mischievously.

And as per usual, they knew of him. Way to inflate his ego further. Jervis just smiled on, nodding along with their words. "I'd sure hope you'd know your leader," came his cocky comment. Especially after the drama that stirred. Tanglewood and The Typhoon breathing down the back of their necks was not as pleasant as he had hoped. "Though why, it's a pleasure, Embry." Now that was a name he would have to remember. A fellow vulpine and Pittian was someone he could possibly hold close to him, especially when there were little allies around.

His craned off to the side. Eventually he came to sit down and get comfortable, as it appeared as if they would be having a pleasant conversation. "So," continued the canine, "Tell me about yourself, Embry."
tags - penned by orion

Re: FALLEN ANGEL --- sunbathing - SÉAMUS - 03-17-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
No, there was not always something wrong with keeping to yourself, he muses.  Nonetheless, he just smiled somewhat sheepishly, shrugging.  Of course, in regards to other members of his family perhaps... They were a quiet bunch but not because they were hiding any sort of devious plans.  Perhaps some hurt they did hide, but nothing mischievous. They were just private.  He found that part easy enough to act.  Perhaps because you're hurt too.

Let's start someplace simple then.

"I been 'ere a little while, but I wasn't born 'ere.  My parents were travelers, so I was too, for a while, til I decided to settle somewhere after they passed." Vague for now, but that was the point.  He did not want to go into immense detail unless some interest was presented.  "Like you know a'ready, bit on the quiet side, so not a lot of friends I suppose, an' I spend a lot more time reading than anythin' else to be honest."

"I'm a little boring," he'd add after a moment, ear flicking.  "Is there anythin' more specific you'd like to know?  I ought to ask you to make a fair trade though; not much fun to just talk all day.  Maybe that's just 'cause I'm much better at listening."
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY

Re: FALLEN ANGEL --- sunbathing - Jervis - 03-17-2019

Not a true Pittian then. Jervis' eyes narrowed a few, but he found little distaste. As long as someone remained tried and true to the clan, he would not doubt their loyalty, though something about being a pureblood was more appealing. Without a word, he continued listened. Red ears pointed upwards as he managed to hear Embry out further. Even so, their comments were vague. As always, he would need to dig deeper. "Why, that's interesting," came his coo. "I would love to travel myself, but it proves to be hard in my position." A devastated sigh left him. "What about yourself? Ever plan to follow your parents legacy and travel?" His head craned to the side. "Are you loyal?" Golden eyes searched the other vulpine up and down, looking for any sign of hesitance.

Books had never interested him otherwise, ultimately making him slip past the subject. Jervis liked to consider himself intelligent, but books were never his style and instead preferred brute force. What could a book tell him besides how Juliet killed herself foolishly for a nonexistent love? "Books, while interesting in some aspects, are not really my thing," he commented. After all, why dream a fantasy when he could live in one of his own? All it took was a little work... and force.

Upon finishing, the new acquaintance mentioned they were boring. They got that right. At least Jervis thought so, of course. Everyone else besides him might think otherwise and try to befriend them further instead of digging for secrets. Thankfully, the subject turned towards him. "Oh lord, me?" enthused the fox as if he was surprised. "I come from the Callahan line that runs back many years. Many would consider us the foundation for the groups these days." Of course he had to pat himself on the back even if he wasn't involved directly. "Call us the founders." Was he joking? No. Despite his upbeat and joyous tone, he very much meant it. "But me directly? Oh, I've done plenty. Otherwise why would I be your ardent?" His smile curled further.
tags - penned by orion

Re: FALLEN ANGEL --- sunbathing - SÉAMUS - 03-17-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]'cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass
Never been much for family legacy.  "Follow 'em? No... I don' think so.  I didn' mind seeing the world, but it's more satisfying, I thin' to have a place you can actually call home."  He could honestly say that.  "So no, but to each their own. My parents lived fairly happy lives, I suppose.  But I'll be happier staying in one place."

He snorted softly and shrugged. "I learned early on, they're not for everyone.  But that just means more for me to borrow or collect."  The win-win situation of his eldest brother now that he considered it.  Oh well.  He saw the appeal enough.

Embry supposed he might just be stroking the other vulpine's ego, but he perked his ears attentively, curious to what the Ardent might say.  Callahan.  An Irish surname if he knew one, but that did not mean much all things considered.  Years old and founded the groups; that was actually rather interesting information though he did recall the other mentioning something similar once before.  A hand in all of them.  And of course, he has done plenty himself.  Swoop in for the kill and ask a bunch of pirates to lend you a paw to ascend to the throne of a slaver group.

"So, by becoming leader of one of the groups they founded, you're essentially continuing their legacy." Statement more than question.

"I never thought to ask how old the groups were," he mused out loud, head inclining lightly towards the side. "If your family founded them, do you have an idea?What a history nerd you're acting like.  Years, obviously, but he wondered how many.  The more the more significant it was in a mortal lifespan.
[align=right]hardly anything left for you to see — EMBRY