Beasts of Beyond
☼ YOU CUT ME DOWN TO SIZE — ARISIDE - Printable Version

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☼ YOU CUT ME DOWN TO SIZE — ARISIDE - guts - 03-16-2019

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
The walk to their camp was silent, punctuated by the crunch of sand under their paws. Ymir keeps her eyes down, like a beaten dog, but at least she keeps her tail flicking behind her rather than between her legs. She had that much dignity left. Still, most of it had been scraped away when Sunhaven had stopped existing, when she had been beaten by nothing more than a pack of feral dogs. Now, thanks to them, she'd probably be going blind in one eye. It was as if she hadn't been through enough.

Her jaw clenches, teeth clicking together as it does, finally risking a glance up towards Ari's back. Bad idea. Once she sees her, her chest is overwhelmed, a rush of mixed emotions crashing over her: sadness, bitterness, guilt, fondness. It was all a blur and she quickly ducked her head again, glaring at the ground like it was the one who caused all this misery.

[member=1077]kade .[/member]  "character's speech."

Re: ☼ YOU CUT ME DOWN TO SIZE — ARISIDE - teef - 03-17-2019

the woman in the lead had no clue how greatly her presence affected ymir, but she could take her guesses as to why she was silent. automatically taking a deep breath, she would shake herself out, "I know you have questions, ymir. we can go back to my den, to my workshop or we can find some place else if neither sound appealing."

looking over her shoulder with a familiar aching, longing sensation she sighed,
feeling her own failures to patch this relationship. she ... loved ymir. she didnt know how to tell her, how to fix this, how to make it up to her. but she would do everything that she could.

Re: ☼ YOU CUT ME DOWN TO SIZE — ARISIDE - guts - 03-18-2019

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Her head jerks up as Ari finally addresses her, making the understatement of the century. Yeah, she definitely had some questions. A smirk pulls at her lips, though, somehow amused by the fact she gave her options as to where to go. While she doubted how much she knew about the other female, this just seemed like something she'd do--something that Kade would do. The one she knew.

"Well, I've been on my feet for a damn while, so anywhere I can rest would be much appreciated." she said with a halfhearted shrug. She made a mental vow to not try anything funny if they ended up at her home--Gods knew how well that had gone last time.

While Ariside had no trouble with dealing with her feelings, Ymir was a lot more closed off, acknowledging but not accepting her own emotions towards her. It was frustrating and--though she'd never admit it--terrifying. Closeness was something she didn't allow herself anymore, not after everything that happened when she was human, and having feelings for someone definitely wasn't what she had on her to-do list. It was too intimate, made her too vulnerable to hurt again. "character's speech."