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AWROOO // task - Printable Version

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AWROOO // task - Crow Roux - 03-14-2019

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Well, this was exactly what Leroy was asking for. He told him to put someone new in charge for a day, so Crow was about to do just that. No rules, just that it couldn't be him, so that allowed the feline room for creative thinking, and boy he had some tricks up his metaphorical sleeves. There was a nice guy that wandered around that was perfect for the job. Luring him to the square was the easy part. A soothing voice and and a bone from the leg of a deer he found rotting in the forest were all he needed to accomplish this feat—feral animals were something else, for sure.

Crow settled down in a spot where he was sure everyone would see them, then tossed aside the bone to the supreme leader that now graced the presence of Tanglewood. "Here's your new general," the tabby deadpanned as he sat on his haunches and gestured to the larger figure's flowing, golden locks with both of his arms, "for twenty-four hours. He's literally a GOD. If ya aren't kissin' his toes, you're goin' to baby jail." With a smirk, his attention turned to a crude box drawn on the ground with white paint, a hooked claw now pointing to it.

And there they would sit, awaiting passerby.

Re: AWROOO // task - Dog - 03-14-2019

From the shadows came two glorious figures. One of smoky grey goodness and the other of shining gold. They arrived into town square promptly, the grey feline leading the retriever to their designated meeting area. Wolf-like eyes of the canine stared forward at his leader in awe, though occasionally his eyes led elsewhere. His snout was held high to smell the luxurious mud air for hints of glory and to show his utterly outstanding confidence. Meanwhile, he donned an dopey smile. Yellow teeth glittered in the sunlight. His pink tongue flopped outside of his mouth, practically drooling all over the town square’s ground. It’s wet contents rolled down his maw and onto his fantastic locks, adding a shine to his pelt. The rest of the long golden fur flowed into the wind majestically as the two walked forward.

Eventually the feline he was following stopped in his tracks. The canine followed in suit. Begging eyes focused on on what Crow was holding onto, oblivious to what was really going on around them. Within the male’s grip was a luxurious deer bone. Tempted by the leader’s soothing tone and the smell of flesh, the canine just happened to follow him willingly up until this point. Soon enough, the bone came into his possession. His treasured prize flew through the air and he rushed after it. Dog soared through the air, grabbing it in between his jaws, and landed swiftly on his paw pads. Satisfied, he yipped.

The feral dog wandered aimlessly back to Crow’s side and dropped the bone on the floor then proceeded to lie down. With a paw over the bone’s end and another underneath the opposite side, he held it up at a angle and proceeded to chew at it excitedly. Momentarily he paused. This generous figure was speaking a foreign language to him. ”Woof,” he barked inquisitively. It was as if the canine was agreeing with the feline, and now former leader, of Tanglewood. Afterwards he went back to knowing on his bone.

Re: AWROOO // task - Character Graveyard. - 03-15-2019

Lunafreya N.F.
A "new" leader. How interesting. At Crow's sudden call, Lunafreya came walking over, sky-blue irises studying Crow and the unfamiliar canine. How.. Interesting. The winged-female blinked, flapping both of her large wings, which were almost too big for her body- though they weren't a burden at all if she needed to fly. Her whiskers twitching slightly in amusement, she sat back on her haunches and she stared at the feral canine, amusement in her sky-blue eyes. "Ah, what is our new General's first order?" The winged-fae lightly chuckled. "I will gladly fulfill any order that he has for me while he resides here."

This certainly was going to be fun.

//ack, somewhat short.

Re: AWROOO // task - Dog - 03-15-2019

Rounded ears perked up. Beady eyes shifted upwards towards Lunafreya who was apparently trying to communicate with him, obliviously trying to understand.  His expression faded into confusion, despite the female's hearty tone. If only someone could translate. Instead he mindlessly growled in frustration and barked before going back to chewing on his bone.

Re: AWROOO // task - guts - 03-16-2019

Her mama had always warned her about ferals, said that they were dangerous and unpredictable. Flo had never met one herself, but she knew better than to doubt her mom, especially when she was right there, watching her. It was nice to know she was always there, but it was also somewhat restricting. She was a good girl, but sometimes it was fun to break the rules.

When she heard their leader--whatever that was--speaking, she hurried over, curious to see what the commotion was about. Then she noticed the new addition, a large, golden dog. Her eyes grew wide, both in awe and trepidation, as she watched the canine, standing back in hesitance with her doll gently held in her mouth. This was their new leader? But ferals couldn't make decisions or speak or do anything important! And why was everyone just going along with it?

So many questions, so few answers. Looking lost and confused, she stared at the dog, not sure how to feel about this.

Re: AWROOO // task - toboggan - 03-19-2019

Crow’s replacement-of-choice was literally a feral. Unbelievable.

While handing out the task to his General, a smug tone of triumph manifested in his age-ridden voice. The hound firmly believed that there was in no way Crow could prevail - and yet, the scrawny, long-faced feline came out on top.

His face weakly wore defeated grin while lazily making the scene. Bulbs of amber curiously fell upon his new superior, inspecting the male from the waist-up. Based on appearance alone, it was slightly off that a canine of that species roaming the area was indeed feral; last time the mutt recalled, Retrievers only howled, ate, slept, and wept at their owners’ command. They had no spine, only loyalty and pretty fur.

Crow’s first words were technically orders. In a way, he already lost.

"Whats’s name, then?" the guardsman queried, too impatient for introductions. ”Any special qualities about this fella, or is he just gonna sit there and roll in his own shit all day?”

Re: AWROOO // task - Crow Roux - 03-20-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Crow did not understand a single word the air-headed canine attempted to speak and that was the hard truth— a roadblock —but he would adapt. The sheer ingenuity of the prank to begin with required a creative mind, and the tabby was alright at acting. He had those qualities on his side at the least.

Upon Lunafreya's approach, he stifled a laugh, and a glance was sent to Florence, just as confused as the rest of them. The first victims. His socked paw stretched out to gently rub his golden friend's head who was busy gnawing away at the bone at his feet as he listened to her words, and his lips downturned at the reaction received. A growl from the all-knowing master? There must be only one solution. "He desires... a toy that squeaks! Right now!" the feline exclaimed, feigning urgency.

Leroy would be the next to approach. The feline perked up to greet him and an ungodly cackle escaped his throat, face contorting in expression of amusement as he slapped the ground out of impulse. This was all too funny for his own good, the guardsman's shock and disappointment was everything Crow needed. He would regain his composure, though a devilish grin lingered upon his lips.

"His name is, uhhh..." he pondered, paw tapping the ground as his eyes darted wildly searching for inspiration. "Goldilocks. That's his name, and he happens to be a really good mind reader. Bet ya didn't expect that, huh Leroy?"