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RETRIBUTION BLUES + WEEKLY TASKS - toboggan - 03-11-2019

Today’s morning saw Leroy’s debut in handing out weekly tasks. It only took a good seven months, but it was finally time for him to get off his lanky ass and give orders for a change.

With the sudden shift in leadership around these parts, this week’s tasks would be based around making advances for the good of Tanglewood - and perhaps some tasks would be purposed towards the fun side of things, a side of things that was rather absent as of late.

The gaunt canine looked a little worse for wear, yet his spirits were high. Many a Tangler, both long gone and present, stood in the exact same position as him. It was as if he at long last was dedicating his time to something important.

”Alright”, he puffed, ”c’mere if ya wanna task thing!”

Re: RETRIBUTION BLUES + WEEKLY TASKS - beck. - 03-11-2019

    Did he trust Leroy to give him an assignment that wouldn't make a complete fool out of him? No. But Beck knew he had some... issues in the trsut department anyway. And he was bored of lazing around. He could never escape his state of mindless tedium, but it wouldn't hurt to repeatedly try. Maybe this time it'll affect, he didn't know, something, at least.

    Appearing uncomfortably close to Leroy, the poltergeist neglected to utter a word, staring at the taller hound with a blank yet expectant expression plastered over his scarred face. He had been on both sides of the coin in this case, although he preferred to repress the familiarity belonging to either. Docked tail thumping the ground with a light thump, the dark-furred cat couldn't help but poke his tongue out slightly between bloodless lips before he forced out a rasp "Hi." Obviously, he also had issues in the social department to work on.

Re: RETRIBUTION BLUES + WEEKLY TASKS - Crow Roux - 03-12-2019

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He hated admitting he was relieved Leroy took the intitiative to assign tasks. It was something Crow absolutely loathed. It meant he had to talk to everyone more often than he already did, and he was not here for that. Probably not good.

Crow yawned a toothy yawn, sticking out a socked paw to punch the larger canine in the leg with a stupid grin. "Gimme somethin’, big boy."

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Re: RETRIBUTION BLUES + WEEKLY TASKS - toboggan - 03-14-2019

A respectful nod from Leroy would greet his initial pupils. Beck and Crow, two men of status - Beck as a medical quack, and Crow being the dude who runs the joint.

His next few words would go as his first in the name of jurisdiction. As of a few moments ago, the guardsman held authority over those he did not before. The potential for amusement was plentiful; each “what-if” scenario he thought of to this date had the possibility to come alive.

"[member=67]beck.[/member]", Leroy began brusquely, "if ya hadn’t done it recently, I’d like ya to host a mass checkup. It’s that time of year again, and I need you to check for absolutely everything. If ya want, ya could even hand out lollipops to th’ good ones!" On the surface, the task appeared boring and dry - but the canine had pondered on it, and deduced that getting up close and personal was the best method of finding out what exactly made the ghastly feline tick.

Turning to face the leader, Leroy would then huff; ”[member=1477]Crow Roux[/member], you’re gonna have to give up your handle as chief to someone - for one day only. You get to decide who’ll be leader, and you’ll be said leader’s second-in-command. Got that?”

Re: RETRIBUTION BLUES + WEEKLY TASKS - Crow Roux - 03-15-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
"Aw, what?" The feline's eyebrows scrunched into a pout and the tip of his tail thumped the ground as he squinted at Leroy. "Can't I have something normal?" he huffed, sinking to the earth in dramatic flair. Finding someone else to be in charge? That was too hard. Way too hard.



Re: RETRIBUTION BLUES + WEEKLY TASKS - Anubis. - 03-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]He'd been... Quiet lately.  Not intentionally, but sometimes that was the way of things.  The Egyptian flicked an ear as he trotted towards the sound of Leroy's call, catching Crow's task with an amused chuckle.  "I'll take one as well," he called, dark eyes glittering.

Re: RETRIBUTION BLUES + WEEKLY TASKS - toboggan - 03-17-2019

A brow inclined out of thought as the next of Leroy’s clientele made the scene; a little creature by the name of Anubis. Very rarely had he seen the runt running around Tanglewood’s turf, yet the guardsman was wary of the Egyptian’s existence. The lack of interaction between the two bred an aura of uncertainty when it came to thinking of inane, humorous tasks.

What to do. What to do.

"[member=2589]Anubis.[/member]", a decided voice rang, [color=#b2b2b2][b]”I need you to comb the library ‘til you find a recipe worth eating. And I don’t mean something simple, like a pie or cookies; you gotta make something extravagant. We’re the best group around, so we gotta feast like kings!”

Re: RETRIBUTION BLUES + WEEKLY TASKS - guts - 03-18-2019

The feline found her way over, led by Crow's announcement of tasks. She wasn't sure what kind of task she was in for, but she wanted something to do, maybe something to help the clan out--whatever a child like her could do. "Can I have one, please, mister Leroy?" she asks upon approach.

Re: RETRIBUTION BLUES + WEEKLY TASKS - selby roux ! - 03-18-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby found himself approaching for the same reason as Florence. He’s here, might as well contribute. ”I’ll take one too, Leroy,” he said, sitting down and tucking his tail around his paws.