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OH DEATH | Joining. - Printable Version

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OH DEATH | Joining. - Luciferr - 03-10-2019

[an inspired title I know, slightly rushed apologies.]

Considering they had scattered to the four corners of the universe after- well, after certain catastrophic events, it’s quite surprising how quickly they can seemingly find each other again - Although quick in this context is more like centuries - but given they’d all lost hope of ever seeing each other again, the long searches were more manageable.

He spins himself back into existence some thousand miles above the planet below - white-black-and-blue, the reaper, the pale one, the star eater, a litany of names and titles, but he is Azrayel, as his mother and father named him and as his siblings know him, called back again to the closing distance of a beacon below - he knows father is there, on what would be considered a backwater world - and he knows Fen is also somewhere roaming around down there - he can’t miss that fire-steel presence like he can’t miss the void-shadow in the island regions.

White eyes shift away - though the way in which a cold shadow brushes past him is all he needs to know in greeting - and razor-white-on-black wings unfurl in multiples of dagger-wraith feathers and he descends.

It’s some time later the dragon - or what looks like a dragon - lingers on the borders of a murky swamp, a white-black shadow in the green-dark scenery, somehow pristine even with the murk - he knows his brother once resided here and it’s enough to know Fen is somewhere out there even if isn’t here - but he is curious about this group his brother had seemingly stayed with for so long, it warrants staying - for now.

So he waits,


Re: OH DEATH | Joining. - suvi. - 03-11-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: QuzfGGl.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | sawbone —
Shimmering snow white paws signaled the arrival of the petite vixen.  The rest of her body materializes after, though it seems for a brief second the fox's body could not decide on being corporal, or not, much to the youth's chagrin.  Unmatched hues dance and flicker upwards, blinking perhaps twice at the appearance of a dragon.  Inevitably, her recently melded mind stumbled into confusion.  I know a dragon.  That sounded right, right?  He saved me and da.  No.  Yes?  Yes.  For Suvi? Kiira? needed to find a way to reorganize her mind and all the different memories, thoughts and emotions that came from... Whatever had happened.

Dragon felt right.  A massive dragon, black as night.  Yes.  This was not him of course -- he did not look quite right, nor smelled like salt.  The little Sawbone did, perhaps, a little, carry the scent of the little direwolf she'd been before.  "H-hello," she piped up, wearing a small, semi-shy smile.  "C-can I he-help you?"

Re: OH DEATH | Joining. - Luciferr - 03-11-2019

Shed be forgiven for mistaking them considering the relation - and the dubious validity that there is always one dragon in every generation of their lineage, but then the small voice that greets him is unfamiliar and he does not know where her thoughts linger - though he’d be interested to know what his fathers time among these peoples has been like, it’s been a very long time since any of their family have been within such easy distance of each other after all - and he wants to know if they were content.

And for all that he lacks the purest black silhouette his father carries, the pale dragon does rather look like parts of him have been dipped in ink - all contrasts he is, as his mother used to say, a concept he rather likes - nothing is ever so clean cut but oh his job would be easier if so.

He shifts inclining his head to the tiny - corporeal to non corporeal fox - and poses his question ”I hope you might little one, I’m - looking for a place to stay” at least for now.


Re: OH DEATH | Joining. - beck. - 03-12-2019

    "Can ya fit in a house?" A shrill wheeze responded, belonging to an unseen observer in the trees. The poltergeist responsible for the arguably worth-while question materialized on a branch, lazing on his belly with one arm dangling from his perch. Honey-brown eyes glued to the pale figure spiked with rows of jutting spines, an odd recognization clicked in his head. Not for the reptilian behemoth's father, but rather for a brother. Maybe. Beck was only assuming his ties with good ol' Fenrisulfr after all. There weren't too many giant hellish dragons roaming about as far as he knew.

      Briefly glancing down to the swamp below and offering Kiira a shockingly reassuring smirk, Beck turned his freckled face to stare eye-to-eye at Azrayel -- only achievable thanks to his height in the tree. He shifted enough to stand on the branch, pearly claws poking from their sheaths in order to keep his grip as he wobbled forward, nose flaring while he sniffed the dragon. Recoiling once he satisfied the need to memorize his scent, the scrawny feline clicked his teeth together in thought. "Who-o are ya?" he asked, mistrust lacing his voice as he narrowed his eyes.

Re: OH DEATH | Joining. - Luciferr - 03-16-2019

it's hard to tell with his gaze void of visible pupils but they do shift towards the new voice - ah, a poltergeist, nothing new to death himself but he wonders why it might choose to linger - though at the question an imperceptible smile and a slight intonation of amusement "is that a requirement?" he muses - he's perfectly fine sleeping under the stars if lodging is going to be an issue - though if his brother once resided here, he wonders if there are indeed houses just large enough.

"as for my name - Azrayel Grimm" the titan answers - and maybe that will spark any recognition if anyone still knew his brother resided here, but who knew when mortal lifetimes seemed so small in comparison - though he has many names and titles, hm.

[oof potential feels if Az takes up fen's old house]

Re: OH DEATH | Joining. - suvi. - 03-16-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: QuzfGGl.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | sawbone —
The vixen tilts her head, blinking.  An answer rested on her tongue but the familiar voice of a ghostly collogue interrupted.  She smiled shyly, eyes rolling at his immediate inquiry and giggling a little at the dragon's answer.  She supposed not.  Depended on his preferences, really.  Insomnia plagued the little sawbone and it may seem she spent more nights beneath the sky than her roof at times.  Oh well.  Stars were pretty.  However far.  And familiar.

Like that last name.  Briefly her brows creased.  Sharp.  Grimm.  But she had to focus.  An old memory of Suiv's.  An introduction was like trading names.  "I-I'm Suvi... S-Suvi Kiira Ó Fao-Faoláin. J-Just c-call me K-Kiira.  I-I'm a Sawbone h-here."  Quite a name now.  Longer now.  Eyes like autumn leaves and blue ice swirl, flickering like a candle.  "I-I know a G-Grimm." But not the one he was thinking of.  No.  The child did not remember Fenrisulfr, if she had even met him.  Perhaps faulty memory or something else. But she did know a Grimm.

"Luc-Luciferus... H-He's n-not here t-though; h-he lives in th-the Typhoon." Perhaps he knew that though, she mused, ears flicking back.