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SEE ME COUNT TO THREE / meeting 3/19 - Printable Version

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SEE ME COUNT TO THREE / meeting 3/19 - bubblegum - 03-09-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
It was time for another meeting, and though she has been trying to keep a specific schedule for when to host them, she clearly is not perfect with that. You would have to forgive her and live with it, though, for Goldenluxury Roux is a busy woman. She's plenty to do other than meetings, which in her not-so-humble opinion were important, but not something that need take priority over some other things. Taking care of the crew in the present was much more necessary to her than updating them on local news and politics, so she does not beat herself up too much over the inconsistency of the days. When there was shit to say, she'd be sure to say it in due time, and that's what mattered in the end. It seemed that right now would be that "due time", as the conch blowing signaled of the meeting's call.

The tiger already sat upon her throne, eyes looking around the dome quietly. She wouldn't bother grabbing their attention right now, waiting for her crewmates to shuffle in one by one. Their politics, especially, seemed busy these days, and it was important that she let them all know of what was happening, even if she would not give away her immediate plans just yet. Some may think she was foolish for teaming up with a Pittian, for example, but she has reasoning, and her crew would need to trust that for now. It wasn't time to give away what she was thinking just yet, not when there were so many listening ears and a deal that needed complete. Instead, she plans to simply update them of the basics and focus onto what she considers improvements to come, for now.

Re: SEE ME COUNT TO THREE / meeting 3/19 - Keona. - 03-09-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly
Meeting. So declared the conch.  The petite Privateer bounded towards the sound, tail tip twitching behind her.  She settled in with the gathering crowd, finding a place a little apart to maintain space, her ears perked attentively as she waited.  Absently, she rested her tail over her paws, content to sit patiently for a moment while everyone melted in.
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. privateer of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: SEE ME COUNT TO THREE / meeting 3/19 - Luciferr - 03-10-2019

The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...It coiled itself around your tender heart
its the first meeting since he’s returned and he finds it almost nostalgic, though it isn’t Pincher upon the stone anymore - but Goldie suits it well and he nods absently to her as he files in, settling himself a,OMG still the back of the crowd as he always has - he’s aware of some of the whispering and glances, after all its are to miss when the dragon had been gone and when he’s seemingly reappeared.


Re: SEE ME COUNT TO THREE / meeting 3/19 - Masie - 03-15-2019

Large feet carried the ever growing raptor into the meeting, scampering to sit next to Keona so she could listen to goldie. While she couldn't speak their language, if one payed attention it started becoming painfully clear that Masie could understand nearly every word spoken by her crew mates.

Re: SEE ME COUNT TO THREE / meeting 3/19 - bubblegum - 04-06-2019

ϟ the clash between the eye and the raging storms. ϟ the healing warmth of the sun and the raw brutality of the seas. ϟ the self-fulfilling prophecy and the stolen future. ϟ
//wheezes at how late this is

As her crewmates made their ways in the dome, she would shuffle her position slightly, waiting for them to settle before beginning. There wasn't too much to be said currently, just two bigger changes that will happen soon. She was pretty excited for the changes, too. Nonetheless, she played out her meetings in a specific order, for consistency, and she would not be able to bring them up until after everything else was said. So, she lifts her head and calls out sharply, "Listen!" to warn them she was beginning now. She paused for a brief moment. "We've got some new, n' returnin' faces. Welcome t' Lucifer, Salem, Idyllfields, Behemoth, n' Mementomori. Make sure y'all take care o' your charm bracelets n' entrance rituals if you've not done 'em already." The captain allowed a warm smile upon her features as she let her words sink in.

The next, as always, was promotions and demotions. That being said, though, there was only one thing to say about this before she would move on, quickly. She did not like making this announcement. "Peppino is officially demoted. Tryouts for the sage position are open. I will teach ya 'til you're ready t' be a soothsayer." Quick and to the point, she sighs silently and pauses a few moments now to hopefully have others consider it. At times, the position can be more demanding than others, but that was why she was here to help.

And now, she could move onto what she was looking forward to: a positive change. Out with the old and in with the new. "I am removin' two of our traditions on account of us never usin' 'em. Keeper tikis n' time capsules will no longer be practiced as a tradition." It shouldn't be too hard to let go of them. She's never once seen any of her crewmates use the keeper tikis, and she was born not long after the crew was founded. "With that in mind, 'm addin' two traditions today. First off, to add onto our monthly bonfire, we'll be holdin' competitions wit' sailin' n' swimmin'. Along wit' that, for every captain that steps down, is demoted, or dies, a ritual where a skull made outta' a mineral t' represent 'em will be added to the throne here. Pincher Roux's will be added soon." Goldie seemed to have a satisfied sort of look on her features, determined to celebrate her papa's legacy. He was not here now, but when he returned (which he will - he had to), he could be glad to see that he will never be forgotten. He, undoubtedly, was the very best captain and the most important. "Thas' all."

- Welcome (back) to Lucifer, Salem, Idyllfields, Behemoth, and Mementomori! Don't forget about their charm bracelets and entrance rituals if they haven't taken care of those already! (For more information, look to the traditions section of the guide.)
- Peppino is demoted.
- Sage tryouts are currently open.
- Two new traditions are being put into place: adding onto the monthly bonfire, there will be monthly water sports, and for every captain who's died/stepped down/demoted, there will be a new skull made out of certain minerals added to the throne of the Deep Sea Dome. Pincher's skull will be aquamarine and will be added shortly.
- Two traditions have been removed due to the fact they're not used: the keeper tikis and the time capsule.

Re: SEE ME COUNT TO THREE / meeting 3/19 - idyllfields - 04-08-2019

stars did fall
[lets just pretend they were here the whole time :')]

at the welcome given by goldie, idyllfields lifted their chin with a small grin. they felt rather accepted and welcomed among the other crewmates. so much so that for a moment, they had forgotten their initial mission. the coyote blinked their honey hued eyes, looking down to their paws. they were beginning to like it here very much... but father jamison needed the news of the loss of his wife. he needed his only family left for the grieving. all this traveling, writing letters that never got anywhere and sending couriers to find him that never returned. it couldn't be entirely fruitless just for them to stop short here.

their paw rubbed against their ankle, reminding themselves to complete the charm ritual and this 'jungle juice' they kept speaking of.

"thank you, dear." they dipped their head and ducked away from the meeting to follow through their tradition.

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