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adopt a wisp girl? - Printable Version

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adopt a wisp girl? - tricky - 03-09-2019

    howdy!! this ain't your typical adoption thread, but here we go anyway

    recently, i've created a new character for bob, isaac from my story universe. he's the spirit of a plague doctor dedicated to finding a cure to morality, although over the years, his goal has warped into delusion. however, while in the afterlife, he stumbled upon a young will'o'wisp by the name of ida, ultimately taking her under his wing as a lab assistant -- and soon, a trusted friend. after years together, isaac left the afterlife to cross over into the living world, seeking revenge against an old enemy. rather than staying behind, ida followed him through the threshold, only to find herself lost in a world she once left behind.

    requirements: in life, ida was a thirteen-year-old girl from 1800s america (1833 - 1846), her family settled out west due to a pioneer ancestry. siblings and parents, as well as childhood events can be decided by you. she is generally regarded as shy and reserved with an affinity towards literature, albeit often lost in her daydreams. inevitably, she became infected with consumption -- now known as pulmonary tuberculosis -- and was the first of her family to pass away due to the epidemic.

    upon death, her spirit could be identified as a will of the wisp, an entity comprised of illuminating firelight along with the cerebral electricity and ectoplasm of a standard ghost. she still retains her distinguishing features from her life: long blonde hair and hazel eyes, as well as her old pink bow fastened to the back of her head. other accessories accurate to the time can be added + she can be any species of mammal you prefer.

    i would prefer if you remain active with her, which doesn't mean constant posting (but please don't neglect her). she would join snowbound, since that's where isaac is, but dual alliances anywhere else are fair game. i can provide the needed powers for her ( intangibilty + invisibility + fire manipulation ) but you are free to buy her anything else. this won't be first come, first serve, but that depends on if anyone of y'all is interested lol. bonus: you can find her aesthetic board here!

Re: adopt a wisp girl? - Keeekeeey - 03-17-2019

Ah so cute and pure~! Just the basics, i'll buff up her forum if she's accepted!

Name: Ida Applebroog
Age; 13 when she died; mentally 13
Looks; Small white kitten with soft ginger tabby markings and a light ginger tail. She clearly has stopped growing prematurely, as her legs are slightly out of proportion with her body.
Accessories; Pink ribbon on the back of her head, and a small golden cross necklace. She wears a black pumpkin as a mask to hide signs of the sickness. I also plan on giving her a messenger bag to carry around medicine or herbs.
Even as a ghost, Ida refused to give up on her dreams. She longs for love and friendship, something a ghost normally would've forgotten about a few centuries ago. Ida is a very stubborn ghost. She is also loyal to a fault, one of the reasons she followed Issac through the threshold. She enjoys learning, mainly about how to help others, but also to learn about other's stories. She loves commiting their struggles to memory and hearing about their triumphs. She is hyper empathic, and often lives through other's stories sharing all of their emotions. She prides herself on her kindness and refuses to refuse anyone in need. She sees the best in people, and is often a magnet for people who don't treat her right, but she doesn't mind. She just wants to be a hero to someone and live on in their story.
-She is a shy extrovert, and has some symptoms of general anxiety. These symptoms often hinder her want to introduce herself, though she will do it if it looks like the other person is in danger.
-Lowkey self-estem issues. Mainly just in her nature, but also the sickness left some open wounds on her face.
-Kinda clingy to Issac? She follows him everywhere and he's really the only person she feels like she can talk freely with. She loves telling him stories she's made up in her free time. 
-She's kind of an old grandma in a way, and by that I mean she believes in all the stereotypical 1800's think. She believes men should be in charge, that women should be at home, taking care of the kids or making things. She's very close minded about this. If she were to start a fight, this would be one of the things she would fight about.
+ Caring/Hyper empathic | Good listener | Imaginative | Motherly
= Stubborn | Passive |
- Low Self-Worth | Unobservant | Co-dependent | Close minded
7 sin: Envy
7 virtue: Charity
History (she knows none of this); WARNING: mentions some heavy topics like suicide!
The jist of it is, she gives the sickness to her family and several others in her village after caring for her sick best friend in another village. Everyone but her father and youngest brother die. The whole village believes she was a witch because of her 'strange ways' and blamed her father and brother for lots of deaths.

Re: adopt a wisp girl? - tricky - 03-17-2019

!!!! omg i love
accepted, and do you have a discord for dms so we can plot or would you wanna use the site's messaging?

Re: adopt a wisp girl? - Keeekeeey - 03-17-2019

Ayy thanks!
Discord sounds good! I'll dm you my user! ^^