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☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - Printable Version

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☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - guts - 03-03-2019

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Ymir wasn't a big fan of wandering.

She could take care of herself--usually, anyways--but it took too much work, and there was a lot of risks when it came down to it. Besides, she had gotten used to being in groups. When she had gotten her eye treated in the Typhoon, though, she ended up leaving soon after. It wasn't that she didn't like the group, it just wasn't fit for her. If she was going to end up staying for a while, she wanted it to stick, and that was something the group didn't do.

So, somehow, she found herself in a desert. It wasn't her first choice of a living space, but whatever. She had heard this was where the Rosebloods lived, and even though she seriously disagreed with the shit they did, she didn't know where else to go. She wasn't fond of living in swamps with alligators, and Elysium's goody-two-shoes nature wasn't her style, which left her with these cult-like freaks. Were they a cult? She wasn't sure, but they might as well have been.

"Hey, anyone around?" Ymir asked the open air, suddenly reminded of when she had first come to this world, when she first found herself in this body. She could remember the night sky as vividly as if it had just happened yesterday. It had been a new start, a clean slate. Damn, she missed the mountain ranges Sunhaven had called home; she missed Sunhaven in general. "character's speech."

Re: ☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - teef - 03-03-2019

now there was a voice she never thought that she would hear in these parts.

the tigress would leave her recent kill to gallop towards the familiar voice and scent of ymir, "ymir!?" she would call out.

//taking place of bai shi in greeting

Re: ☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 03-07-2019

Jiyu appeared, shortly behind Kade, waiting to see exactly what was going on between the two before her.

Re: ☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - guts - 03-07-2019

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She was surprised to hear the one voice she never thought she'd hear again, see the face she only imagined in her daydreams. She blinks at the other female's arrival, puzzled as to why she was here. Had she left Elysium, too? There were a lot of questions she had for Kade, ones that she wasn't sure she wanted the answers to. As much as she cared for her--and she'd never admit that out loud--it was scary to think how little she knew about her 'friend.'

Ymir opens her mouth to question her, but then someone else is there, watching them, and her mouth clamps shut. Instead she opts for a more casual approach. "That's me. Small welcoming party you've got here." she smirks. "I figured I'd join, settle down finally." she wasn't sure how long that would last, but she could at least give it a try. "character's speech."

Re: ☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 03-09-2019

Large wings stayed partly unfolded at her side as she realized what was going on, that this was someone looking to join and she would likely not have to take off again for a little while. "Welcome to the roseblood. I'm Jiyu, currently acting the leader of the group." she blinked slightly nodding at the other female, sitting down to wait until the two of them may want to venture further into the territory.

Re: ☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - teef - 03-12-2019

the mercenary would look back at jiyu, dipping her head softly, "hello, jiyu." she murmured before switching her gaze back to the one woman she wanted more than the world. one taste and now she was addicted, how cruel.

licking her lips, she sat down, leaning on her left side, right shoulder ripped up by a new wound still covered in herbs and what have you. she roved the other woman with her eyes, wanting to make a comment and see if she was alright but ah, this wasnt the right space.

clearing her throat, the tigress opened her maw and closed it before opening it again, knowing half of what she wanted to say, "l-looks painful, ymir. i know you have some questions for me, but I have a few as well. we'll take our turns asking. first of all, are you doing alright enough to enter our camp?" she asked in concern, elysium's scent still clinging to the sell-sword's pelt, mingled with her roseblood scent.

Re: ☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - guts - 03-12-2019

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Her head whips back to face the other female when she speaks, listening as she introduces herself. Once she's done, she nods, taking a moment to look her over. "Name's Ymir." she keeps it short, more interested in what Kade (or Ariside? She wasn't sure) had to say. She had been mulling over it ever since she left, creating scenarios where she spilled all her secrets, flood-gates burst open. But never in them did she ever reveal her own secrets.

The offer didn't seem too bad. A few answers in exchange for a few questions--as long as she didn't ask anything too personal, especially with Jiyu right there. "I'm fine," she retorts, an edge of defensiveness in her voice. "just need some rest." she didn't want to be fawned over. As quiet settles, she notices the mingling scents, which doesn't help ease her suspicion.

"Now, how about a tour?" she was eager to rest and rid herself of the weariness that hung heavy on her bones. This game of 20 questions could wait a little bit. "character's speech."

Re: ☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - teef - 03-12-2019

her gaze flicking to Jiyu, she dipped her head once more, "if you dont mind, Jiyu, I've got it covered. If anybody needs me, tell em to wait. Eclipse will be able to find me if she needs me, that kit knows how to track." a note of fondness in her voice for the fox kit that she had found in elysium.

watching her one-night lover, her eyes fell quiet before she shook it off, licking her lips she smiled easily, pushing away any unruly emotions. feeling a cold chill down her back, her head turned to the buildings, ears pulling back before she sighed and let the unsettling feeling go. swallowing down a mouthful of the others scent, she grounded herself in this time and day, nodding her head in an indication to follow, trotting out into the desert, headed back towards the abandoned city that the rosebloods called home.

Re: ☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 03-15-2019

Looking at the two interact even someone daft emotionally as Jiyu was could pick up on the romantic undertones, or at least the tone that it was something intimate taking in front of her. "Alright, if you need me I'll be on top of my house under the fallen piece of roof there." spreading her wings she took to the air again, flying back towards the city so she could take a rest under that cool shady spot, the leader really didn't have much tolerance for heat.

Re: ☼ ROMANTIC STREAMS — JOINING - guts - 03-15-2019

LION-SPIRITED { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
The idea of being left alone with Ari was, somehow, worse than having someone bare witness to their little display. A lump formed in her throat, wide eyes turned towards Jiyu as she left, the tension growing even thicker once she was airborne and no longer there as a barrier. Now, they would get to see one another fully, or at least as much as they allowed. The silence, the spark traveling between them was palpable.

As Ymir stares at the other female, truly taking the time to study her, she can feel her heart pound against her ribs. She hated that ache, and just as her soul seemed to reach out towards Ari, she pulled it back, swallowing back the warm feeling blooming inside her. How could she trust her? She hadn't even known her real name, and now, there were even more mysteries, questions that she hoped she could get the answers to.

Maybe that was what attracted her, the mystery. Blindly, she hoped that was all it was, and that once she figured it all out, this stupid fluttering in her chest would go the hell away. For now, she resigned to following after her, thankful the brief vulnerable moment was over. "character's speech."