Beasts of Beyond
❈ ELECTRIC U // JOINING - Printable Version

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❈ ELECTRIC U // JOINING - guts - 03-03-2019

This world was new and while someone would have expected her to have an air of innocence or naive curiosity, the only thing shown in her eyes was an old weariness, uncertainty and panic mingling together on her face.

When she first came to, she was lying on her back, the sky opening up above her. The clouds roll lazily past, and for a split moment, she thinks that everything had been a dream. But then she looks around, catches sight of her new body, and it all crashes into her: it was real. It hadn't been some sick scene her mind had cooked up for her. She had failed.

Tears sting at the edges of her eyes, threatening to spill over until she blinks them away, deciding against crying in some unfamiliar territory. Instead she makes to sit up, finding it to be awkward and clumsy, considering her new form. But somehow she manages, now sitting and taking a better look at her surroundings. It was cold, and she shivered as a chilly breeze rushed past. Was she on a mountain? She wasn't sure if she wanted the answer to that question.

Unsure what to do from here, Zelda kept gazing around helplessly, hoping someone would come along and guide her somehow, tell her where she was. All the while, a nagging voice hissed in the back of her mind, continually reminding her of what had happened.

Re: ❈ ELECTRIC U // JOINING - Straw - 03-04-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Being completely and utterly lost, with no idea where you were or even which way you were going, was one of the worst feelings in the world. Add that to any other source of stress, especially failure, and you had a recipe for disaster.

  Straw wasn't sure, when she ran across the unfamiliar creature, what the newcomer was going through. She was a lot of things, but a mind reader wasn't one of them. Still, she could hazard a guess from the look in the girl's eyes that she had some sort of baggage... or was just horribly lost. The latter was enough of a problem by itself. Blinking behind the mask, Straw tilted her head slightly. "Need shelter?" she whispered.

  /kinda lacking muse but eh