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idontwannabeyouanymore // chaya's storage - Printable Version

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idontwannabeyouanymore // chaya's storage - charactercemetary. - 03-01-2019

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ RUTH CHAYA BLAU✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 03/01

name. Ruth Chaya Blau "D-1429"
Ruth is a young lady from the Torah who left her culture to follow the Jewish God, and her amuletic name Chaya means "life;living", as a prayer for a long and prosperous life. It was also given to her as a family member died before she was born. Blau is "blue" in German. It was very common for German-speaking Jews to take on color last names.
nicknames. text
biological gender. Female
she/her pronouns
birth date. December 14, 1930 (spiritually)
age. 7 months
clan. Elysium

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. text ( optional )
voiceclaim. text ( optional )
☆ Is the spirit of a Jewish girl who lived during World War Two. Had her family placed into a ghetto, said ghetto liquidated, and moved to multiple concentration camps before dying at her final one, Dachau.
☆ Is Jewish.
☆ Speaks Hebrew, Yiddish. Also speaks German, French, Italian, and English.
☆ Fears Germans.
[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
canaan dog / german shepherd / gray wolf. — main body 20% health
Chaya is a white and black Canaan dog mix. Her body is mostly white with bits of black spotting. Upon her left foreleg is the number that was tattooed onto her-- her identification number, "D-1429". Her body is lethargic, and certainly not healthy at this point in time, with ribs showing out, made of skin and bone.
injures. text
accessories. Star of David collar
references. Ref 1 Ref 2

mbti type && hogwarts house && division && natural alignment.
Chaya is a pessimist, and believes that she is going to die anyway. She was used to not thinking for herself and is very indecisive. Through all of this, she is determined to fight, to pull through and through. She is surviving, not living.
main personality traits. text
disorders. text

parents. blank x blank
siblings. text
sexuality. bisexual
relationship status. single
friends. text
enemies. text

physically && mentally. easy && easy
will not fight back && will not kill
self defense. text
mention [member=3579]chaya.[/member] when attacking.
powers. text