Beasts of Beyond
truth hurts [ m e e t i n g ] - Printable Version

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truth hurts [ m e e t i n g ] - Jervis - 02-27-2019

It's been a week since Jervis' reign started. Little has been addressed. Who was he? What did he aspire to do with his clan? and why did he make such a show when the Typhooners had followed him in suit? Well, those questions would be answered soon enough. Not only did he have plenty in store for them, but he had several ideals he wanted to make very clear with his reign. As of right now, most members were in the dark. Others were confused on who he represented, especially after he presented the reduction of slavery and an alliance with their enemy understandably. Needless to say, they were in for a wild ride.

Traveling up mossy steps of the temple, their newest ardent walked with swagger and his snout high to the sky as per usual. His demeanor of cockiness has only grown. Not only that, but he was as self-serving as ever. One would think he was descending further into his own narcissistic madness given the power he now had. He'd call it personally redemption. Jervis, though, kept a facade of a grateful smile upon his maw as he stood at the top of the temple's stairs.

For a few moments he looked out towards those roaming. Some caught his attention, lowering their head to the ground and looking away from his gaze, but the inferiors eventually gathered near the bottom of the steps. They knew he had something to say. Whether it pertained to them or not wouldn't matter. Despite his kindness to The Typhoon, many were predisposed already to the fact that meetings were mandatory. Otherwise, punishment would follow. His reign would be no different.

The impish fox would make his presence greater and more well known compared to the others nevertheless. It all started with today. "Pittians," he barked, demanding their attention. "Gather for a novel meeting with your newest leader." And thus he waited.
tags - penned by orion

Re: truth hurts [ m e e t i n g ] - teef - 02-27-2019

the youngster was one such to gather, her head low in shame and confusion. she had lost in her personal training earlier and well, that was embarrassing and shameful. she was beginning to pick up on small things here and there, she wasn't too sure what slaves were but her uncle knew, she was sure. shrugging her shoulders, the tall young lass would sit at the base of the stairs, wondering what the short fox had to say.

Re: truth hurts [ m e e t i n g ] - trojan g. - 02-27-2019

Captain was curious to say the least. He wasn't expecting a meeting to come from Jervis, though he supposed that it was a common thing for leaders to do no matter who they were. Padding forward to gather with everyone else, the male would watch intently, waiting to hear whatever was worth waking him up for.
* captain * the pitt * caracal * 3 years old * powers * template © Orion *

Re: truth hurts [ m e e t i n g ] - Kenna - 03-02-2019

Kenna was obviously going to be in attendance for this meeting, even if novel things outside of sleeping around didn't interest her, Jervis did, so that was enough. The red panda bounded over, taking a seat next to cap. Sure, she knew he wasn't interested, but that didn't make it less fun to occasionally flirt. Mostly, she chose that seat because it was less distracting than with the npc's she could convince into coming home with her after the meeting. Jervis had to be the center of attention right now.

Re: truth hurts [ m e e t i n g ] - Jervis - 03-03-2019

From the top step where he sat with his paws underneath a curled step, The Pitt's newest watched in fascination. Many had gathered with ears perked in interest and eyes upon the small canine. Nevertheless, three key animals gathered below his paws with their gazes intently watching. Jervis found himself smiling. Satisfied, it seemed to be time to start his first official meeting.

One last time his gaze surveyed the audience. His heart pounded with empowerment and self-righteousness as he began to speak out towards his novel subjects. "Glad to have most of you show up," he crooned. "After our last meeting-" Or whatever they'd like to call that mess. "I thought all hope was lost." Undermining clan ideals in exchange for an alliance with their dearest enemy was rather bland. Surely he figured his head would be on a pike by now. Thankfully, it wasn't. Otherwise Jervis would of rightfully thrown a temper tantrum (even without backup). Respect was a demanding need of his... No matter if he didn't deserve it.

He continued on proudly. "As you know, I told The Typhoon of our endeavors and promised them the release of our slaves if they happened to overthrow Ninazu." Honey eyes rolled backwards dramatically. "Frankly not one of my finer moments." How else would he have gotten an army of animals behind him though? Anyone else in his position would do the same thing. With Ninazu lacking prowess and Stryker long gone, they needed a change in things and it had to be done by force. "I am not sorry." Mainly he was addressing those who disagreed and had revolted. "Bite me." Their former was weak and so was her side bitch. If they weren't willing to pull forces together and make a statement, Jervis surely would.

His paw flicked out from beneath his tail, dramatically waving the air away from his face to cool down. A man had to keep up his looks as well as his confidence. "But the release of our workforce and servants would be rather foolish of us." The Typhoon knew that many Pittians did not do their own work and instead left their scraps for the slaves to pick up. They knew that losing their help would crumble The Pitt. As per usual, their enemy was so gullible to think Jervis would give that luxury up. Who didn't love someone kissing their paw and preforming a command willfully without question?

Jervis shifted onto four paws. His posture was confident as he stood overlooking those that now were forced to worship him. "We will not be giving them their demands." That included his promise of Stryker and Ninazu. His members were oblivious to that promise though. "No one will come in or go out because of that." If they were to get the word out, it would be dangerous and would cause The Typhoon to retaliate. Anyone coming into the territory or roaming the territory would be chased out and denied any further access. A few exceptions, especially for Goldenluxury and their fellow leaders, were in mind. Meanwhile anyone wanting to join would be labeled as a slave. It wouldn't be outright be said, but their loyalty would be highly doubted into they proved themselves.

"Before I continue, any questions?"

tags - penned by orion

Re: truth hurts [ m e e t i n g ] - trojan g. - 03-06-2019

Captain listened to the words that Jervis spoke, before simply nodding his head at the end. He didn't have any questions, and liked what he heard so far, and was curious as to what would come next.

* captain * the pitt * caracal * 3 years old * powers * template © Orion *

Re: truth hurts [ m e e t i n g ] - teef - 03-12-2019

a lot of the words didnt quite make sense to the younger, but she dipped her head nonetheless, getting the idea that they were pretty much grounded, well, the whole group was.

would she push the border? probably not, not after the memories of what the NPCs did to her. licking her lips, the young borzoi dipped her head even lower, smelling the dirt, trying to track some scent, trying to remember the scent of the Typhoon. raising her head finally, she asked quietly, "sir, are we going to be fighting with the Typhoon over this? I dont got problems not listening to what they want, but what are we supposed to be doing?" she asked meekly, keeping her shoulders stiff.

there was that word again, but changed. servant. she didn't want to know the meaning behind that word, but she could assume that it meant she was supposed to bully, er, be mean to the people who tried to creep over their border that weren't cleared for it.

Re: truth hurts [ m e e t i n g ] - Jervis - 03-16-2019

Golden eyes remained narrowed as he stared out at his audience. He expected more of a reaction. Jervis let out a huff of disapproval, knowing that his ego was not fed whatsoever. Luckily a soul spoke out. Beady eyes shifted in the direction of Ramona. They were unfamiliar to him. The stranger was immediately deemed lesser than him, but he still listened to her question. He let her words run through his auditory loop a few times before responding. While he had thought of an truthful answer to this question already, appealing to his audience was key. "Ideally," came his drawl, "The answer would be no." But Jervis was sure that they all knew that eventually they would have to push their weight against The Typhoon, especially if they found out. "To prevent such a tragedy-" As if he would care. "We should prevent anyone from crossing the border, in or out." Joiners would need to be looked into. Jervis was not necessarily a fan of the addition of new competition. "Silence anyone who attempts to speak out." A unsheathed claw rose to his throat, dramatically cutting across it to prove his point.

With that rushed over, he continued. While he had bigger plans to announce, everyone wanted to hear about further endeavors to the ranks and how his reign would effect their position in intergroup relationships. "To continue, I'd like to remove the marauders and skalds," he mentioned. There was no need for those positions whatsoever and like he previously reminded himself, the addition of competition frightened his ego. With only two other ranks, his hold over the clan would be more prominent. "That leaves your Ardent then open Vicar and Erudite spots." He'd eventually have to start looking for well-deserving members to uphold those positions. For now he remained their sole leader.

Continuing on would prove to be unworthy of him right now. With no conflict on the line, besides Tanglewood, if he were to announce his further plans, that would cause a new hellfire upon The Pitt. For the time being, Jervis shut his trap. "That finishes our meeting," he barked. "You may leave." Any further questions could also be addressed here.
tags - penned by orion