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other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - Printable Version

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other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-26-2018

(04-15-2018, 03:02 PM)aizawa link Wrote:
FULL NAME aizawa shota
CLAN/GROUP[b] snowbound
—ranking warrior
4 years
—aging ratio ages at roleplayer's discretion
—pronouns he/him/his
health status -[90%]
SPECIES[b] felidae [lion]
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] he's a large lion, though he's slightly smaller and scrawnier than most of his species. he looks to be quite thin, his stomach dipping in close to his body and his ribs just barely visible under his fur. his pelt is a black, matted mess, with a thick and messy mane. there are spots where he lacks fur, which is instead where old scars reside. his eyes, which are usually bored-looking and red, are a deep brown.
—accessories a long tan scarf
—smells like he smells oddly of soot and ash
—scars has multiple small scars all over his body
—injuries none
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] he has a slow way of moving, and overall his body language is quite reserved. it often makes him look tired (as he prolly is)
—posture doesn't have the best posture. he often slumps and hangs his head
entj - chaotic good - ravenclaw
intelligent - practical - loyal - calm
reserved - stern - unceremonious - cerebral
cold - impatient - lazy - blunt
—extra notes extra stuff - delete if you don’t want to do anything with this!
—interests literature, writes poetry every now and then, knitting, chess, collects rocks
ORIENTATION[b] biromantic demisexual
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush none
—friends izuku midoriya
—family all npcs
—enemies  none so far
may start fights - will fight back - will end fights - may kill in certain situations
SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] hard to get along with, considering his closed-off and distant demeanor
—platonic relationships isn't very easy to befriend, as it's hard to figure out what he's thinking. not to mention how he often pushes others away
—romantic relationships due to past experiences, it's often hard for him to get involved with people romantically. he doesn't actively seek out partners, either
—rivalries it often depends. he may dislike you, but he doesn't really hate or despise many people. it takes a special someone to truly get on his last nerve
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] in battle, he's a tough opponent to take down. he relies a lot on his powers rather than his physical strength
—physical difficulty hard
—mental difficulty  hard
attacks are underlined; message or mention if needed in a thread; bump threads after a few days of no response

Re: other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-26-2018

The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]
The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.


Re: other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-26-2018


.discovers he can't use his quirk anymore but now has the ability to control the wind
.is beaten half to death in a fight and develops a fear of dying (again)

Re: other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-26-2018

i remember how you took my favourite knife and slipped it under my skin — The house, previously occupied by his mother's angry screaming, grew silent. Relief flooded through him at the silence, his eyes kept downcast into the unappetizing bowl of oatmeal, which was an ugly-looking grey color. He scrunches up his nose and pushes it away from him just as his mother walks into the kitchen. He tenses, avoiding looking at her as she takes a seat at the table across form him. As usual, a bottle was held in her hand, the rim kept to her lips as she drank. His stomach was heavy with anxiety.

"You not gonna eat what your mother so graciously cooked for you?" she asks, her hard tone making him flinch. His fingers curl into his palms. "Ungrateful little shit," she spits at him before going back to nursing her beer.

She was obviously in a bad mood. It wasn't out of the usual for her to be angry, but this time it had more of a reason than her just being drunk. She had been screaming at his father over the phone, demanding for him to take their son off her hands. Their son, who was such a burden on her life. Of course, not even Aizawa's father wanted him. So, he was stuck with his alcoholic mother, much to his dismay.

Despite all the shit she said about his father, he had always hoped he would take him away, to a better home. He had been bred to believe his father was a scum bag, but that was far from what he had thought of him. Now, though, he wasn't so sure. Certainly he just..didn't want him. He was just unloveable.

He doesn't bother listening as she grumbles under her breath about how shitty her life had turned out to be. He already felt personally responsible for his mother's unhappiness. He holds his breath as she gets up, stumbling out of the room, probably to chew out his father some more. Sighing, he grabs his spoon, reluctantly eating his slop.

Re: other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-29-2018

why does it always have to be this way with words ?
why do they twist and turn into heavy, leaden lies ?
"why do they turn to dirt?" — lionheart of snowbound — black lion — emo dad

Re: other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-29-2018

[Image: SL9kK85.gif] [Image: uZwaLZv.gif]
[Image: MNG1hFI.gif] [Image: BEQ0OJj.gif]
[Image: uCtXXnu.gif] [Image: VPuRU0g.gif]
[Image: Su00Mpx.gif]

Re: other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-30-2018

( dirt — emma blackery )

and when i count to three
you'd best be on your knees
don't you try coming for me
cause i'm the bitch who keeps her receipts

( sayoko — jubyphonic )

everyday would be the same
nothing more, little change
if i cared, it would mean nothing
it’s all such a pain
friendly bonds are so unneeded
i don’t give a damn
a busy life, is what i am
if i could fly
if for only a moment
there wouldn’t be, such a need for casualty
i’m alone, and that is how it’ll be

Re: other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-30-2018

return to how things were

father (acoustic) by the front bottoms
in quiet rooms by ollie mn
lonely by idealism
hot milk by snail's house
i'm closing my eyes by potsu
vivi by road
i'd rather sleep by kero kero bonito

(the playlist will be Updated but this list,, prolly won't lmAO)

Re: other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-30-2018

[Image: i7toMCa.gif]
[Image: bJGQYU2.gif] [Image: 6mzLxa5.gif] [Image: fdNh7co.gif]

Re: other side of paradise — aizawa's storage - guts - 04-30-2018

sillage (n.) the scent that lingers in air, the trail left in water, the impression made in space after something or someone has been and gone

How was one supposed to continue? When they were stripped of everything, killed in one life only to be placed in another, forced to relearn everything they had known--how could they go on? He still isn't sure. All of this he had experienced full-hand, and yet he still wouldn't be able to answer if someone asked. Really, compared to his previous life, he was merely existing now. His life, once full of action and accomplishment, was now reduced to barely anything. It was hard to find any motivation to continue.

Still, he did. He wasn't even sure why. Maybe it was the natural instinct inside him, or just simply the need to not be up-shown by his students that had also passed over. Either way, he still continued with his newly drab life.

At first, it was difficult. Aizawa didn't show it, tucking it safely behind closed doors. But he was struggling with the idea that he had died--that all of them had died--and now they were here, in some fantasy-like world where animals could talk and had mystical powers and honestly, he had hoped that it was all just a dream. It seemed that way, really, all these odd things happening. But when he failed to wake up from one of his many naps or to the sound of his alarm, he knew that it was reality.

He was frustrated. It was understandable, especially when the ones who were in his same position acted so much better than he did, dealt with it so much better. It didn't show to those around him, but adjusting was difficult. At least he had been better off than his students, since Izuku and Todoroki had been around long before him. He didn't really like to think about how they had died as well--about how he and all the other teachers of U.A had failed to protect the future generation of heroes.

Day by day, he could feel the remnants of his past life slipping away. His memories did stay in-tact, some that he had forgotten even returning to him. But it still felt like it was all fading away, like a weight off his shoulders, or a cover lifted off of him. He wasn't sure how to feel about it, either.

He naturally clung to whatever he had left. His life had been less than ideal, yet he still hung onto it so tightly. It was mostly out of a need for familiarity--he definitely preferred it over this weird land of talking animals. But, as he spent more time in his new body and new environment, he slowly began to feel more at peace with it all. Though the memories of his own demise would soon crush down on him again, forcing him back into a corner.