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Flowing Like A River;; Roseblood Leader Visit. - Printable Version

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Flowing Like A River;; Roseblood Leader Visit. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-22-2019

The safety of the group had always been her first concern before everything else. While she had a natural pride in her group due to knowing none of the others could ever compared from experience? Jiyu didn't need to broadcast facts as if they were opinions to make up for her insecurities like some others, sepiroth, did, the top tier never needed to scream it out to have proof. However, even the best could not be battling all the time and until they had their insane pharaoh back among them it would not be a good time to end up getting attacked. While she was indeed a battle torn veteran and perfectly capable of striking back, she was also old enough to know war often took more than it gave, sometimes it just stole everything you had to give and gave nothing back. Jiyu was not willing to take that risk with her group members, it wasn't her call. No one animal could just go around selling the souls of their peers as if they were cheap trinkets, demanding they give everything they had against their own initial choice, as if that was supposed to be normal.

The large white dragoness swooped down landing a few feet away from the wall of The Thypoon, her first trip of the day. With wings tucked perfectly against her side? Jiyu roared out so that anyone in the territory could hear her. Clearly? This noise was not aggressive, just announcing her pressence in the most efficent way possible, after-all only the deaf could ignore just a loud noise.

Re: Flowing Like A River;; Roseblood Leader Visit. - elijah - 02-23-2019

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]The only real 'battle' he has been a part of was the takeover on The Pitt, and yet there had been no real challenge. There was no one to properly defend the territory and the raid was short-lived. But it wasn't to say that Elijah was free of bad experiences. War wasn't the only thing that hardened the soul. Death, violence, kidnappings. A child his age didn't need to understand the terrors and yet he did. He had felt them all that it warped his originally trusting interior to that of a suspicious and paranoid perspective. He was afraid of those outside the circle of his rats, unable to hear or read their thoughts let alone control them. Being his own kind of strategist, it sometimes made him think the worse of people simply because of all those thoughts that said 'if I were the enemy, I would do that'. No one played fair. He understood the emotional complexity behind his own thoughts, his hesitations where it meant he would have to swallow his attachments and allow the possibility of letting his rats be slaughtered. They existed to protect him but it meant nothing to Elijah if it meant he couldn't protect them in return.

He flinches at the roar of a dragon, eyes slowly lifting towards the descending figure of white. He says nothing at first. The silence of his exterior does not compromise the mutual feelings shared between Elijah and his rodents. They need no words to understand that Elijah's purpose was to evaluate the stranger and their reason for visiting, the male moving towards the female. Rosebloods. He doesn't know much about the Rosebloods other than the fact that they had once been allies but dropped to enemies. Whatever they had done must have angered the previous Captain. "Salve," the boy begins, straightening his posture as he reaches speaking distance, "What's your reason for being here?"

Re: Flowing Like A River;; Roseblood Leader Visit. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-25-2019

The world was an absolutely horrid place to be and she understood that very well, she was one of the monsters lurking in the dark corners of it herself. With all the cannibalism, needless blood, torture and plain sadistic acts she had committed in her life? Jiyu knew very well she had no ground to stand on to ask anyone be peaceful towards her or anyone who was willing to follow her. Yet, no one knew of her past anymore, even within her own group no one remained who knew the darkness inside, she had to treat the world as if it couldn't see her for who she was, because it couldn't. Like a lingering touch the truth settled right beneath her skin but the snowy complexation she had grown disguised the shadows with a beautiful glimmer.

"Rats." she didn't seem to notice him at first past taking note of his companions, glancing at each one briefly before turning her emotionless eyes to him. "Like a piper." her comment could give the impression of snow touching against one's skin with the sheer nonchalant nature of it. "I'm Jiyu. Came to see GoldenLuxary in light of my groups leader going missing leaving me in charge, I'd rather not continue a fight originating from Sepiroth's temper and pointlessly risk life on both sides." once more she glanced at the rats around them, wrapping her tail around her body she spotted the snakes, focusing her gaze there until one crawled out and slithered onto her tail. "Life is too precious to waste on someone's pride." with her pupils slit her mind kept connection with the snakes, letting the creature slither back off her tail and back into the basket with its buddies.

Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait long for this, other trips had to be made to make sure they could have relative peace until the fool willing to battle on pride alone returned.

Re: Flowing Like A River;; Roseblood Leader Visit. - bubblegum - 02-26-2019

Re: Flowing Like A River;; Roseblood Leader Visit. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-26-2019

Jiyu had triggered her own fair sure of mishaps in the past, she couldn't count the times her siblings had to somehow make up for the fact she wasn't even animal. Yet, she had seen what the road Sepiroth had been running down led to, flames burning everything loved because a group was not made of pride, but rather the pride was made by the group, an organism ever growing. While she had done everything she could as vizier to prevent the white lion from leading The Roseblood into senseless war, were everything from family to one's own soul was consumed by hungry fire. Now, even fighting to find him and return him, the white female very well realized she had an easier time keeping everyone safe without him. Pride was no match for the years of experience she possessed even if she was an emotionless monster who only could get into others good graces via imitation of words heard far in the past.

"Yeah. I returned from a flight to check if he had blown anything up, only to find a mass of crow feathers in his place." it really was the strangest thing and she was beginning to wonder if someone divine hadn't answered her prayers for the group to be saved from a leader more foolhardy than her own brother. If that was the case? She really hoped that deity didn't take offense to the groups searching. "Which if one thinks is ironic, to be entirely fair." no matter how one viewed it the crow feathers were heavy in symbolism, it was hard to believe it was just happenstance they were what appeared, but Jiyu often chose to ignore clear signs like that.

For a brief moment her head angled down to hide widened pupils adding a hint of expression to her dead features. Respectable, Compenent, while she had been called both before, it had never been outside of battling for her own group, until now. Jiyu shook it off quickly internally, but for a second the other leader managed to touch something of her just as her niece had, something that wasn't dead as she'd like it to be. "I have my own deal of flaws." this wasn't even something she should really be doing, but she had to do something to protect all of them. "That would be a fine agreement. However, I'd like to add the fact you may come ask for help if you need it." She wouldn't make her whole group help at first, trust was earned on both sides, but as trust grew its effects were natural, they would follow her. "Working towards a form of lasting peace is optimal when it's an option." sometimes it wasn't, but when it could be made to work it was beautiful. "If one of The Roseblood happens to do something stupid, you can come to me and I'll deal with it." even if she couldn't figure out who had done it, she could still sure as hell threaten them in a public meeting without knowing. "Though if you want to work incidents that way, I'd expect the same in return." this wasn't respectable, it wasn't even put together, she was just doing what was necessary.

Completely returned to a stoic state at this point, she simply remained seated as she waited for Golden's respond to hopefully tie this up as they both had busy schedules guiding their groups. Clearly, part of her controlling her speech knew the white lion wasn't coming back. "We can wait to discuss this fully until everything is calmer, I simply wanted to ensure I avoid taking you by surprise with requests in the future." she didn't want to push the other leader too far, too quickly, but The Thypoon was an excellent strategic location and she had a guess of the other leaders value's well enough from just one encounter to know she wouldn't have to struggle to understand the girls motives. Golden wore her emotions clear in her words, and Jiyu could understand that even if she lacked decent ability to always properly guess facial expressions or tones. 

Re: Flowing Like A River;; Roseblood Leader Visit. - Umber - 02-26-2019

[color=pink] A little black bat head pops up from behind Goldies head and the small boi flaps over to the dragon.She looked really neato with her pretty white scales and her really big wings and that was such a long tail with a really cool looking end in it. oh he just had to fly in and see she was so new to him he'd never seen anything like her before. so he landed on her back and begins nuzzling against the big wing thing. She was sooo soft and smooth but also hard like the scales were armour and it was all so cool. he continued nuzzling against her and began rolling around and rubbing against her. SHE WAS SO WARM it was so nice he couldn't help himself he wraps his wings around her neck and continues nuzzling it was sooo softtt!.[color=green]"Do you know Mummy Goldie? Your so soft and warm but also hard. is your scales like armour because their hard their really smooth how do you take care of them? oh Im Umber who are you? Sorry i fell asleep on mummys back  her furs really snuggly you know. What are the Rosebloods? do you have lots of flowers? flowers are super pretty especially the red and blue ones oh! and the pink and purple ones... i don't like the yellow ones too much they seem too bright. Do you get pricked often? Im guessing because your Rosebloods you have lots of roses.. do they smell nice? What were we talking about again im so excited to meet someone so big and cool like you. Why are your scales white they are super pretty and kinda rainbowy. How far can you fly ooo how loooong can you fly? do you like flying? I really like flying and feeling the air under your wings...except when i fall in water then its no fun. thats how i came here and found mummy i fell in the ocean and she saved me! Thank you mummy![color=pink] He giggles and continues rubbing and nuzzling, giggling all the while with his seemingly never ending stream of questions.

Re: Flowing Like A River;; Roseblood Leader Visit. - elijah - 03-02-2019

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]His ear twitches at her voice, cold eyes flickering to her direction. He says nothing in response of her bemused comment, no words dare to exist outside his mind. A piper and his rats, huh? The boy simply waits for the dragonness to respond her purpose here, tapping his paws almost impatiently into the sand. A female of authority, looking for neutrality because war brought little gain when it was born from the foundations of anger. His opinions themselves exist from the assumptions he has made from the short exchange. This woman, Jiyu, is supposedly their leader. He would assume that a leader who was elected or brought upon leadership unwillingly will add it to their little spiel whilst introducing themselves. She was likely a woman of some importance in the Rosebloods before the late leader's disappearance. A high position of some sort. Well, it was the best he could gather from Jiyu's direct manner. The dragon was leaving none of her intentions left to be guessed. The only thing that bothered him was the fact that she was talking about Sephiroth's temper, claiming that the enemy status was foolish and a waste of life. If it had been simply from anger, wouldn't anyone in the Rosebloods have spoken out? Or were they all cowards who didn't know how overthrow fools? He bites his lips, unsure how to formulate the information he was given. There were simply too many gaps and too many assumptions to make that it all felt vague. Then again, he wasn't going to ask the woman how exactly their enemy status came to be born. Perhaps he will leave this question to be posed to Goldenluxury.

Speaking of their Captain, he notices the golden tiger move in front of him - as if promptly summoned by the mention of her name. He was too deep in thought to recognise the sounds of her movement, swift and political. One can begin to notice the extra shuffling of his rats around him, moving in some kind of negative motion as though they were getting restless or irritable. They could sense Elijah's emotions, the inner workings of his brain. Sensitive to the disequilibrium that rung within the chasms of his ticking mind, they begin to scratch and whisper at the intangible threat. Hush the boy hisses through a telekinetic hum, glassy gaze narrowing towards the rodents who silence themselves immediately. Elijah feels himself relax, muscles no longer tense as he flicks his attention back towards the two leaders. "So why is peace with The Typhoon considered so important to you?" he asks, holding back his next words. If Jiyu didn't want to be enemies with the island, preferring to work towards lasting peace, why hadn't she tried to do anything before? After all, he would assume everyone in The Rosebloods would at least be semi-intelligent enough to recognise that Sephiroth's decisions hadn't exactly been the wisest. Maybe he simply thought too much of everyone.

This, however, was interrupted by Umber - the small bat who seemed to be overly fond of Goldenluxury, calling her mummy much like he has witnessed others do. He offers a smile to the younger child. "They're both a little occupied right now," Elijah says, extending his wing towards the boy. Maybe Umber would like to rest in his feathers instead. "Speaking of flowers, you can come make flowercrowns with me. Let's go do that, okay?"

Re: Flowing Like A River;; Roseblood Leader Visit. - bubblegum - 03-03-2019