Beasts of Beyond
Any way the wind blows;; open - murder - Printable Version

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Any way the wind blows;; open - murder - trojan g. - 02-22-2019

February 21, 2019. The ground is powdered with a fresh layer of snow, covering the marsh with a soft layer of mush, the water not quite frozen yet, but slowly getting there. If one was to walk too far into the marsh, or be out for too long, their feet would get wet, and the possibility of getting sick would be high compared to just days before. The sun was just setting and the birds that had decided to stick around during the winter were now becoming quiet as they all went to their nests to sleep for the night, while those that were nocturnal were just now waking up so they could go about their own night.

Of course, that didn't mean that everyone who was meant to sleep at night was, or that everyone who was meant to sleep during the day had.

Captain had decided that, instead of sleeping he was going to wonder around, do whatever he felt like doing, going crazy if he wanted. He was tempted to get drunk, or high, but had decided to simply just do the former of the two. Captain could take his liquor and he had abused that during the late hours of the day before the sun had set, and he had a temper. He wanted to do more, but he knew that he didn't want to get so drunk as to not remember his actions. He wanted to cause harm to someone, hurt them to the point where they would wish they were dead and then satisfy them and himself by finally finishing the job, so he decided to go for a walk outside of his home. As he was walking and came across an odd sight, he decided he was going to go ahead and kill. He had no reason in particular to kill the green coyote before him, other than the simple fact that he wanted to. Volatiletimes did nothing to the caracal that was currently stalking behind him, and had actually done nothing to anyone that Captain knew, he just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Of course, any animal that happened to be this unnaturally green color could have been at the wrath of Captain at any given point depending on his temper, but with his eyes set out to kill in general, Volatile made the perfect target, seeing as he stuck out so well in the snow, and especially so close to the dark marsh. He wasn't sure if the other was a loner or a member of whatever group he was near now, but that didn't matter, as they didn't smell of the Pitt and they didn't smell like the Typhoon so he knew they were fair game.

A smirk rose upon the male's lips as he inched closer to the canine before suddenly lunging, landing on Volatiletimes' back, the sudden shift in weight causing the other to lose balance and topple over before trying to scramble up, but it was too late. Captain had practice in killing, and he didn't like to lose. One day he would, he was sure of it, but today was not the day. He jumped off of Volatile's back as quickly as he had lunged before stepping back once and quickly using his earth elementals to suddenly wrap vines around Volatile's legs. They crept up towards the coyote's head before there was a sudden burst of air and they exploded into a sphere around the other, quickly moving and growing to close off the spaces in between each one, except for a small hole at the front where Captain could simply watch their new prisoner try to escape, and even try to breathe as he used his air elementals to quickly circulate the air inside the new sphere, making it harder and harder to breathe.

He would continue the airflow until it was clear that the coyote was about to pass out due to lack of oxygen. The second it stopped, Captain would watch as Volatile slumped to the ground struggling for breath before he brought his head up with a paw to make sure he was looking at the caracal before using his earth elementals once more and bringing up sudden spikes of clumps of dirt up from the ground, something easily breakable but due to the force and speed of which is happened impaled the coyote then and there, and Captain let out a small breath of a laugh as he watched the life leave the coyote's eyes before he turned around and left, letting whichever Tanglewood member to stumble upon the scene clean up his mess.

[[ permission given to kill ]]
* captain * the pitt * caracal * 3 years old * powers * template © Orion *

Re: Any way the wind blows;; open - murder - suvi. - 02-22-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: QuzfGGl.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢ | medic —
Shimmering snow white paws and mismatched hues marked the unfortunate as Kiira. Suvi? Kiira? The metallic scent of blood reached her first. Sudden and stomach twisting.  Someone's hurt. "H-hey I-I'm-" here to... Help. Oh.

Oh no. One second a few feet away, then at the canine's side, materializing completely and pushing rocks away.  "N-no, no..." Gently pressing, seeking, searching for any sign.  Nothing.  Not breathing.  No. No. No.  "Vo-Volatile..."

Dead.  Dead. The vixen felt her chest constrict.  Dead.

You can't do anything. Even medics can't revive the dead.  Nothing she could do. "N-no... I-I'm sorry.  I-I'm s-sorry."

[ Mobile ]


Re: Any way the wind blows;; open - murder - Crow Roux - 02-24-2019

[align=center]action — "speech"thoughts
[div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #464C5A, #757f96, #464C5A); width: 500px; height: 2px;"]

Crow could not say it smelled pleasant. Quite the opposite, really — when was the last time those filthy Pittshits had a bath? But the stench from the long-gone assassin was perhaps a minority in the assemblage of odours that revealed themselves the closer the feline came to the scene. It was metallic and raw, a scent that caused his snout to crinkle with distaste and the hairs along his spine to raise. This was no accident. This was real, an act of spite and malice, and it played out right underneath his nose.

The body was quite hard to recognise from the angle of approach the feline took. Blood, guts, fur, absolutely everywhere; it was a mess. His paws stained as they reached to touch the crumbled ground, his face contorting to a wince at how fragile it was. It was baffling how this was even lethal... What wasn't wet turned into dust upon contact with his toes. The clean-up was going to be harrowing.

Crow bit his lip. "H-hey... Kiira—" he would mumble, turning his body toward her vulnerable form as if opening himself up for a hug should she want one. "You're not a failure. Remember that."

- ★ -

Re: Any way the wind blows;; open - murder - arrow - 02-24-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
Murder again. Murder, murder, murder. And they were doing so good too, guess it was time to change the metaphorical sign back to 0 days since Tanglewood had to clean up a murder scene. There had to be a way to prevent this from happening more, it was like the Pitt or whoever had the idea to strike could smell some weakness.

Arrow's face contorted into an uncharacteristic look of disgust upon arriving at the scene, kicking over a small rock that had been displaced from the ground after the use of weaponized earth, one side stained with dark bodily fluid that was steadily drying to it's tough surface. She did not know the victim personally, and regrettably was more disturbed and furious than mournful, in no state to tend to poor Kiira. "This has to end."