Beasts of Beyond
WE ARE THE RECKLESS // assembly - Printable Version

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WE ARE THE RECKLESS // assembly - PHOENIX - 02-21-2019

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"] Well, this was interesting. Phoenix had never attended something like this, although she knew how commonplace it was in this land nonetheless. But because it was so common, it also had the reputation for being exceedingly boring. Truthfully Phoenix wasn't quite sure how to shake it up, but for now she had to get some basic things out of the way. Namely, she had to swear in any newcomers of Elysium so they may truly call the land of balance their home. Rather than calling for a "meeting", Phoenix had gone with something a little more lighthearted: an assembly. A gathering of peers for a common purpose, without the negative connotation it carried with it. Spreading the whens-and-wheres of the assembly by word of mouth, Phoenix now sat on the porch of a rather simple home in the mountainous main camp and overlooked a large yard that would fit the handful of those who would make their way over. She wasn't expecting much of a crowd. Once a few had gathered, she began.

"Welcome to my first gig on my own! Pretty rad to have me as Magna, huh? Well, about that - Bex stepped down from Helion. Can't blame her. She's gotta collect party points and throw some ragers, not babysit politics. Anyway! I'm gonna be acting as Magna and Helion for a bit. Pretty much nothing changes because of that but, ya know, it's good to know. Onto the more serious stuff, I guess. [member=298]Tena M.[/member], [member=3677]solarpup a.[/member], [member=3676]lunarpup.[/member], [member=3672]Straw[/member], [member=869]lavi s.[/member], [member=3632]Eclipse[/member], and @Zack - you have been offered shelter in Elysium, for which you have accepted and we are grateful to have met you. To become a true Elysite, however, you must do some sort of passage of rites shit- uh, I mean stuff. Do you swear to uphold the values of community and justice, to always serve the greater good without giving too much of yourself?"

/a third reminder that im on vacation until the 28th, so my posting is gonna be - probs nonexistent until im back, but if you need me dont hesitate to hit me up on discord!!

Re: WE ARE THE RECKLESS // assembly - tikki - 02-21-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px; text-align: justify; color: #111111; font-family: arial;"]Sol was unaware of things like this happening, and had no idea that he would be called forth with everyone in the group, only to soon be called out as someone new. It was odd, he felt like there were so many eyes on him, and he didn't know where his sister was at this point in time to help him figure this out with someone.

Listening to the words that Phoenix spoke, Solarpup would soon nod his head quietly, hoping that was enough.

//this was really rushed

Re: WE ARE THE RECKLESS // assembly - Straw - 02-23-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]Having eaten a week's worth of bamboo and other vegetation within the past few days, Straw was already feeling much more like herself. Granted, that same self was no more inclined to chat up strangers or attend crowded social events than before, but that was okay. For the most part, she didn't need to; all she had to do was not cause trouble.

  With that said, she had heard something about "being sworn in" in a public meeting. Something for all new joiners to do, swearing allegiance to Elysium and so earning the privilege of being... trusted, she supposed. Standing in front of a crowd sounded about as pleasant as walking into a volcano, but not showing up was a one-way ticket to looking disloyal, and she was not about to risk her room and board privileges to spare herself the discomfort of public speaking.

  Straw kept her distance upon entering the yard, in an effort to maintain a low profile as long as she could. Once Phoenix started speaking, she instinctively touched a paw to her mask and inhaled deeply. It was just one day, a few minutes at most. All they expected, probably, was that she wouldn't betray them to the enemy; something she would never have done anyway, because really, who did that? Besides a certain other person who she refused to dwell on, no one was that lacking in morals.

  Her name was called, and she snapped back to attention, focusing on Phoenix in order to ignore the eyes wandering over to her. True Elysite... "passage of rites," was that what they were calling it now? The values of the community, justice, and the greater good, though- those were absolutely doable. Easier to do them than not to do them, really, at least for her conscience.

  Meeting Phoenix's eyes, Straw gave a firm nod of agreement. Then, twitching her ears, she glanced down at her paws and waited for the group's attention to be diverted away from them. She had done what she needed to, so once the meeting was adjourned, she could leave. (Hopefully.)

Re: WE ARE THE RECKLESS // assembly - Tena M. - 03-01-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]Tena Moonspinner
An assembly.  The petite sand cat had been spending most of her time away from the bulk of her clanmates.  Curious and of restless paws, the Demdji kept to her exploring the parts of the Elysium's territory she did not know as a previous Sunhaven member.  The mountains especially.  The previous sand dweller did remember to keep her ears open for any meetings.

As such, soft, sandy paws made their ways towards Phoenix's voice.  Luminous, her blue eyes blinked, ears perked as she settled in with the crowd, curling her tail neatly over her paws.  At the sound of her name, she tilts her chin up, eyes set.  Do you swear to uphold the values of community and justice, to always serve the greater good without giving too much of yourself? With a brief crease of her brows, the Demdji inclined her head shortly.  "I swear."
[align=right]I tell you this story, save your life, set you free